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April 2003 March Meeting in Review Jasper Deutscher Verein Treated to Bluegrass Music Dan Hoffman, Veronica Lassiter, Dale Lassiter, Norbert (Nip) Wehr, Buddy Ward, and Tom Spencer entertained members and guests of the Jasper Deutscher Verein on Thursday, March 20. The meeting was held at the VFW Home in Jasper. Over 100 members, guests and children attended. (See picture below)
He then introduced Matt Hilger who presented tokens of appreciation to Tara Deppert, JHS German Language Teacher who will be leaving Jasper. Mr. Hilger thanked Tara for her efforts with the JHS German Classes and JHS Student German Exchange Program.
President Gutgsell thanked all who have contributed to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment through the Dubois County Community Foundation. He noted that Deutscher Verein members can give gifts in memory of individuals at time of death or in honor of individuals for birthdays or anniversaries. All gifts are appreciated and Endowment envelopes are available at each meeting. All members were encouraged to make gifts to the Endowment established by the Deutscher Verein to provide support for German Heritage projects. President Gutgsell introduced Dan Wehr of the Travel Committee. Mr. Wehr announced that he is working with Jackie’s Travel on a Deutscher Verein trip to the Chicago – Moline area departing Jasper on September 3rd and returning on September 7th. Activities include two baseball games of the Chicago Cubs vs. the St. Louis Cardinals, a meal at a German Restaurant, a visit to Sears Tower to view the Chicago lights at night, guided motor coach tour of Chicago, and a visit to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Woodfield Shopping Complex. Also included on the trip will be a visit to the German American Heritage Center in Moline, IL and John Deere Headquarters. More details will be available in the coming weeks. Rita Egler, Treasurer, gave a financial report. She also announced that she is accepting payment of 2003 club membership dues. They are $10.00 per couple and $5.00 for single membership. Dues may be sent to Jasper Deutscher Verein, Attn: Rita Egler, P. O. Box 15, Jasper, IN 47547-0015. It was announced that sign up sheet for work shifts at the Strassenfest will be available at this meeting and also the April and May meetings. All members are encouraged to work one or more shifts during the Strassenfest as this is the only fund raising project of the Deutscher Verein. Members may also call Dan and Linda Wehr at 482-4432 and let them know which work shift they can work. The Jasper Deutscher Verein will award a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating student from Dubois County who has taken three years of German in high school. Applications may be made using the Dubois County Common Scholarship Application. The application form and list of qualifications for the scholarship are available from the guidance office of each Dubois County high school. Completed applications can be sent to Jasper Deutscher Verein, P. O. Box 15, Jasper, IN 47547-0015 and must be received by April 1st. Matt Hilger, representing Jim Gutgsell, President of Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc., gave a review of 2002 events. Several individuals from Jasper visited Pfaffenweiler in 2002. Brochures from the Dubois County Tourism office were presented to Pfaffenweiler to be used at the Pfaffenweiler Tourism Show. Matt Hilger attended the annual Indiana Sister Cities meeting at the Ratskeller Restaurant in Indianapolis in March. Patricia Keller of Pfaffenweiler completed her internship with the German American Bank in March of 2002. She and her parents, Sonja and Albert Keller toured the southern states before returning to Pfaffenweiler. Fritz Gutgsell, Burgermeister of Pfaffenweiler attended the German Sister Cities meeting in Frankfurt Germany. A student exchange group from Staufen Gymnasium visited Jasper in October 2002. The visit was coordinated by Tara Deppert and Marie Hendry. It was a very organized activity and many good comments have been received since the exchange. Discussions are taking place for the 20th Anniversary visit to Jasper by the Pfaffenweiler groups in 2005. It will be 20th Anniversary of the Sister City Partnership between Jasper and Pfaffenweiler. The weekly editions of The Herald continue to be sent to Pfaffenweiler. Ms. Martha Rasche sends selected articles via e-mail to Pfaffenweiler. Pfaffenweiler’s e-mail version of the Gemeindeblatt (weekly newspaper) continues to be successful. The Sister City Program on the Gary Lee Show at WITZ continues to be a success. Lowell Glendening and Marie Hendry coordinate these programs. Mona Schmadl will be starting a work internship in April and Regina Haderer will be starting a three-week agricultural internship in June. A small group from Jasper is scheduled to visit Europe and Pfaffenweiler in September. Father John Boeglin will celebrate his 25th anniversary of priesthood in Wagshurst on November 9th. Invitations have been extended to the community of Pfaffenweiler. Mr. Hilger then presented a slate of officers and board of directors for Sister Cities, Inc. of Jasper. President, Jim Gutgsell, Vice President, Danny Wehr, Secretary, Marie Hendry, and Treasurer, Dave Kieffner. Board of Directors, Lowell Glendening, Rafe Ackerman, Nancy Eckerle, Stan Jochum, Vic Knies, Matt Hilger, Bob Dilger, Dan Gutgsell, and Bob Pfister. Sharon Hoffman made a motion that the slate of officers and board of directors nominated be accepted. Irene Kapp seconded the motion. Members voted to accept the nominees for officers and board of directors. It was announced the Stammtisch, which has been held on the last Tuesday of each month, will be discontinued after the March 25th Stammtisch. It will be replaced by a gathering 30 minutes prior to each Deutscher Verein meeting to practice conversational German. A sympathy card for Siegrid Duelfer, a teacher who was here from the Staufen Gymnasium whose husband has since died, was made available for those who wished to sign it. Matt Hilger will be chairing the annual Picnic in September. Bob Dilger, Vice President, announced that the next meeting will be April 24th at the VFW Home. Glen Sturm of Inwood Office Furniture will give the program on the changes in the office furniture industry. Tara Deppert and her students will also have a presentation. The club will provide snacks. President Gutgsell then introduced Dan Hoffman and his Bluegrass Band. Mr. Hoffman gave a history and background of the group and purpose of the entertainment. Each band member was introduced. (See picture below)
They entertained the group with a lively assortment of music, which was enjoyed by all. Members of the band entertained with songs particular to their instruments. Ron Keusch also entertained with spoons. Attendance prizes were won by Mary Jane Brinkman and Helen Wehr. Bernita Berger won the ½ pot attendance prize. The remainder of the evening was spent socializing. Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars! April Meeting Date: Thursday, April 24 Glen Sturm of Inwood Office Furniture will present a program on the changes in the office furniture industry. Tara Deppert and the JHS German students will also have a presentation. The club will provide snacks, beer and soft drinks. Stammtisch March, 2003 Stammtisch The final meeting of the monthly Stammtisch took place on Tuesday, March 25th. Individuals wanting to practice their conversational German skills have been meeting on a monthly basis for approximately five years. Because of conflicting schedules, the attendance has been dwindling. The March 25th Stammtisch was the final "official" meeting. Individuals are always encouraged to participate in conversational German whenever possible. Attending the final Stammtisch were Ruth and John Wibbels, Bob Fleck, Martina Eckert, Marie Hendry, Jim Beachy, Matt Hilger, Norb Lueken, Bob and Sharon Dilger, Father John Boeglin, and Patti Goepfrich. The group gave the Stammtisch an appropriate sendoff!!!!
Other Events of Interest Germania Society of Greater Cincinnati The Germania Society of Greater Cincinnati has extended an invitation to the Deutscher Verein to attend their Oktoberfest in Cincinnati on August 22, 23, and 24th. Vic Haul is President of the Germania Society and their website address is www.germaniasociety.com. Their Christkindlmarkt is November 21, 22, and 23. If you are in the Cincinnati area, you are welcome to attend any of their events. See Patti Goepfrich for their complete 2003 Entertainment Schedule. Erinnerst Du Dich? By Patti Goepfrich The following article was written by Franz Hilger and appeared in the Badische Zeitung September 3 and 4, 1988 – A Delegation from Jasper and the Deutscherverein were in Pfaffenweiler during that time. Als Mitbringsel die grobe Schnecke Herzliche Aufnahme Fur die Besucher Aus Amerika – Denkmal fur den Lindenplatz Written by Franz Hilger Ungeachtet der launischen Witterung waren Ehrengaeste in grosser Zahl der Einladung nach Pafffenweiler gefolgt, um gemeinsam mit der Delegation aus der amerikanischen Schwestergemeinde Jasper das 12. Schneckenfest zu eroeffnen. Mit einer launigen Rede begruesste Burgermeister Fritz Gutgsell auf dem Stubenplatz viele Freunde des beliebten Dorffestes. Worte des herzlichen Dankes widmete er all jenen Buergerinnen und Buergern, die mitgeholfen hatten, dieses Fest vorzubereiten und abzuwickeln. Ein besonderes Dankeschoen galt den Anliegern an der Kapellenstrasse fuer deren erneut gezeigtes erstaendnis. Ueber den Verlauf der Festeroeffnung, die von der Batzenberger Winzerkapelle sowie den Juengsten der Trachtentanzgruppe und der Steinhauergruppe umrahmt werden sollte, wird noch berichtet. Ein inoffizieller Auftakt fur die Gaeste aus Jasper hatte tags zuvor im Keller der Winzerkapelle stattgefunden. Es war ein Anliegen der Musiker, den Freunden aus den Vereinigten Staaten auf diese Weise Dankeschoen zu sagen fur das grosse Entgegenkommen, das ihnen im vergangenen Jahr waehrend ihres Aufenthalts in den USA entgegengebracht worden war. Zugleich wollten die Musiker den Gaesten ein wenig von der Art vermitteln, wie Dorffeste in den alten Gehoeften gefeiert werden. Die Begruessungsansprache des Vorsitzenden Josef Waibel wurde von Karin Woerner in Englisch gesprochen. Burgermeister Fritz Gutgsell nahm die Gelegenheit wahr, um auf die gut funktionierende Partnerschaft hinzuweisen und dankte allen, die sich um die Freundschaft zwischen den beiden Gemeinden bemuehen. Viktor Knies, der stellvertretende Burgermeister von Jasper, Claude Eckert, Dave Buehler und Stan Krempp wuerdigte Gutgsell besonders und ueberreichte ihnen ein Weingebinde. Fur alle Gaeste aus der Partnergemeinde hatte Gutgsell einen Anhanger mit einer Schnecke und einen Weinkrug mit Aufschrift. Die Ansprache des Buergermeisters wurde von Archivar Edmund Weeger ins Englische uebersetzt. Die Gaeste wiederum verteilten an Burger und Gemeinde, die sich besonders um die Partnerschaft bemuehen, Erinnerungsplaketten an das Strassenfest in Jasper und uebergaben dann zwei grosse ransparente, die die breiten Strassen in Jasper anlaesslich des Strassenfestes uberspannt hatten. Auf ihnen steht nun statt "Strassenfest" das Wort "Schneckenfest". Fuer den Partnerschaftsraum im Dorfmuseum hatten die Gaste von einem Schnitzer eine ueberdimensionale Schnecke anfertigen lassen, die sie unter grossem Applaus dem Burgermeister uebergaben. Auf dem Besucherprogramm stand dann im weiteren am Freitagmorgen die Einweihung eines Denkmals bei der neugepflanzten Linde am Stubenplatz, die Besichtigung des Dorfes unter ortskundiger Fuehrung und schliesslich ein Rundgang durch die historischen Steinbrueche. Picture caption Eine Grosse Schnecke aus afrikanischem Holz, in der Parnterstadt, Jasper angefertigt, wird kunftig das Dorfmuseum in Pfaffenweiler zieren. Das Schnitzwerk wurde anlaesslich des Partnerschaftstreffens an Buergermeister Fritz Gutgsell ubergeben. Snail News Article Despite the changing weather, a large number of honored guests, along with a delegation from Jasper IN, Pfaffenweiler’s Sister City, accepted the invitation to attend the opening ceremonies of the twelfth Schneckenfest. Mayor Fritz Gutgsell greeted many friends of the village festival with a witty speech at the "Stubenplatz" (area in front of the restaurant "Stube." With hearty thanks, he recognized all the citizens both male and female who helped prepare for and who will work to make the festival a success. A very special thanks was given to those who live along the Kapelle Street who again showed great understanding. A further report will be given about the opening ceremonies which were framed by the Batzenberger Winzerkappelle (band) as well as the young members of the Trachtentanz (dance) group and the Steinhauer gruppe (stone carvers). An unofficial beginning for the group of visitors from Jasper had taken place the day before in the basement of the Winzerkapelle (winery). It was a matter of desire of the musicians to thank their friends from the United States for the wonderful stay then had experienced the previous year in the US. At the same time the musicians wanted to share a little bit of how festivals are celebrated in the old farmsteads. The greetings given by the president of the band, Joseph Waibel, were translated into English by Karen Woerner. Mayor Fritz Gutgsell took advantage of the opportunity to recognize the well functioning partnership and thank all who help make the partnership between the two communities so successful. Vic Knies, representing the Mayor of Jasper, Claude Eckert, Dave Buehler, and Stan Krempp received special recognition and also a package of wine. For all the guests Gutgsell had pendent with a snail and a wine jug with an inscription. The mayor’s speech was translated into English by archivist Edmund Weeger. In response the guests gave the community and the citizens of Pfaffenweiler who actively support the Partnership a commemorative plaque of the Strassenfest in Jasper and also present two large banners which spanned the broad streets of Jasper on the occasion of the Strassenfest. However, they now read "Schneckenfest" instead of Strassenfest. For the partnership room in the village museum, the guests with great applause gave the mayor a larger-than-life snail which they had had carved. (Jim Corn was the carver.) On the guests’ programs, among other items, one reads for Friday the dedication of a plaque by the newly planted Linde (tree) at the Stubenplatz, a tour of the village by a knowledgeable guide and a trip through the historical stone quarry. Picture caption A large snail of African wood carved in the Sister City of Jasper will adorn the village museum in the future. The carving was given to Mayor Fritz Gutgsell on the occasion of the partnership meeting. (Thanks to Mary Jo Meuser and Matt Hilger for their help with this article.) 25th Strassenfest Sign Up It’s that time of year again! We’re already gearing up for our 25th Annual Strassenfest. Dan and Linda Wehr have again agreed to chair our food booth and pastry stand (THANK YOU!!!) Remember that this is our only fundraiser during the year, so we need the support of our large membership. Sign up for working in the booths will take place at the April and May German Club meetings. Please sign up for the shift of your preference. We will be having a German Home Decorating Contest as part of the Strassenfest Activities. Watch for more details!!!! German Heritage Endowment Fund Please remember the endowment fund! THE GERMAN-AMERICANS OF INDIANAPOLIS Indianapolis is along with Cincinnati, Louisville and Milwaukee a city that attracted many German immigrants. Already in its early days, Indianapolis had a sizable German population. The census of 1850 lists There were those who held closely to the security of their churches and German-language services (kirchendeutsch), and those who felt most at home in one or more of the many societies, lodges and clubs they formed (vereinsdeutsch). All served to maintain German language and culture even through many generations. Indeed, they still to some extent fulfill that function. The current German-American scene has After the attempt to establish a united and less autocratic Germany failed in 1848, many liberal-minded Germans brought their talents to the US and Indianapolis. August Hofmeister, Clemens Vonnegut and John Ott, all to become prominent business leaders, founded the first Turnverein in 1851, which still exists as the Athenaeum Turners. A further indicator of vibrant culture was the many German-language publications appearing especially after 1848. The first in Indianapolis was Das Volksblatt established by Julius Boetticher in 1848. Die Freie Presse, a more progressive paper, was established by Theodore Hielscher in 1854. Over time, 26 German-language periodicals appeared in Indianapolis. The paper Telegraph-Tribüne had a Germans took the business world of Indianapolis by storm. Clemens Vonnegut established a hardware business, August Schnull a wholesale grocery, John Ott a furniture business, C.F. Schmidt, Peter Lieber, German-Americans were progenitors of the arts in Indianapolis. Alexander Ernistinoff led both the Indianapolis Männerchor and the city's first orchestra. Hermann Lieber made it possible for artists of the "Hoosier Group", T.C. Steele, Otto Stark and others, to study in Munich and develop their ateliers in Indianapolis. German-American architects are responsible for the design of many of the city's churches, public buildings and stately homes. Georg Schreiber designed the Scottish Rite Cathedral. Diedrich A. Bohlen's firm designed the City Market, Murat Temple, Roberts Park Methodist Church. Vonnegut & Bohn is responsible for the Athenaeum and the Herron School of Art (originally the Indianapolis Museum of Art). Bruno Schmitz of Berlin designed Indianapolis's Soldiers and Sailors Monument, the city's centerpiece and trademark. Rudolf Schwartz is responsible for the sculptures on the monument. In the critical areas of education and social lservices, German-American citizens of Indianapolis established the German General Protestant Orphans Home (Pleasant Run), Deaconess Hospital and the Altenheim. Indianapolis's technical high schools were developed on the basis of the German Gewerbeschule. With good reason, the city's German-Americans saw themselves as one of the main pillars of American life in Indianapolis. The Germans suffered three distinct blows to their prestige, their lifestyle and their fortunes: World War I and its propaganda war against all things German, Prohibition and its attempt to control people's personal and social life, and the Great Depression that devastated the economic life of broad groups of citizens. But, fortunately, in spite of the laws against German language teaching, press and way of life, people of German descent remain aware of their heritage in Indianapolis. This contributes greatly to the diversity of the city in its American context. Giles R. Hoyt DAAD Publication Release - Studying in Germany: Information for Foreigners on University Studies, edition 2003 A New and Improved Edition of a Study Abroad Staple The seventh edition of one of the DAAD’s oldest informational publications, Studying in Germany: Information for Foreigners on University Studies, was released earlier this year and is now available from the DAAD New York office. This must-have guidebook provides detailed information on university studies in Germany for international students in an approachable how-to manner. It has a chart explanation of the educational system in Germany, and covers almost every relevant topic from the various parts of a higher education institution, an explanation of the kind of degrees offered in Germany, the difference between the types of higher education institutions in Germany (Universität, Fachhochschule, Hochschule für Kunst/Musik), German language proficiency (DSH), tests required (Feststellungsprüfung), admissions, matriculation, to room and board, health insurance, visa matters, and student life. On top of that, the best feature of the publication is that it gives contact information for the International Offices of all of the public higher education institutions in Germany, the international student’s first point of contact at a university. There is also an extensive graph listing the subject fields and degree programs offered at each of the schools, and a German-English glossary for subject field names. The new edition encompasses the recent statement given by the Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für ausländische Bildungswesen) of the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) announcing new guidelines for the admission of international students at German universities. The results reflect a better understanding of the educational systems of seven countries, including the United States, so that wider parameters of circumstances are acceptable for admission of an international student to a German institution of higher education. Direct admission for Americans holding a high school diploma and meeting the following requirements is possible: High School Diploma + … - 1300+ score on SAT or - Passing four or more Advanced Placement tests or - Successful completion of at least two years of college level study with at least junior standing or - Completion of at least 50% of the credits required for the achievement of a bachelor’s degree) or - 1150+ score on SAT and successful completion of at least one year of college level study (subject to certain conditions). To request a copy of this publication, please send an email with your name, full mailing address (for snail mail), and number of copies desired to daadny@daad.org <mailto:daadny@daad.org> TRAVEL IN GERMANY If you plan to travel in Germany this summer, here are a few travel tips we can give, and organizations we can highly recommend. LOWEST EUROPEAN AUTO RENTAL--plus rail & air contact Gemütlichkeit, 288 Ridge Rd., Ashland, OR 97520 or call 800-521-6722 OVERNIGHT: If you plan to visit the area Rothenburg-Nuremberg-Wuerzburg, you can stay for $25 in a double room with breakfast (single occupancy is a little more) in the PASTORIUS-HAUS in Bad Windsheim. A Bed and Breakfast, this beautiful half-timbered house is named for Franz Daniel Pastorius, the founder of Germantown, PA. The Pastorius Home Association, a not-for-profit organization offers group tours, independent travel, flights and car rental at bargain prices. For vouchers for the Pastorius Haus in Bad Windsheim, reservations & Pastorius Tours call/fax Bernice Hicks 610-767-6981 or GERMAN HERITAGE TOURS with Dr. Wolfgang Grams. He offers private genealogy tours for those in search of ancestors, customized tour for groups and more. Write to Dr. Wolfgang Grams, Babenend 127, 26127 Oldenburg, Germany. Phone 0049-441-962 04 33, fax 0049-441-962 04 34; e-mail Routes@t-online.de; on the web www.routes.de On our Website http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/kade/ go to: German-American Historic Sites and Museums--you will find some places of interest to visit while in Germany. Eberhard and Ruth Reichmann Go to www.germanistik.net for links to nearly 600 colleges/universtities with German programs.
SPECIAL RATES TO ALL GERMAN CLUB MEMBERS – Florida Villa: Ron Kieffner has a brand new Patio Villa - 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Golf Car, in THE VILLAGES located in Central Florida. 6 Country Clubs, 15 Golf Courses, 10 Pools, 25 Restaurants, plus over 500 things to do in a week. Live Entertainment 7 Nights a Week. Monthly and Weekly rentals are available year around. It’s a great place to visit for couples or families. For more details you can call Ron anytime at 482-1773 Check out the new Web Site at www.jaspergermanclub.org If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matt Hilger or Kathy Gutgsell.
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.