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February 2005 Danke Dan and Kathy Gutgsell!!!!! A sincere thanks goes to Dan for his years of service to the Deutscher Verein as an officer. We are grateful for his leadership skills. A heartfelt thanks goes to Kathy for her many years as Editor of Die Zeitung. She did a great job in keeping the Deutscher Verein informed!!!! We will miss their talents. January Meeting in Review Jasper Deutscher Verein Has Annual Wine-Beer Judging Contest The Jasper Deutscher Verein held their annual Wine-Beer Judging Contest at the Jasper Knights of Columbus Home on Friday, January 21. Over 100 members and guests were in attendance. Donna Humbert, Sharon Dilger, and Rita Egler greeted members and guests as they arrived. Dan Gutgsell, President of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, welcomed all present and announced that this would be his last meeting as President of the Deutscher Verein. He thanked everyone for the support and help given to him while he held an office in the Deutscher Verein. He stated that many people do things “behind the scenes” and he wanted to take this opportunity to recognize some of these people. For their work with the Strassenfest Food Booth in organizing the set up each year, he recognized Leo and Lora Lou Eckerle. He then recognized Jim Corn for his work on the Pastry/Souvenir Booth and Maypole. He then recognized Patti Goepfrich as outgoing Secretary and Rita Egler for her many years as Treasurer. Tokens of appreciation were presented to these individuals. He then turned the meeting over to the Vice President, Bob Dilger. Mr. Dilger then presented a slate of new officers, Bob Dilger as President, Virgil Gress as Vice President, Ruth Wibbels as Secretary, and Rita Egler as Treasurer. A motion was made to accept the new slate of officer and it was seconded. The motion was voted on by those present and motion approved by vote. On behalf of the Deutscher Verein, President Dilger then presented tokens of appreciation to Dan and Kathy Gutgsell for their service to the Deutscher Verein as President and Newsletter Editor. Attendance prizes were won by Mikki Stemle, Bernita Berger, Linus Lechner, and Cletus Knies. The special attendance prize was won by Bernita Berger. Dues for 2005 can be paid. Single membership is $5 and couple membership is $10 and dues may be sent to Jasper DeutscherVerein, Attn: Rita Egler, P. O. Box 15, Jasper, IN 47547-0015. President Dilger then introduced Larry Feldmeyer and the Celebration Singers. The group then entertained the Deutscher Verein with many familiar show tunes and a few songs from the past. The group was presented with a token of appreciation from the club. Scott Ortiz was Chairperson of the Wine-Beer Judging Contest. Judges for the contest were Judy Bennett, Donna Schepers, Dave Kluemper, Marlene Greener, and Matthias Hilger. Tally person was Kerstin Ortiz. Winners in the Grape Wine Category were: first, Harvey Berger, second, Joe Wanninger, and third, Ken and Rosemary Heim, Gary and Rita Egler, Chuck and Linda Burk, Dan and Sharon Hoffman, and LaVerne Kieffner. In the Non-Grape Wine Category: first, Don Scherle, second, Charles Knust, and third, Norb Kreilein. The homemade Beer category was won by Art Kempf. All were thanked for their efforts in the Wine-Beer Judging Contest. The Jasper High School German Exchange chili dinner will be held on Friday, February 4 th. The cost of the dinner will be $6 and includes a hot dog, chili, a homemade dessert and a drink. All proceeds support the Jasper High School German Exchange Program. Mr. Dilger announced that the February meeting will be held at the Dubois County Museum. Dave and Janet Kluemper will be the hosts at the Dubois County Museum on February 17 th. The remainder of the evening was spent socializing and tasting wine brought by members. Anyone wishing to learn more about the German Club or parents of students studying German in school are welcome to attend or visit the web site at www.jaspergermanclub.org. Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars! February Meeting – Tour of the Dubois County Museum
We ask that members with last names beginning A – L bring snacks or hors de oeuvres; and those with last names beginning M – Z to bring “finger-size” desserts. The club will provide canned drinks. Come prepared for a fun, interesting, and thought-provoking evening. The Dubois County Museum Gift Shop will be open from 6:00PM to 8:30PM on February 17. March Deutscher Verein Meeting Date: Thursday, March 17, 2005 Place: VFW in Jasper Program by Father John Boeglin and Ron Flick. See the newsletter next month for more details April Deutscher Verein Meeting Date: Thursday, April 28, 2005 (NOTE DATE CHANGE) Place: VFW in Jasper Program by Hilary Begle and Friends. This program will be a repeat performance by the group who performed last year. See the newsletter next month for more details. 20 th Anniversary of Jasper-Pfaffenweiler Sister City Partnership Updated Schedule as of 01-14-2005 Please note that there will be more updates in the coming month. Tuesday 8/2/2005 Wednesday 8/3/2005 Thursday 8/4/2005 Friday 8/5/2005 Saturday 8/6/2005 Sunday 8/7/2005 Monday 8/8/2005 Tuesday 8/9/2005 (note date change) Look for more information in upcoming newsletters and in the local media. 2005 Deutscher Verein Dues Rita Egler is presently collecting dues for 2005. Membership dues are $5 for a single membership or $10 for a couple membership. Please send your check and appropriate information (see coupon on page 5) to Jasper DeutscherVerein, Attn: Rita Egler, P. O. Box 15, Jasper, IN 47547-0015. 2005 membership cards will be sent with either the April or May newsletter. Due to bulk postal restrictions, all membership cards are sent at the same time. Upcoming Events for the Indianapolis Liederkranz ( Song Circle) All events, except as noted, at the Liederkranz Hall, 1417 E. Washington St., Indianapolis.
WANTED Folk Dancers!!!! At one time there was discussion of possibly starting a folkdance group for the DeutscherVerein. This would be a great way to further preserve the German heritage. There could be a learning opportunity for individuals interested in folk dancing. Please contact Eb and Ruth Reichmann at reichman@indiana.edu for more information Erinnerst Du Dich? Jasper Preparing For Guests (Part 2 – Continued from previous Newsletter) Itinerary of May, 1985 visit of Pfaffenweilerans to Jasper to establish the Sister City Partnership *Friday: tours of the egg breaking plant and Wabash Valley Produce at Dubois, lunch at Mathies’ Café in Dubois, and tours of Patoka Lake and the Kimball Tec Center. In the evening there’ll be a private dinner and entertainment at the Schnitzelbank for the Germans and their hosts. *Saturday: tours of St. Benedict convent in Ferdinand, St. Meinrad Archabbey and Monte Casino chapel, lunch at the St. Jude Guest House, then a trip through Fulda to Troy to see the “Christ on the Ohio” statue. In the afternoon there’ll be a visit to the Lincoln National Park, including Abraham Lincoln’s boyhood home. That evening, the public is invited to meet with the Germans, this time at the Holiday Inn for cocktails at 6 p.m., barbeque dinner at 7, a square dancing exhibition by the Buttons and Bows Club at 8, and “western hoedown” dance at 9. Anyone who attends this evening’s events is asked to dress in western clothes. The Lovin’ Country band will provide music for the dance. Tickets cost $10 per person; and are available through several German Club members. *Sunday: the Germans and their hosts will attend the 9 a.m. Whitsuntide Mass at St. Joseph Church, which will include some portions in the German language. The visitors will have the rest of the day to themselves. *Monday: tours of farms in Boone Township during the afternoon, and from 5 – 8pm., an open house held at the National Guard Armory. A bring-your-own covered dish dinner will be served at 6. *Tuesday: The Pfaffenweilerans and Jasperites will say auf weidersehen at 7 a.m. at St. Joseph Church’s parking lot. Music and/or a fire truck escort again will be provided. En route to Chicago for their return flight, the tourists will stop in Indianapolis, where personnel from the Indiana University German Heritage Society and Sister Cities International will be their hosts. Pfaffenweiler is a small town near Freiburg on the edge of the Black Forest. (found in The Deutscher Verein Records – May - 1985) Dubois County Museum Gift Shop The Dubois County Museum Gift Shop has many items and books for children, books on the histories of Celestine, Huntingburg, Duff, Ferdinand, St. Henry, Northeast Dubois, St. Joseph’s Church, the Jasper Volunteer Fire Department, and the Interim Report. There are publications made available by the Dubois County and Ferdinand Historical Societies and the Dubois County Genealogical Society on a variety of subjects within Dubois County. Also included in the Museum Gift Shop are books and publications by many local authors such as Norb Krapf, Lillian Doan, Warren Evans, Pat Emmons, Hugo Songer, Gilbert Tredway, and Drs. Eberhard and Ruth Reichmann. Books, videos, and other publications pertaining to the Jasper-Pfaffenweiler Sister City Partnership are available. Books on learning German script, German Dictionaries, cookbooks, and copies of historical maps, as well as note cards with tatting, post cards, matted prints by Bill Pickle of the Dubois County Courthouse and the Huntingburg Buggy Works can be found among the many items in the gift shop. The reprint of Military Review of Dubois County, IN-Volume I and Military Review of Dubois County, IN-Volume II are available for sale in the Museum Gift Shop. The Dubois County Museum is located at 2704 N. Newton Street in Jasper. Museum hours are Friday, Saturday, and Monday, 10:00AM until 2:00PM and Sunday, 1:00PM until 4:00PM. The telephone number is 634-7733. Beer For The Hair Healthy hair needs a well-functioning metabolism and sufficient vitamins and minerals. Beer has those items in abundance. Even your hair can benefit from drinking beer. But you can apply beer directly to the hair, too – whether your hair is healthy and shiny or whether you have problems with it. Beer is very good for your hair because of its high contents of protein and B-vitamins. Before you try it, one little tip: use lager for light hair, dark beer for dark hair. WASHING HAIR WITH BEER This recipe for healthy and shiny hair has been known for centuries. Simply wash your hair with beer, and it will become soft and shiny. Rinse the beer off afterwards with warm water-otherwise it acts like a setting lotion! BEER AS A SETTING LOTION If you want to achieve this styling effect, rinse your hair with beer after you have washing it, then style it while still wet. This sets the hair in a natural way. If you do not rinse off the beer once the hair is styled, curls will form more easily, and you can achieve the most adventurous hair styles with it. BEER AS HAIR SPRAY You can use an even stronger setting lotion by producing your own hair spray from beer: Ingredients: 0,1 l lager Preparation: Mix the beer with the water and boil until the smell of beer has disappeared. Using a coffee filter, filter it into a bowl. Add the spirit of wine and the bergamot oil and mix. (taken from Cooking and Healing with Beer – Secrets from Germany’s Famous Andechs Monastery) Wanted: Links to German Club Web Site Under the German Club web site, we will be adding a link “Local Favorites”. Our intention is to put many area businesses out there. We, in turn, would also like to be linked to your business web site. If you would like to have your business web site linked to the German Club Web Site, please send your web site address to Patti Goepfrich at pmgoep@fullnet.com. Please pass this information on to any non-German Club business. Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment A gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment of the Dubois County Community Foundation is a wonderful way to remember that special someone. A gift in honor of someone or in memory of someone may be given. The Dubois County Community Foundation will send a letter of acknowledgment to the individual being honored or to the family of someone being remembered. Send your gift along with the appropriate information to the Dubois County Community Foundation, P. O. Box 269, Jasper, IN 47547-0269 and note that you wish your gift to go to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment. Appropriate envelopes are also available at the greeting table at each club meeting.
Membership Dues It's that time of year again! Please submit your dues for 2005 as soon as possible by completing and sending in the following form. Thanks!
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.