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August 2003 From the President WHAT A FEST!!! Great weather, great crowds, and a great effort from everyone who worked in our food, pastry, and souvenir stands allowed us to have a very successful year. Dan and Linda Wehr, the booth Chairpersons, will be sharing the results with us at a later date. We do want to especially thank Dan and Linda for all their time and effort in chairing the booths this year. They have done a super job in planning, organizing, ordering food, drinks, and souvenirs and scheduling the workers. Kudos to you, Dan & Linda! And a big THANK YOU to all who worked in our booths this year. Without your help we could not have the success that we do. It is very refreshing to see so many of you working in the booths and having fun at the same time. A special thanks goes to the booth set up and tear down folks including those who contributed trucks and trailers. Thanks to the Ackerman’s for handling the float arrangements again this year and thanks to all who rode on the float in the parade – a lot of nice compliments on our entry. I also want to acknowledge all the individuals who have helped in the past but for whatever reason were unable to help this year. Your past contributions are certainly remembered and greatly appreciated. Just a little reminder that a large portion of the proceeds we earn during the Strassenfest go to some very worthy causes, including scholarships to students studying German language in college, assistance to exchange students traveling to Germany and funding of the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) Endowment Fund which has a purpose of maintaining and enhancing our German Heritage. Your hard work does enable us to do some very important things for our heritage. Lastly, our club picnic is coming up on Saturday, September 20th at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation Club. Matt Hilger is in charge of this event and promises us great food and great entertainment. Please see Matt’s comments in the "Upcoming Events" section of this newsletter. Plan to join us at this year’s picnic. So many of you work at the booths and are unable to make it to the picnic. We would love to see you come this year to enjoy some of the fruits of your labor and to join in the camaraderie. Auf Wiedersehen! Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars! September Meeting – Family Picnic Date: Saturday, September 20 Please join us for our annual German Club Picnic at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation to celebrate another successful Jasper Strassenfest, and to also recognize the efforts of everyone throughout the year. For this year’s menu Jerry Lechner will roast a pig for us. Thank you Jerry for doing this. He will be starting his work at 6 a.m. at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation. Members with last names beginning A-J are asked to bring a dessert and members with last names beginning K-Z are asked to bring a salad or vegetable. The main attraction at this year’s picnic will be the Doppel Adler Musikanten, Fritz Martin and Ken Curtin, from Indianapolis, IN. This should be a lot of fun, and hopefully you all have some strength left after the Strassenfest to dance some polkas and waltzes with the Doppel Adler Musikanten. A special Invitation goes to all Jasper High School German Exchange Students and their parents and any of your friends. Bring your own beer steins. We will be serving Bob & Betty Sunderman Picnic Pilsner this year. The club will also provide soft drinks. Please take time at the picnic to sign up for the German American Day Celebration on October 6th, 2003, where we will be recognizing the German Heritage Award recipient(s). We are looking forward to seeing you there. Date: Monday, October 6th Place: Schnitzelbank Restaurant Cost: $10.00 per person
Please RSVP to Matt Hilger (634-9812) no later than September 29th. The annual German Heritage Award will be presented to an individual or group who has contributed generously his/her or their time, talents or resources to maintaining, improving or building upon our German roots in Dubois County. Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission created the award in 1999. The Jasper Deutscher Verein is sponsoring the award. Past recipients are Mary Jo Meuser, Claude and Martina Eckert, Dave Buehler and Linus and Sally Lechner. An essay contest open to all high school seniors in the four county school corporations is being held this year. The essay topic is "What German Heritage Means to Me." A winner from each school corporation will be named, and the four winners will read their essays at the dinner. Each winner will be awarded a $250 scholarship. The German American Bank is the financial sponsor of the essay contest. Additional information on the essay contest will be available to the students at their high schools or can be obtained by calling 482-4821. Entries must be postmarked by September 18th. Formal Invitation to the 25th Celebration of Priesthood for Fr. John Boeglin On Saturday, October 4th, at the 5:00 pm Mass at Holy Family in Jasper, we invite you to participate in Fr. Boeglin’s anniversary celebration of 25 years in the priesthood. We will begin with Mass, followed by a buffet meal from 6:30 to 7:30 pm in the Holy Family School cafeteria. The Parish asks that you make reservations for the meal in order to enable us to prepare a proper amount of food and drink. There will be a free-will offering to help defray the cost of the food and drink. There will be a public reception in the school from 7:30 to 10:00 pm. We have secured the Germania Maennerchor Rhein Valley Brass Band to play in the gym at the same time. We ask that you come prepared to dance in your socks on the hardwood gym floor, or bring tennis shoes to protect the floor. Father has asked the Deutscher Verein to be hospitality hosts for this celebration by handing out programs in church before the Mass as well as welcoming the guests to the gym for the dance. We plan to have German theme decorations for the gym and ask the club’s help in setting this up. We will keep it simple with bunting on the window wells and streamers on the tables. We invite anyone wishing to listen to the music or dance to come join us dressed in your German attire. Anyone who can help host this event and/or help with decorating to please contact Bob and Sharon Dilger by email at dilger@fullnet.com or at 482-9149. Father would really appreciate your attendance and the Club’s help. Anyone wishing to attend the evening’s celebration, please fill out the form provided below and send it to Holy Family, 950 Church Avenue, Jasper, IN 47546; or drop it off in the Sunday collection basket if you attend Mass there no later than Tuesday, September 23rd. This event is co-sponsored and supported by Sander Catering, Schnitzelbank Catering, the Jasper Deutscher Verein, and Holy Family Parish. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
NUMBER OF ADULTS _______ CHILDREN (6 and younger) _______ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erinnerst Du Dich? By Patti Goepfrich The Deutscherverein met on October 15 at the Schnitzelbank. The business meeting was conducted by President Bob Verkamp. President Verkamp thanked everyone who helped make the German Club family picnic a success. The Rev. George Muenich and the Rev. White lead the ecumenical church service. John and Ruth Wibbels, Elmer and Marilyn Brames, Aaron and Rosie Campbell, and Dave and Rita Blessinger were thanked for their work. Roger Weisensteiner and his assistants were in charge of the barbecued chicken and chops. President Verkamp called everyone’s attention to the 1,000 year-old grapevine wreath presented to the club by the Batzenberger Winzerkapelle, the band from Pfaffenweiler, Germany, that entertained during the Strassenfest. The German Club won the trophy for first place in the Strassenfest parade. A discussion followed concerning the purchase of a curio cabinet to display the club’s trophies, awards and other memorabilia. Ron Kieffner discussed the itinerary for the club’s trip to the Bauerhaus on Saturday, October 17. He also announced that the trip to Germany will be in September, 1988. Anyone interested in signing up for the trip can call him at 482-1773. Last year the German Club subsidized a convocation for the Jasper High School and the Jasper Middle School. The club voted to appropriate $600 for these two programs again this year. The date of the spring dance has been changed to April 30, 1988. Eileen Schaber reported on the German-American Day held at the Good Samaritan Nursing Home on October 6. A video recording of the event accompanied her report. Mary Jo Meuser introduced Sonya Huppe, an exchange student from Pfaffenweiler Germany. The group of students from the Jasper High School German Club who went to France on June 10 gave a talk on their experiences. Other students spoke on their trip to the Black Forest. President Verkamp introduced Matt Hilger, who is from Germany and is now working in Jasper. Anyone interested in everyday Germany classes can contact Bob Verkamp. Marilyn Nathan will teach the classes at VUJC beginning at 7p.m. December 1st. Anyone interested in the German Heritage can call President Verkamp to join the club. Members need not be German to join. Dues are $5 a couple per year. The German Club of Jasper High School is selling a book of German proverbs, prayers, etc. The price is $3. Advent calendars at $2.50 will be sold during November. Anyone interest can contact Mary Jo Meuser or any German student from Jasper High School. (Printed in The Herald – November 12, 1987) (Found In The Deutscherverein Records) German Heritage Endowment Fund In memory of Sally Lechner A group meets one half hour prior to the regular meeting to review conversational German skills. All are invited to attend. Outdoor German Home Decorating/Lighting Contest Sponsored by the Jasper Deutscher Verein and Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc. A new feature of the 2003 Strassenfest was the Outdoor German Home Decorating/Lighting Contest. Winners of the contest were: Most Original German Theme – Allan and Bonnie Gessner Most Traditional German Theme – Bob and Charmaine Verkamp Best use of Lights displaying a German Theme – Richard and Sara Pearson Congratulations to all winners. They have been invited to our annual family picnic in September. The Cincinnati Hofbrauhaus is open: Strassenfest 2003 Photos
Sister Cities of Jasper JASPER GERMAN HERITAGE AWARD "Honoring those who promote our German Heritage" The annual Jasper German Heritage Award is presented to an individual or group who has contributed generously his/her or their time, talents or resources to maintaining, improving or building upon our German roots in Dubois County. Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission created the award in 1999. The Jasper Deutscher Verein is sponsoring the award. This recognition is open to all people, not just residents of the City of Jasper, who give what they can in order to make a difference. Because the efforts of these people are sometimes known only to a few, a nomination will recognize the work of those who generously support our German Heritage. A committee, consisting of the Presidents of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission, will judge all nominations. The Presidents at the Annual Jasper German American Day celebration will present this award. How you can nominate: The nominee must be an individual or group, nominated by any individual or group. Please submit the official form below (copy is accepted), along with the following:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nomination for the 2003 Jasper German Heritage Award
Person Nominated Person Submitting Form Nominee’s Name:____________________________ Nominator’s Name:_____________________________ Home Address:______________________________ Home Address:________________________________ City:__________________State:_____ZIP:________ City:__________________State:______ZIP:_________ Phone:___________________________________ Phone:________________________ Occupation:_______________________________ Relationship to nominee:_________________________ Nominee’s service is: voluntary / paid (circle one) (Remember, nominations need to be submitted to the address listed above by September 1st, 2003) Corpus Christi on Water and on Land (Contributed by Bob Steffe) This picture and write-up appeared in the June 30th edition of the Amerika Woche, a German newspaper published weekly in Washington, D.C. It was provided by Wolfgang Erhardt of Louisville, a member of the Jasper German Club. Translation: Hundreds of small rowboats accompany the main ship of the Corpus Christi procession over the Staffel Lake, new Garmish-Patenkirchen in Bavaria. Corpus Christi is the main or high celebration of he Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Pope Urban IV, urged in t he year 1264, to celebrate Corpus Christi on the second Thursday after Pentecost. The sea procession is the only of its kind in all of Bavaria. Also, there is a tradition of the spreading of the flower carpet, as you can see here, in the village of Muhlenbach in the Black Forest. Banner carriers parade along a one-mile flower carpet, which is woven out of one million flower buds for congregation volunteers. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.