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From The Dubois County Daily Herald Kuchen, Sausage, Fish Just A Few Food Features Lusty appetites were synonymous with the pioneer Germans of this area and the celebration of Pioneer German Days would be incomplete without special events featuring food. Many of the stands in the “market place” erected around the Public Square, deal in foodstuffs and in addition, specialties are being offered on at least five days. The Grandmothers Club has dug out many old German recipes with which to make heim-gemacht kuchen and German pastries to go with its “Coffee Klatsch” which is being held all day Tuesday at the southwest corner of the Public Square. On this same corner on Wednesday and Thursday, plans which were incomplete at press time called for the sale of old-fashioned fried chicken by the Legion Auxiliary. The Loyal Order of the Moose is planning a fish fry Friday, featuring fiddlers and German slaw. On the Public Square all day Saturday, members of the Lions Club will stage a “Pancake and Sausage Social”. Aunt Jemima is to be on hand to help with the “pfaffen-kuchen” and the local Dutchmen will prepare the “wurst”.