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August 2001 A message from our Club President
Liebe Mitglirder und Freunde Dear Members and Friends! It is an honor and privilege to be the president of the Jasper Deutscher Verein. As well, I am very pleased with all the hard work, effort, and dedication that went into the Jasper Strassenfest this year. All those who devoted time, talent, and energy to the success of the festival are to be commended. Heartfelt thanks go out to everyone. As we look toward the future, we are challenged with finding new members to help share the fun of membership. All clubs like ours require new members to devote creativity and energy to maintain the celebration of our German heritage. I ask all members to invite friends and family to all of our meetings and ask them to become active members of our club. Let’s keep the community involved in the celebration of our German heritage not only at Strassenfest time, but year-round! Mit Freundlichen Gruben! Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars! September German Club Meeting Date: Saturday, September 8 Family Picnic Time: Gathering 4:00 PM Dinner 5:30 PM Place: Ireland Sportsman’s Club Tara Deppert and the students who participated in the exchange program will be on hand to share some of their experiences and photos from the trip. We will also have music later in the evening for your listening pleasure! The menu for the picnic includes Schweinehaxen (Piglegs) and Kassler Ripchen (Smoked Pork Chops) with German Club made spaetzle (prepared at the picnic site that afternoon). The club will also provide beer and soft drinks. Members are asked to bring a salad, vegetable, appetizer or dessert. A few kids’ games will be arranged, however, NO Kinder Care will be provided at the picnic. If you are planning to attend the picnic, please call the Hilgers at 634-9812 or the Wibbles at 482-5403. RESERVATIONS ARE DUE BY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. Special Guests The students who participated in the exchange program and their parents will be invited to join us at the picnic in appreciation for their efforts in fund raising and support of the exchange program. September Golf Scramble Date: Saturday, September 8 Golf Scramble Time: 12:30 PM Place: Huntingburg Country Club Cost: $35.00 per person Registration is due by Friday, August 31, 2001. You can chose to make up your own team, or if you don’t have a team, Charlie and Gladys can assign you to one. Teams will be made up by handicap. To register for the golf scramble, please complete the form at the end of this newsletter. If you have questions, please call Charlie or Gladys at 482-5019 and they will be happy to help you out. Cincinnati Oktoberfest Trip Date: September 15 and 16 Contact Jackie Braunecker of Jackie’s Travel with any questions (482-7158). Stammtisch Date: Tuesday, August 28 Time: 7:00 PM Place: Schnitzelbank Restaurant Baden-Wurttemberg Festivals and Folklore Adelindis (name of a saint). This festival, celebrated ever second summer in the City of Bad Buchau, is sponsored by the Adelindis Home and Children’s Society. The festival is named after the Swabian Saint Adelindis, wife of Duke Hatto who, together with his three sons, lost his life in a battle with the Huns in the year A.D. 900. Adelindis entered the Cloisters of Buchau (later, her daughter served as Mother Superior) and devoted the rest of her life to serving poor communites in the Buchau area. It is recorded that even after her death, nuns for the cloister distributed Adelindisbrot (loaves of bread for the poor). To celebrate this festival there are parades, dancing in the streets, and a reenactment by Buchau children of Adelinsdis’s good deeds. Special Adelindis bread loaves baked for this occasion are enjoyed by everyone. German Items for Sale At the Family Picnic on September 8th two new German Club items will be available for sale - decks of playing cards and drink can “huggies”. The cards have the Partnership/Sister City Logo and the huggies are black with Deutsher Vererein Jasper, Indiana gold lettering. German Recipe of the Month Bavarian Apple Strudel 10 oz. plain flour Sieve the flour and salt into a bowl. Stir in the mixed oil, egg and water. Knead to a dough and continue kneading for about 10 minutes. Cover, leave in a warm place for 30 minutes. Peel and core the apples. Slice thinly and sprinkle with lemon juice. Roll out the dough on a floured cloth then stretch it until very thin. Brush with the melted butter then with the sour cream. Top with the apple slices, raisins and sugar. Roll up the strudel, using the cloth to lift it. Cut into portions to fit one or two greased baking trays. Brush with milk and bake in a hot oven (450 degrees) for 40-45 minutes, until golden brown. Brush with milk three or four times during baking. Dredge with icing sugar and serve warm or cool. Want to Know what your German Documents and Letters Are? Saturday, August 18th and 25th: IGHS and Palatines to America, Indiana Chapter, are sponsoring a free session for the public to bring in old script German documents or letters for identification. Drs. Hoyt, Grossman, Dillon and Reichmann, who read German Handschrift, will be on hand in the Max Kade Room of the Athenaeum, Indianapolis. Exact translations will not be provided, but a general understanding of the document will be given. Information: E. Dillon (317-861-5831; office (317-464-9004 Local Exhibit “Landmarks of German History: 50 Years of the Federal Republic of Germany” is the title of an exhibit that can be viewed at the main branch of the German American Bank though August 24th. Four years after the end of WWII in Europe and again during the Cold War, two Germanys began their respective statehood, democratic in the West, socialist in the East. This exhibit depicts in 12 poster-size collages key historic events and the historic places in which they took place. Special Thank You We want to thank everyone that helped with this year’s Strassenfest. A special thanks to those that helped with the set up and tear down, worked extra shifts and did those extra things that make our club a success. Nancy and Dave Prechtel Check out the Web Site at www.jaspergermanclub.org If you have any comments, questions or suggestions regarding the site, please contact Kurt Heise at heise@fullnet.com |