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May Meeting in Review Jasper Deutscher Verein Presented Real Life Story of a Preschool Class and Local Soldier The Jasper Deutscher Verein held their monthly meeting at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 673 on Thursday, May 20. Over 105 members were in attendance. Sharon Dilger, Gene and Donna Humbert, and Ed Zoglman greeted members as they arrived. Dan Gutgsell, president of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, welcomed all present and reminded everyone to sign in to be eligible for the attendance prizes. He invited all present to enjoy the brats grilled by Bob Fleck and Gene Kempf. He thanked both for their efforts. Members provided side dishes and desserts. After dinner, Mr. Gutgsell announced that the Food Booth Chairpersons for this year’s Strassenfest are Ed and Sarah Zoglman. Dave and Rita Blessinger will be Chairpersons of the Pastry Stand and John and Julie Gutgsell are Chairpersons of the Souvenir Stand. Patti Goepfrich is Chairperson of the Float Committee. Mr. Gutgsell thanked all chairpersons for volunteering for their positions and asked all present to volunteer to help wherever possible. June 27th is the date for cleaning and sprucing up of the float. Volunteers are to meet at the storage area at 12:30PM. Mr. Gutgsell thanked Dan and Linda Wehr for all of their "behind the scenes" work on behalf of the Deutscher Verein. He also thanked Bill and Marlene Seger and Joe and Kathy Wanninger for presiding over the Food Table. Gutgsell also announced that the club presented a $1,000 scholarship to Carrie Birge. Ms. Birge is the daughter of John and Lisa Birge and is a 2004 graduate of Jasper High School and will attend DePauw University to further her studies in German. Other community service projects include the contributions to the Jasper Deutscher Verein German Heritage Endowment and to ROJAC for the construction of the water wheel on the reconstructed Mill. The continued success of the Food Stand and Pastry Stand at the Strassenfest contributes to these community service projects. Bob Dilger, Vice President, then recognized Dan Wehr for having a birthday in May. Celebrating wedding anniversaries in May were Bob and Ramona Brosmer, Larry and Pat Hopf, and Larry and Betty Hanselman. Norbert and Doris Kreilein and Don and Vera Renner were congratulated for celebrating 50 years of marriage during the month of May. Mr. Dilger then introduced the program for the evening. Staff Sgt. Wayne Nealy, Indiana National Guard 1st Battalion, 152nd Regiment and Jennifer Prechtel, Holy Family SonShine Preschool teacher shared with the Deutscher Verein their real life story of a young man’s journey while serving his country in Operation Iraqi Freedom and the impact that a group of Preschool students had on Sgt. Wayne, his fellow Guardsmen, and some of the local Iraqi people.
Mrs. Prechtel stated that she shares with her students the importance of respect for others. She was present when the local 152nd Regiment deployed in January of 2004. She then decided to make one of the soldiers a special class project. Each month, she and the students came up with a project targeted for Staff Sgt. Wayne, his fellow Guardsman, and the children of Iraq. They sent birthday cards and children’s toys from children’s meal boxes at local fast food restaurants. They collected 458 toys in three weeks. They made a US flag and traced their hands on the backside of the Flag. At Christmas, they sent a decorated Christmas tree. She also taught the children the importance of prayer. She received much positive feed back from parents on how the class project was a positive influence on the Preschool classes. They also made a scrapbook for Staff Sgt. Wayne. Mrs. Prechtel stated how this project has helped her grow professionally and personally. Staff Sgt. Wayne Nealy then asked all present who have served in the Indiana National Guard 1st Battalion, 152nd Regiment to stand and be recognized. All were applauded. Staff Sgt. Nealy then gave a slide presentation of pictures he took in Iraq of the children and people. He told of the dangers that are present for the Iraqi people and of how he and his fellow soldiers established a market for the local people to sell and buy goods. The soldiers impacted the local economy. Nealy stated how the gift of giving was very important when he and his fellow soldiers handed out the 458 toys to the Iraqi children. He stated how the soldiers who returned home in February were grateful for the homecoming they received. He then answered questions from those present. This will be the last meeting prior to the Strassenfest. The annual Fall Picnic will be held on Saturday, September 25th, at the Schnellville Community Center. More details will be in the August newsletter and published in The Herald. Attendance prizes were won by Dan Wehr, Larry Hopf, and Ed Zoglman. Leo and Lora Lou Eckerle organized a card party which began at the conclusion of the program. The remainder of the evening was spent socializing. Anyone wishing to learn more about the Deutscher Verein or parents of students taking the German language in area schools are welcome to attend any activities. Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars! Strassenfest Thursday, August 5th – Sunday, August 8th Enclosed please find the booth worker schedule for this year’s Strassenfest, including the crews for set-up and teardown. If you are unable to work your designated shift, please find a replacement. Remember to support the Strassenfest events sponsored by the Deutscher Verein: Log Sawing Contest – Thursday, 9:00 PM - Main Stage Brat Eating Contest – Thursday, 9:30 PM - Main Stage Sheephead Tourney – Saturday, 1:00 PM - Beer Garden Other German Festivals August 11 – 14: Schweizer Fest in Tell City (888-343-6262) August 13 – 14: Germanfest in Vincennes (812-882-6543) August 27 – 29: 34th Annual Oktoberfest sponsored by the Germania Society of Cincinnati (www.germaniasociety.com) September 18 – 19: Oktoberfest in Cincinnati (www.oktoberfest-zinzinnati.com) Annual Picnic Date: Saturday, September 25, 2004 Place: Schnellville Community Center (located 2 blocks West of Sacred Heart Catholic Church on Market St. in Schnellville) Please join us to celebrate the hard work done during Strassenfest, and also to recognize the efforts of everyone throughout the year. This year's menu is still being worked on, but please be prepared to bring your own carry-in vegetable or dessert to the picnic. The main attraction will be the Doppel Adler Musikanten, Fritz Martin and Ken Curtin, from Indianapolis, IN. They are lively performers and you will surely enjoy dancing to their polkas and waltzes! Invite your friends and relatives to join the Club and come celebrate with us. The Schnellville Community Center is a beautiful air-conditioned facility that can accommodate 250 people. It also has a very nice outdoor playground for those of you who will be bringing some of the younger folks. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Watch the August newsletter for more details! Thanks to all of those who helped clean and spruce up the Deutscher Verein Float for the Strassenfest Parade. Thanks also to those who transported the facade for it’s sprucing up and to those who painted the food stand frames. Your help was appreciated. Patti Goepfrich On Friday, April 16th, members of the Deutscher Verein presented a $5000 check to ROJAC (Redevelop Old Jasper Action Coalaition). The money will be used for the water wheel on the reconstructed Eckert Mill. Pictured above are (I to r): Dan Wehr, Dave Buehler, Mayor Bill Schmitt, and Dan Gutgsell. Simone Hoferer Visits in June Simone first visited Jasper in 1997 – 1998 when she interned at Kimball International. Dave and Janet Kluemper were her hosts during that time. In 1998, when she returned to Germany, she went back to college for two years to become a Master Cabinet Maker and Furniture & Interior Designer. She got a job in Freiburg as a Master Cabinet Maker. She then started her own business in designing furniture, CAD Drawing, designing Home Web Site Pages, and doing freelance work for architects. She then moved to the Persian Gulf, where she now resides, and continues doing the same work. She is now Head of the Design Department for a Furniture Manufacturer of home furniture, kitchens and doors. In mid-June, she came back to Jasper to visit Dave and Janet Kluemper for two weeks. She enjoyed her time in Jasper and also visited Matt Hilger and some of her previous co-workers. Erinnerst Du Dich? By Patti Goepfrich Die DeutscherVerein Zeitung - July 17, 1990 Next Activity – Strassenfest August 2 – 5 – We all know the Strassenfest is near. This is a major event not only for the German Club, but our entire community. We will be asking all members to help and volunteer time if at all possible. It is a difficult task to arrange for all the workers and to schedule everyone at the times they want. Please help and if for some reason you were not contacted, you might consider volunteering. It’s certainly not asking too much for each member to work at least two hours. PLEASE – VOLUNTEER AND HELP US!! Stand Set-Up – Wednesday Evening August 1 – Thanks to Leo and Joe Eckerle and their crew’s efforts last years, we have a very fine stand to use this year. We will need some help in setting it up. Meet at the storage shed at 6:00PM to load the stand or be at 7th and Main by 7:00PM to help set up. NEED SOME VOLUNTEERS. Stand Operation – Special thanks to the Bernie Vogler’s and Bob Dilger’s who again will be chairman of our stand operation. We need a successful food stand to carry on our club’s activities through the year. Thanks also to Joan Glendening and her helper, Eileen Schaber, for compiling the workers list. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR WORK SCHEDULE. If you can’t make the assigned time, please switch with someone or get a sub. Float – Dan Wehr and Jim Corn and volunteers have the float ready for the Strassenfest parade. Our club won the Queen’s Trophy and second place among clubs and organizations in the huge Ferdinand parade last weekend. Congratulations to all who helped prepare the float and participated in the parade and GOOD LUCK in the Strassenfest parade. It will also be in the Schnellville parade later. Annual Trip – Forty-four members and driver survived the trip to Frankenmuth, MI early in June. It was a well planned trip and all arrangements were excellent thanks primarily to the efforts of Ron Kieffner. A big Danke to Ron for his efforts on the project. Future Activities – Mark your calendars for our annual family picnic on Saturday, September 29th at the Dubois County Park. Also, our annual dance is scheduled for February 9, 1991 at the Heritage Inn. More details later. Mach’s Gut Auf Wiedersehen Fred Hollinden, President EIN LIEBES WORT AM FRUHEN MORGEN (found in The Deutscher Verein Records – July, 1990) Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment A gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment of the Dubois County Community Foundation is a wonderful way to remember that special someone. A gift in honor of someone or in memory of someone may be given. The Dubois County Community Foundation will send a letter of acknowledgment to the individual being honored or to the family of someone being remembered. Send your gift along with the appropriate information to the Dubois County Community Foundation, P. O. Box 269, Jasper, IN 47547-0269 and note that you wish your gift to go to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment. Appropriate envelopes are also available at the greeting table at each club meeting. Recent Gifts Danny and Linda Wehr Outdoor German Home Decorating/Lighting Contest Home Decorating, Lighting Contest Set A feature of the 2004 Strassenfest will be an outdoor German home decorating and lighting contest sponsored by the Jasper Deutscher Verein and Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc. The contest is open to all residents of Jasper and those living within two miles of the city limits. The categories for the contest are most traditional German theme, best use of lights displaying a German theme, and most original German theme. Prizes will be awarded to the top two winners in each category. A category placing sign will be placed in each winner’s yard. The entry blank for the contest will be published twice in The Herald. It will appear on Saturday, July 17, and Monday, July 19th. Additional forms will be available at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce at 302 W. Sixth Street, or by calling 482-6866, faxing to 482-1883 or e-mailing the chamber at chamber@jasperin.org. Entries must be received in the chamber office no later than Monday, July 26th. Entries may be mailed to P. O. Box 307, Jasper, IN 47547-0307. Judging will take place Friday evening, July 30th. Lights should be turned on by 7:30pm. Strassenfest T-Shirt Pre-Sale T-Shirts for the 2004 Strassenfest are currently available for purchase at the special pre-fest price of $8.00 ($10.00 for XXL). Shirts are available at David’s Hair Salon, City Hall, the Chamber of Commerce, the German American Bank Main Office, the GAB Ireland Office and Buehler Foods Corporate Office. Show your support for the club by wearing your T-shirt or German attire during your shift in the booth and throughout the Strassenfest weekend. Newsletter Editor Needed The club is in need of someone to assume the responsibility of the monthly club newsletter starting with the January 2005 issue. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Kathy Gutgsell (482-4386) or Bob Dilger (482-9149). A special "thank you" to the employees at Buehler Foods, Inc. who help with the newsletter each month. Sister Cities of Jasper "Honoring those who promote our German Heritage" The annual Jasper German Heritage Award is presented to an individual or group who has contributed generously his/her or their time, talents or resources to maintaining, improving or building upon our German roots in Dubois County. Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission created the award in 1999. The Jasper Deutscher Verein is sponsoring the award. This recognition is open to all people, not just residents of the City of Jasper, who give what they can in order to make a difference. Because the efforts of these people are sometimes known only to a few, a nomination will recognize the work of those who generously support our German Heritage. A committee, consisting of the Presidents of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission, will judge all nominations.The Presidents at the Annual Jasper German American Day celebration will present this award. How you can nominate: The nominee must be an individual or group, nominated by any individual or group. Please submit the official form below (copy is accepted), along with the following:
Nomination for the 2004 Jasper German Heritage Award
Person Nominated Person Submitting Form Nominee’s Name:____________________________ Nominator’s Name:_____________________________ Home Address:______________________________ Home Address:________________________________ City:__________________State:_____ZIP:________ City:__________________State:______ZIP:_________ Phone:___________________________________ Phone:________________________ Occupation:_______________________________ Relationship to nominee:_________________________ Nominee’s service is: voluntary / paid (circle one) (Remember, nominations need to be submitted to the address listed above by September 1st, 2004)
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.