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December 2004 Annual Auction in Review The Jasper Deutscher Verein held their annual fundraising auction benefiting the Jasper High School German Student Exchange Program at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 673 on November 18 th. Over 85 members, guests, and JHS students were in attendance. Lois Kuntz and Irene Kapp greeted guests as they arrived. Dan Gutgsell, president of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, welcomed all present. Members, guests, and JHS students then enjoyed an appetizer and dessert buffet. Mr. Gutgsell then introduced Mike Scherer of PSC. PSC is the web site host for the Deutscher Verein web site. The Deutscher Verein web site has been updated. Mr. Scherer presented the web site as Patti Goepfrich reviewed the items that have been placed on the web site and communicated to those present the number of “hits” that have been made to the web site since August. Matt Hilger, Kathy Gutgsell, and Ms. Goepfrich worked to gather and review information that has been placed on the web site. The web site includes some information in both English and German, which should attract many more individuals. Ms. Goepfrich also stated the importance of keeping the web site updated with current events of the club. She then reviewed information that the group hopes to include in future updates. Anyone who has ideas for the web site is invited to contact Matt Hilger or Patti Goepfrich. The Deutscher Verein web site address is www.jaspergermanclub.org. Mr. Gutgsell then announced that, at a Board Meeting held prior to the regular meeting, it was voted to install an irrigation system and update landscaping at the Maypole at the corner of 6 th and Newton Streets. He thanked Jim Corn for all of his efforts in keeping the landscaping around the Maypole looking great. Due to the positive efforts of Deutscher Verein members in the food and pastry booths at the Strassenfest, the Deutscher Verein is able to provide money for projects within the community. They include a large donation to ROJAC and the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment. Mr. Gutgsell thanked all for their efforts.
Teachers from the Staufen Gymnasium, Michael Kirchgaessner and Siegrid Duelfer, during their visit to Jasper as part of the Student Exchange Program in October Bob Dilger, Vice President, announced that the annual German Club Christmas Party will be held at the VFW Post #673 on Thursday, December 16 th. There will be a chicken dinner and trimmings. Cost is $8 per person and reservations must be made by December 12th by calling Rita Egler at 634-9068 or Bob Dilger at 482-9149. Entertainment will be provided by the performing arts students from Jasper High School. The annual wine and beer tasting contest will be on Friday, January 21st, at the Knights of Columbus Home. Members are encouraged to enter their homemade wines and beers in the judging contest. Entertainment will be provided by the Celebration Singers. Those having birthdays and wedding anniversaries in November were recognized. Also recognized were guests Judy and Dean Lininger, Kelly Gehlhausen, and Kristin Muenicht of Munich. Members and guests brought items to be auctioned with proceeds going to the Jasper High School German Exchange Program. Dan Hoffman was the auctioneer and he was assisted by the JHS students. The auction was very entertaining and successful.
Pictured are: 1 st Row: L to R – Ann Flowers, Ross Fleck, Cassie Humphrey and Liz Book. 2 nd Row – L to R – Kristina Denton, Kristina Borders, Andy Kohls, Jennifer Kunkel and Cade Messick. Not Pictured: Nathan Humbert. Attendance prizes were won by Clara Streicher and Joan Knies. Bob Fleck won the special attendance prize. The remainder of the evening was spent socializing. Anyone wishing to learn more about the German Club or parents of students studying German in school are welcome to attend or visit the web site at www.jaspergermanclub.org. From the JHS German Exchange Program A special thank you to all who purchased items in the auction. We appreciate all of your support! Our group is looking forward to traveling to Germany this coming summer. You are helping to make this possible. Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars!
Reservations are needed for this meeting and will be accepted until December 12th. Reservations can be made by calling Rita Egler at 634-9068 or Bob Dilger at 482-9149. Please leave a message if no answer. We will return your call to confirm your reservation. The club will provide beer and soft drinks. There will also be a cash bar available. January Meeting -- Wine & Cheese Tasting
Please plan to bring your wine and beer samples to enter in the Annual competition! Larry Feldmeyer and the Celebration singers will also be on hand to deliver one of their inspiring performances. Plan to attend a fun evening! See the January newsletter for further details. Deutscher Verein and Sister City Golf Shirts Deutscher Verein and Sister City Golf Shirts may be ordered and purchased at Jasper Embroidery, 310 Main Street, Jasper. They can also embroider the American Flag and the German Flag on shirts. What a great way to display your German heritage!!! These would also make great Christmas gifts!!!! Erinnerst Du Dich? President Lowell Glendening called the meeting to order. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Dan Wehr gave a report on the Western Dance at the Holiday Inn given for our German visitors. It was a tremendous success with the Pfaffenweiler guests. Ed Kreilein announced he has extra copies of the Thursday night program held at the K of C Club if anyone was interested. The club gave him and his committee a round of applause for their work on the evening. The German color coordination made the evening very special. Dave Buehler is working on a project to get Pfaffenweiler wine to Jasper to be distributed and sold in local grocery stores and restaurants. Several letters were read from the Pfaffenweiler guests written back to their host families expressing their gratitude for their hospitality. The trip was much more than anyone of them ever imagined. Lowell announced there will be a Family Outing at the 4-H Fairgrounds again this year for members and their families. Ray Birk showed a video film he took throughout the Pfaffenweiler visit and it is available for purchase. Call Lowell if interested. Ray also entertained us with the “Dorothee” song which Kurt Hanser did so well while here in Jasper. Everyone joined in on the chorus. There being no further business, Claude Eckert made a motion to adjourn the meeting. His motion was seconded by Jan Hulsman. Respectfully submitted Pat Hochgesang (found in The Deutscher Verein Records – June - 1985) Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment A gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment of the Dubois County Community Foundation is a wonderful way to remember that special someone. A gift in honor of someone or in memory of someone may be given. The Dubois County Community Foundation will send a letter of acknowledgment to the individual being honored or to the family of someone being remembered. Send your gift along with the appropriate information to the Dubois County Community Foundation, P. O. Box 269, Jasper, IN 47547-0269 and note that you wish your gift to go to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment. Appropriate envelopes are also available at the greeting table at each club meeting. Recent Gifts In Memory of Gladys Burger In Memory of Edna Kieffner
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.