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February 2006 ANNUAL WINE-JUDGING CONTEST Bob Dilger, president of the Jasper Deutscherverein, welcomed all present. Appetizers and drinks were provided for the meeting with special entertainment provided by Indy Polkamotion, a high-energy group from Indianapolis, Indiana, who entertained with a number of polkas and waltzes. President Dilger announced the slate of nominees for the Board of Directors. The nominees were Fr. John Boeglin, Dave Buehler, Raymie Eckerle, Dan Gutgsell, Jim Gutgsell, Matthias Hilger, Janet Kluemper, Linus Lechner, and Danny Wehr. After no further nominations were received, Norb Kreilein made a motion to accept the nominees and was seconded by Dave Prechtel. The Scott Ortiz was Chairperson of the Wine Judging once again this year. Judges for the contest were Gary Egler, Rita Corn, Jan Hulsman, Raymie Eckerle, and Julie Newton. Winners in the Non-Grape category were: 1 st Place Norb Kreilein Winners in the Grape category were: 1st Place Harvey Berger President Dilger congratulated all for their participation in this event and recognized Scott Ortiz for conducting a well-planned wine-judging event. Jan Hulsman and Pat Weisheit won the attendance prizes. Ken Schnell and JoAnn Knies won special prizes. President Dilger also announced the sale of tickets for the JHS German Exchange Program's annual Chili supper before the JHS Homecoming Basketball The next meeting will be held at the VFW on February 16 thand will feature music by Freddie & Ray J & Boys. Members with last names A - L are asked to Rita Egler announced that she was collecting dues for 2006. Annual membership is $5 per person or $10 per couple. Dues may also be sent to Jasper Deutscherverein, Attention Rita Egler, P.O. Box 15, Jasper, Indiana 47547-0015. Ruth Wibbels Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars! February Deutscher Verein Meeting
The program will feature a special post-Valentine's Day performance by Freddie, Ray J, and Boys. What a great way to prolong your Valentines Day celebration? Be sure to bring your dancing shoes! Members with last names A – L are asked to bring desserts and those M – Z are asked to bring snacks or hors de oeuvres . The club will provide drinks. March Deutscher Verein Meeting Date: Thursday, March 16, 2006 Place: VFW in Jasper The program will feature Paula Alles and several members from St. Joseph Church Choir who traveled to Pfaffenweiler and other points of interest last Spring. They will shares tales of their travels, pictures, and songs. April Deutscher Verein Meeting Date: Thursday, April 20, 2006 Place: French Lick Winery The program will feature a trip to visit the newly-opened location of the French Lick Winery & Restaurant. They will open their doors for us to serve a buffet dinner meal featuring Italian pizza, salad and ziti. The Winery has agreed to offer group discounts on their wines which will be available for purchase. We are also tentatively making plans to arrange for bus transportation from Jasper to French Lick and return for this group. Stay tuned for more details in the next newsletter! Information from St. Joseph Choir Members of St. Joseph Choir will share slideshow photos and stories about their trip to Pfaffenweiler in June, 2005 at the March meeting. After arriving in Pfaffenweiler, rehearsing and then singing a concert with the St. Columba Church Choir and brass instruments, they continued their trip with stops in Einsiedeln, Switzerland (motherhouse of St. Meinrad Seminary) and Lucerne, Switzerland. Other stops included Oberammergau and Innsbruck. Salzburg, Austria was their last day as they sang for Sunday morning Mass in the Salzburg Cathedral. Beneath the Cherry Sapling Legends from Franconia Edited and Translated by Norbert Krapf This book is in both German and English. Copies of this interesting book are available for sale at Club Meetings at the greeting table or by contacting Patti Goepfrich at 482-4821 or pmgoep@fullnet.com. Cost is $12. News from Norbert Krapf WEBSITE I’d like to bring you up to date on several developments. First of all, my webmaster, Bob Shea, and I have streamlined the homepage of www.krapfpoetry.com. We think it will be easier for you to see and negotiate the headings and links now located under the landscape photo and review quotation. NEW BOOK Also, I have added a page about my forthcoming collaboration with Indiana photographer Darryl Jones, Invisible Presence: A Walk through Indiana in Photographs and Poems. You can find a cover representation, description of the project, sample pairings of Polaroids and poems, statements about this hardcover coffee-table book by Scott Russell Sanders and James Alexander Thom, and my autobiographical essay about how and why the collaboration came about. Included is the 800 number for anyone who would like to place an early order from Indiana University Press. This book should be available in most, if not all, bookstores, and I notice that Amazon.com is offering it at a 34% discount and barnesandnoble.com at 20 % (30% for members) off. IMA EVENT The Indianapolis Art Museum will host an evening of conversation with me and Darryl about the book on Thursday, June 15, when admission is free. Other readings and events are in the works. If you or anybody you know might like to schedule an event, please let me know. I will, of course, be sending around notices as the adjusted spring publication date is announced and everything becomes more specific. NEWSFLASH FEATURE Lastly, I plan to add to my site a new feature that will be titled something like Newsflashes. The first will be about Indiana singer-songwriters whose work I greatly admire. Included will be Greg Ziesemer and Kriss Luckett, with whom I am developing our collaborative presentations to include guitar accompaniment as part of the poetry readings, Carrie Newcomer, Tim Grimm and Jan Lukas, and The Rev. Peyton’s Big Damned Band. I have written a new poem for Greg’s band The Spud Puppies, “I’m Practically with the Band,” that I will be reading at some future concerts, including one at The Ugly Monkey in Indy on Sat. Jan. 26. The night before, Greg, Kriss, Gary Watson of the Spud Puppies, and one other singer-songwriter will be in the round at Locals Only, which hosted an unforgettable CD party for the Spud Puppies’ excellent new “Off the Leash.” I hope to see some of you at one of these and/or future concerts and collaborations! BRANCHES Lastly, I’m happy to say that the new Branches, available free at many Indy and Indiana sites, includes my new poem “Woods Chapel” as part of its Soul Work theme. In combination with Keith Helmuth’s stimulating “The Wisdom of Communication” essay about the lasting importance of involving our children in the wonders of the natural world, the poem is beautifully presented at the center of the issue. Best wishes, Indiana German Heritage Society Friday evening, March 24 : Terre Haute German Oberlandler Club , 1616 Lafayette Street
University Program: “ Terre Haute’s Noted Radical: Eugene V. Debs and the Freedom of Speech.” Jonathon Myers of Boston University will give a performance, based on Debs’ life as a union leader and political activist and his famous speech delivered in Canton, Ohio in June, 1918 Saturday, March 25 : Hulman Memorial Student Union on the Campus of Indiana State University: Dede Activity Space II
Friday Evening Dinner and Program $20.00 per Person Number___ Total $_______ After March 15: $25.00 per Person Number___ Total $_______ Saturday Registration and Luncheon (includes continental breakfast, refreshments, and tours) $25.00 per Person Number___ Total $_______ After March 15: $30.00 per Person Number_ __ Total $_______ Grand Total $ _______
Name _____________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
City, State, Zip code __________________________________________________
Make checks payable to Indiana German Heritage Society and send to: IGHS Annual Meeting, 401 E. Michigan Street, Indianapolis , IN 46204 . For information call (812) 237-2367. HOTEL RESERVATIONS: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Fairfield Inn for Friday night March 24; reservations at the group rate of $79.99 for a double room (held in the name of IGHS) must be made on or before February 24, and may be made by calling (812) 235-2444. The Fairfield Inn is located ½ block west of Third Street ( US 41) at 475 E Margaret Drive. ( Margaret Drive runs east-west, one block north of I-70.) For more information on what is happening around the state concerning German heritage, contact the IGHS at 317-464-9004 or www.ighs.org. Potential New Club Members If someone knows of a potential new club member and would like information about the Deutscher Verein forwarded, please contact Ruth Wibbels at 482-5403. Erinnerst Du Dich? From The Dubois County Daily Herald HARK THE HERALD We Say “Auf Wiedersehen” By A. T. Rumbach It was on a Sunday afternoon, September 5, 1954, that our quartet, armed with United States passports and accompanied by a group of rooters representing three generations of Gramelspachers, Sermersheims, and Rumbachs, took off via autos of various makes and vintages from Jasper to Washington, Indiana, where, among many farewells and auf wiedersehens we boarded the National Limited on the first leg of our Journey as Good Will Ambassadors to Europe. We were not on the payroll, nor did we have a portfolio or official standing or instructions, except a booklet entitled “Information for Bearers of Passports”. The first article in this booklet is an excerpt from a speech made by President Eisenhower on October 17, 1953 at New Orleans, with the admonition that all Americans endeavor to carry out the fine spirit of his statement in their travels abroad. The President’s statement said: “There has been for a century and a half a stream of visitors flowing in both directions, from other countries to this, and from this to other countries. Through the knowledge and mutual understanding gained and spread by these people, there has been built up friendships based on mutual need. Such friendships are many. “But there must be more. They must be stronger. They must be deeper. I think that almost any American traveling abroad these days experiences occasionally a sense of shock when he recalls an opinion about Americans in general held abroad that seems to that American visitor to be so far from the truth. “He finds Americans considered immature diplomatically, impulsive, too proud of their strength, ready to fight, wanting war. He is shocked. “He is considered rude; even his deportment is not admired because of unfortunate incidents on the part of individuals. These friendships of which I speak, my friends, are so vital that no American, no matter how exalted or lowly his station may be, can afford to ignore them. “Each of us, whether bearing a commission from his government or traveling by himself for pleasure or for business, is a representative of the United States of America, and must try to portray America as he believes it in his heart to be: a peace loving nation living in the fear of God, but in the fear of God only, trying to be partners with our friends. And we accept for a friend anyone who genuinely holds out the hand of friendship to us as we do to them.” A passport, therefore, is an official document granted by Uncle Sam to his citizens, assuring them of his protection wherever they may go, as long as they conduct themselves in a manner worthy of him. It is, therefore, incumbent on every American visitor abroad to try to spread this message of good will, rather than to try to impress his hosts with a sense of superiority, generally expressed by the term “we are from God’s country”. While we may be further advanced is some respects, especially in modern conveniences, the countries of Europe with centuries of civilization and culture behind them , even before America was discovered, have many things to offer the American traveler which he can not get anywhere else. It is, therefore, only fair that we accept conditions as we find them there, and to learn from them; as they do from us, and approach them on a basis of mutual respect. So, after almost twenty-four hours on the B. & O., we arrived in the great American metropolis, New York about noon on a great national holiday, Labor Day ( Monday, September 6, 1954). To our great surprise, we were met in the lobby of the National hotel by a delegation of Jasperites, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dudine and daughter, Mary Ann, who were vacationing there, and enjoying the many attractions offered by the big city. (Found in The Dubois County Daily Herald and written by A. T. Rumbach.) German Onion Pie Ingredients:
Preparation: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Saute’ the bacon just until clear. Drain most of the fat from the pan. Add the onion and sauté until they are clear. Do no brown them. Set aside and cool. Beat the eggs and sour cream together in a medium-sized bowl. Sprinkle the flour over the top and beat it in. Stir in the salt and pepper. Prick the bottom of the pie shell several times with a fork. Spread the onions and bacon over the dough in the pie pan. Pour the sour cream mixture over the top. Bake for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake for another 15 minutes or until pie is nicely browned. Serve hot. (taken from www.derdeutschemichel-online.de) Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment A gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment of the Dubois County Community Foundation is a wonderful way to remember that special someone. A gift in honor of someone or in memory of someone may be given. The Dubois County Community Foundation will send a letter of acknowledgment to the individual being honored or to the family of someone being remembered. Send your gift along with the appropriate information to the Dubois County Community Foundation, P. O. Box 269, Jasper, IN 47547-0269. Envelopes are also available at the greeting table at each club meeting. Enclosed is my gift of $___________. Please direct my gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment. Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________ I want my gift to be in memory of/in honor of: _____________________________________________
Please acknowledge gift: Name: _______________________________________ Address:______________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________ Membership Dues It's that time of year again! Please submit your dues for 2006 as soon as possible by completing and sending in the following form. Thanks!
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.