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Summer 2007
Strassenfest - 2007 Thursday, August 2nd – Sunday, August 5th Enclosed please find the booth workers schedule for this year’s Strassenfest, including the times for set up and teardown. If you are unable to work your designated shift, please find a replacement. If you would like to sign up for a work shift, please call Karen Schulte at 482-2120 or Linda Wehr at 482-4432. Remember to support the Strassenfest events sponsored by the Deutscher Verein. Log Sawing Contest – Thursday, 9:00 pm – Main Stage Sheephead Tourney – Saturday, 1:00 pm – Beer Garden Proceeds from the sales at the Food Booth and Pastry Booth are the only source of revenue for the Deutscher Verein. Please support the Food Booth and Pastry Booth during the Strassenfest. The Souvenir Stand benefits the Deutscher Verein and the JHS Student Exchange Program. Strassenfest T-shirt, Apron, and Tote Bag Pre-Sale T-Shirts for the 2007 Strassenfest are available for purchase at the special pre-fest price of $8 each for Children, S, M, L, and XL. XXL will be $10 each. Also available for pre-fest prices are Strassenfest Aprons at $13 and Tote bags at $9. These items are available at the City Hall, the Chamber of Commerce, the German American Bank Main Office, SOZO Café, David’s Hair Salon and Elements of Design in Ireland. Strassenfest T-shirts (children, S, M, L, and XL) will be $10 during the Fest and XXL will be $12 during the Fest. Strassenfest Aprons will be $15 during the Fest and Tote Bags will be $10 during the Fest. Show your support for the Club by wearing your T-shirt or German attire during your shift in the booths and through out the Strassenfest weekend. Souvenir Booth Items During the Strassenfest, JHS students and parents will have a Souvenir Booth benefiting the Exchange Program. Items for sale include Deutscher Verein Caps, Strassenfest Aprons, plastic mugs, Pfaffenweiler post cards, Greeting cards of St. Joseph Church, Sister City stickers, German Prayer-Proverb-Remedy Book, cookbooks put together by local organizations, CDs of the St. Joseph Choir, Mini-Flag Banners, Key Chains, German License Plates, DVD and Videos of Banished from Paradise, Beneath the Cherry Sapling – Legends from Franconia – Edited and Translated by Norbert Krapf and many other items. April Meeting In Review Jasper Deutscherverein held their April meeting, Thursday, April 19 at the VFW. President Virgil Gress opened the meeting thanking the greeters, Sharon Dilger, Judy Gress, Rita Egler and Sylvia Woodall. Pres. Gress told members of the BR Bucks for sale to benefit the JHS German program. Members then enjoyed the Mountain Harmony Bluegrass Band; and socializing for the remainder of the evening. Kempf. Special prizes went to Charlie Knust and Dorothy Schnaus. Ruth Wibbels May Meeting In Review The Jasper Deutscherverein held their May meeting Thursday, May 17 at the Jasper VFW. Members enjoyed grilled bratwurst and many different dishes and desserts prepared by the membership. President Virgil Gress opened the meeting by thanking Dave Kluemper, John Wibbels, Al Astrike and Ray Lechner for tending the grill and Mike Hochgesang for the use of his grill. He also thanked Mikki Stemle, President Gress told the membership of the 90th birthday of Martina Eckert on June 15. Members sang Happy Birthday to Martina before the end of the evening. President Gress gave a short report on the visit to St. Mary's of the Woods trip on May5. Dan Wehr spoke of the Strassenfest booth. He will be the General Chairman this year, with Dave and Nancy Prechtel chairman for Thursday; Dave and Brenda Buehler for Friday and Mike Jahn chairman for Saturday. The booth will not be open on Sunday this year. Members are urged to volunteer their time for the club's only fund raiser for the year. Karen and Doug Schulte are in charge of scheduling the workers and were on hand to sign up members. Pres. Gress reported that Fred Hollinden awarded the scholarship to Abby Bohnenkemper from Forest Park who will continue her German studies in college. Sister Betty had a cookbook for sale that is a compilation of 25 years of recipes from the good cooks of Precious Blood Parish. Jackie's Travel is putting together a trip to Luxenhaus Farms in Marthasville, Mo on October 20 - 21, 2007. More details will follow. Following the business meeting Joe Rohleder gave a report on the history and showed pictures of the Johann Franz Schaeffer-Luebbehusen barn that was taken down south of Ferdinand and put up at the Riverwalk in Jasper. He also reported on future plans for the barn. Lois Lechner and Leo Eckerle won the attendance prizes. Doris Kreilein and Bob Sunderman won the special prizes. Members enjoyed the music by Freddie, Ray-Jay and the Boys for the remainder of the evening. Ruth Wibbels April, 2007 Dear Jasper Deutscher Verein, Thank you very much for all of your support over the last 4 years. I find myself always starting any of my comments to the Deutscher Verein that way. The exchange program at Jasper is so fortunate to have the support of this group. I appreciate all of the monetary and moral support we have received from all of you over the years. This will be my last year as the German teacher at JHS, and I’m finding it very bittersweet as I prepare to leave the area. I’m looking forward to our new start in Mississippi, but I’m sad to leave JHS and especially the students and parents that I work with. I hope you will keep us in your thoughts as Kevin and I move forward. Thank you for always making me feel welcome and for all of your encouragement. Julie Newton Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars Annual Family Picnic Saturday, September 15 th, at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation Club. A dinner of Goulash with Spaeltzle will be served at 5:00pm. Entertainment will be Mountain Harmony Blue Grass Band. A batch of Bob Sunderman’s homebrew is already maturing in a basement in Jasper More details in next newsletter. German Heritage Day Program and Annual German Heritage Award The 9 th annual German American Day Program will be held on Tuesday, October 9 th, at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant. Social hour begins at 6:00 pm with the Program beginning at 6:30 pm. The ninth annual German Heritage Award will be presented. Past recipients of the German Heritage Award are Mary Jo Meuser, Claude and Martina Eckert, Dave Buehler, Linus and Sally Lechner, Joe and Irene C. Eckerle, Danny and Linda Wehr, Leo and Lora Lou Eckerle, and the late Lowell and Joan Glendening. . See nomination form for the German Heritage Award. The German American Bank will again sponsor an essay contest open to all seniors in the four county high schools. Kristen Ruhe, Executive Director of the Dubois County Visitors Center, will be guest speaker. The winners of the Essay Contest will also present their essays. Cost for the German-style buffet dinner is $10. For reservations, please call Patti Goepfrich at 482-4821 by October 2nd. There will also be a reservation sheet at the Family Picnic. Germanfest At Vincennes You are cordially invited to attend the annual Germanfest at Highland Woods Park in Vincennes on August 10 and August 11. Festivities begin at 6:00pm each evening. Entertainment will be provided by the Jay Fox Bavarian Showtime Band. Dear Jasper and Dubois County Friends, As some of you may know, Indiana University Press will publish my New & Selected Indiana Poems, which will include 60 photos by David Pierini of The Herald to go with the 175 poems. I’ve made suggestions to Dave about subjects, places, and objects that might go with certain poems, but I’m curious about one in particular. One of the poems I’ll include is “The Labor Day Boxes,” which appeared in The Country I Come From. There is always intense interest in this poem when I read it in Jasper. So here’s my question: does anybody still have the Labor Day boxes you used as a child, or ones that your children may have used? My mother gave ours away to neighbors, who apparently did not save them. I’m talking about some special Labor Day boxes that my father made for us, as described in the poem. I’ve found out that the custom has died out in Jasper of pulling around the boxes on Labor Day. But isn’t there still a Strassenfest Labor Day box contest, or has that, too, died out? If you or anybody you know still has Labor Day boxes, please let me know and I’ll tell Dave. Next spring, The Indiana Historical Society Press will publish my prose book, The Ripest Moments: A Southern Indiana Childhood. That will include a short chapter about the Labor Day boxes. Best wishes, Deutscher Verein and Sister City Golf Shirts Deutscher Verein and Sister City Golf Shirts may be ordered and purchased at Jasper Embroidery, 310 Main Street, Jasper. They can also embroider the American Flag and the German Flag on shirts. What a great way to display your German heritage. These could also make great gifts and also worn at the annual Family Picnic. Potential New Club Members If someone knows of a potential new club member and would like information about the Deutscher Verein forwarded, please contact Ruth Wibbels at 482-5403 or Rita Egler at 634-9068 . Please volunteer for a shift or two at one of the Strassenfest Food Booths!!!! Call Karen Schulte at 482-2120 or Linda Wehr at 482-4432 Sister Cities of Jasper "Honoring those who promote our German Heritage" The annual German Heritage Award is presented to an individual or group who has contributed generously his/her or their time, talents or resources to maintaining, improving or building upon our German roots in Dubois County. Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission created the award in 1999. The Jasper Deutscher Verein is sponsoring the award. This recognition is open to all individuals, not just residents of the City of Jasper, who give what they can in order to make a difference. Because the efforts of these individuals are sometimes known only to a few, a nomination will recognize the work of those who generously support our German Heritage. A committee, consisting of the Presidents of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, Sister Cities of Jasper, and the Jasper Partnership Commission, will judge all nominations. The Presidents will present the German Heritage Award during the German American Day celebration on October 9th at the Schnitzelbank. How you can nominate: The nominee must be an individual or group, nominated by any individual or group. Please submit the official form below (copy is accepted), along with the following:
Sister Cities of Jasper "Honoring those who promote our German Heritage" The annual German Heritage Award is presented to an individual or group who has contributed generously his/her or their time, talents or resources to maintaining, improving or building upon our German roots in Dubois County. Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission created the award in 1999. The Jasper Deutscher Verein is sponsoring the award. This recognition is open to all individuals, not just residents of the City of Jasper, who give what they can in order to make a difference. A committee, consisting of the Presidents of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, Sister Cities of Jasper, and the Jasper Partnership Commission, will judge all nominations. The Presidents will present the German Heritage Award during the German American Day Dinner celebration on October 6th at the Schnitzelbank. How you can nominate: The nominee must be an individual or group, nominated by any individual or group. Please submit the official form (copy is accepted), along with the following:
German Heritage Award
(Remember, nominations need to be postmarked to the address listed above by September 2, 2008) STRASSENFEST 2007 Strassenfest time is nearly here again, and plans are well under way. As usual, we will be operating the main food booth, the Pastry Stand and the Souvenir Booth. A few changes we are making this year to make it a bit more manageable: We will not operate any stand on Sunday - payback is simply not worth the effort and will free staffing for other shifts. We will also be trying a new concept, having day chairman for the main food and pastry booths to reduce hours and spread the load a bit. They will be responsible for the entire process for that day. Please keep in mind – this is our only fund raiser and we need everyone’s help! Thanks to everyone who has already signed up to work, but as you can see on our enclosed work schedules, there are still a few openings. If you haven’t signed up, please call Karen Schulte at 482-2120 or Linda Wehr at 482-4432 and we would very much appreciate anyone who could help on a second shift, several people have already done so. Following is a list of Chair Persons and times for each process. All names are not listed – simply, if you helped in the past, please help again, and we always appreciate any new help.
If for some reason you cannot work your scheduled time, please trade with someone or find a replacement. We also appreciate and need help to clean up each evening. Again – This is our only fund raiser, please participate so we can continue the programs we enjoy throughout the year and keep our German Heritage alive. Additional Strassenfest Activities Chairmen, sponsored by the Deutscher Verein:
Thanks again, Dan & Linda Wehr If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.