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March 2007 Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars March Deutscher Verein Meeting
The program will feature some fun playing Bingo! Be sure to bring your quarters...and good voice to declare your winnings! The meeting is also on the eve of the eve of St. Patrick's Day...so wear a little green to salute our Irish friends! The club will provide refreshments...including some green beer! Strassenfest August 2 – August 5 Remember, this is our only fundraising event of the year. Any help you can give in decorating and cleaning the float, putting up decorations and assembling stands on July 31st, or helping downtown in the morning and early afternoon on August 2 nd is appreciated. More details of the Strassenfest will be available in the coming months but please think about how you can help and support this huge and fun event!!! Annual Family Picnic Saturday, September 15 th, at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation Club. German American Heritage Dinner Tuesday, October 9 th, at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant Membership Dues It’s that time of year again! Please submit your dues for 2007 as soon as possible by completing and sending in the following form at the back of the Newsletter or by attending the March, or April meeting. Rita Egler, Treasurer, will be accepting dues at those meetings. Single membership is $5.00 per year and a couple membership is $10 per year. What a deal!!! What an opportunity to experience our German heritage on a monthly basis. Renew your membership now OR give a membership for a family member or someone new to the area. What a welcoming gift!!!! Jasper Deutscher Verein Accepting The Jasper DeutscherVerein will be awarding a scholarship in the amount of $1000.00 to a graduating student from Dubois County who has taken at least three years of German in high school and is planning to continue studying the German language in college. Applications should be made using the Dubois County Common Scholarship Application. This application form and the list of qualifications for the scholarship are available from the Guidance Office of each Dubois County School. Completed applications must be received by April 1. Send all applications to: Jasper DeutscherVerein, P. O. Box 15, Jasper, Indiana 47547-0015. The Following Is A Series Of Articles About Dieter Hahn That Have Appeared In The Herald, Courtesy Of Franz Hilger and Matthias Hilger Sent Off into Retirement Last night, November 17 th, the community of Pfaffenweiler and many friends and dignitaries from the State of Baden Wurttemberg gave Buergermeister Fritz Gutgsell a large Retirement Celebration at the Batzenberghalle of Pfaffenweiler. His last day in office will be this coming Monday 11/20/2006. His replacement Dieter Hahn will take office the next day. Stan Jochum, from Jasper, representing the Jasper Partnership Commission, presented a basket of greeting cards and a DVD. On it, Jasper Mayor Bill Schmidt gave the following presentation to Fritz Gutgsell in front of the 250 invited guests: “I wish I could be there to help you celebrate your retirement but, instead, I will rely on modern technology to bring you good wishes from Jasper. On behalf of the citizens of Jasper it is my great pleasure to send greetings to you as you retire from your office as Buergermeister. I would like to take this opportunity to say “thank you” for your many years of involvement in the successful partnership between our two communities. When we reflect back on the strong bond that we have with Pfaffenweiler we will always think of you. Your contribution to the growth of the Sister City program and the student exchange program has been vital in bringing our two communities together over the past 21 years. We will always be grateful to you for the unity that has been formed. You have been terrific to work with and I know your dedication to this partnership is genuine. The City of Jasper wishes you the best in your new adventures but I know you will miss your duties as Mayor of Pfaffenweiler. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with you on a government level, but I feel we have an even stronger bond, and that is through our personal friendship. I hope you will visit Jasper again in the future. There will always be a special place in our hearts and homes for you and Brigitte. The speech by Mayor Bill Schmidt was followed by a toast of the Jasper German Club filmed during their annual Family Picnic in September at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation. During last night’s retirement celebration, Mayor Bill Schmidt’s greeting was joined with many other Mayors speeches to honor Buergermeister Fritz Gutgsell’s contributions and achievements over his past 24 years in service as the leader of the Schneckengemeinde (Snail Community)Pfaffenweiler . Farewell Letter from Fritz Gutgsell In an open letter to the community of Pfaffenweiler in his last Pfaffenweiler Newsletter S’Gmeiblaettle as Editor, November 17th, retiring Buergermeister Fritz Gutgsell wrote: Dear Citizens, as you all know, I will be retiring from the office as Buergermeister on Monday 20 th of November 2006. It is my deepest desire to express my most heartfelt thank you to all of you. I’m happy that at the end of my 24 years in office I can hand over the community to my successor well positioned for the future. For the size of our community we have a well built infrastructure and a solid financial status. Pfaffenweiler shines as well through its cultural activities, social, economical and ecological engagement. It is a result of a fruitful cooperation with each other in each area. It is not just the materialistic and economical values which makes a community attractive, but the relationships between the people. It is especially important, that the people feel comfortable in their daily environment, to have the feeling to belong to the community and a feeling to be needed, to be a citizen, but not just demand but also to add effort and carry responsibility. The humane and constructive cooperation to relate home and protection was the guiding rule for my efforts for our common good in the community. In this sense I enjoyed being the Buergermeister. I want to thank all my co-workers during my complete time in office for their outstanding work for the community, the members of the City Council for their overall constructive efforts, all citizens for their encouragement given to me during my election and re-elections, and the support and understanding which was given to me over all these years. Thank you very much. Thank you as well to the spiritual leaders, the educators and teachers at the community Kindergarten and Grade-School for their important and valuable efforts. I also want to thank all the local clubs and associations for their very meaningful and volunteer work. They are the ones who especially fill and enrich this community with life. I don’t want to forget our exemplary partnership with the city of Jasper, USA. All my friends from Jasper and Pfaffenweiler who have supported the partnership and will continue carry it, I want to express my thank you and appreciation. Dear Citizens, I wish our livable and loveable wine grower community Pfaffenweiler continued success and development and wish my successor all around a good hand and support from the community. Yours Up Coming Events and Fundraisers for the JHS German Exchange Program Thank you to all DeutscherVerein members for attending the Chili Dinner. Your continued support is appreciated. Students of the Jasper High School German Club participating in the German Student Exchange Program will be selling BR Bucks April 2 nd through April 22 nd. BR Associates will be donating a percentage of the sales back to the JHS German Student Exchange Program. These Bucks are good at BR Associates dining outlets and sell for $1 each. On May 5 th and May 19 th the group will be selling hamburgers at Buehler’s Buy-Low. Remember to patronize these events as the students raise money to their next trip to Germany in early June. Your support is appreciated!!! Thanks to BR Associates and Buehler’s Buy-Low for their continued support of the JHS German Student Exchange Program. The group from Pößneck will arrive on April 10 and leave on April 24. 19 students and two teachers, Anke Weniger and Andrea Friedl, will be traveling with the group. The activities for this group are quite similar to those for the Staufen group. We are going to the Strassenfest!!!!! DeutscherVerein or German Theme Clothing If any club member has a DeutsherVerein vest, dirndl dress, shirt or lederhosen that they would like to sell or give away, please contact Patti Goepfrich (482-4821 or pmgoep@fullnet.com) and she will put the appropriate information in the newsletter. We can use the newsletter as our own “barter box”. Remember, Strassenfest is right around the corner!!!! What a great way to show our heritage, let’s dress in our best German attire!!! Sister City International Information
Own Your Own Copy of the 50th Anniversary Commemorative Book Published in partnership with Butler Books, the 50th Anniversary Commemorative Book, " Peace Through People: 50 Years of Global Citizenship," is a 248-page color coffee table book highlighting the inspiring history of the sister city movement and retailing for only $39.95. Delve into the archives of Sister Cities International and explore the incredible history of the sister city program. Purchase your copy of the first edition today! Find New Ideas in Our Discussion Groups,
Lapel Pins with the Jasper/Pfaffenweiler Logos Lapel pins with the Jasper/Pfaffenweiler logs are available for sale at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce Office and at the Dubois County Museum Gift Shop. Cost is $3.00 each. Postcards of the Train Depot and Dubois County Courthouse are available at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce. German Festivals in Cincinnati Germania Oktoberfest Wooden Coasters – Great Gift Idea!!! Sister Cities of Jasper is selling sets of beautiful, solid wooden coasters. The four designs are the Jasper Train Depot, Eckert Mill, St. Joseph Church and the City Hall. The coasters can be purchased individually for $5 each. They are also offered as a set of the four designs resting in a wooden base for $25 per set. They can be purchased at the Jasper City Hall, the Jasper Chamber of Commerce, and Dubois County Museum Gift Shop as well as at the Schnitzelbank Gift Shop and Stein’s Sign-N-Gifts. The profits will benefit the Jasper High School German Exchange Program. These are a nice gift for anyone and can be a gift for family and friends in Germany or outside of the area. Jasper Post Cards Postcards of the Train Depot and Dubois County Courthouse are available at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce. WANTED – BEER BOTTLES We are still missing MANY beer bottles from our picnic and auction. Please return them to Bob Sunderman or Matthias Hilger as soon as possible. These belong to the German Club and we need them again for the next batch of homebrew being made for the German Club picnic 2007 in September. You were allowed to take some beer home after the picnic and the auction under a verbal agreement, that you will return the empty bottles. Please respect our agreement. Thank you for your action and consideration in this matter. Potential New Club Members If someone knows of a potential new club member and would like information about the Deutscher Verein forwarded, please contact Ruth Wibbels at 482-5403. The following is a series of articles that appeared in The Dubois County Daily Herald in 1957. These articles also appear on the DeutscherVerein website. Enjoy!!!! Erinnerst Du Dich? From The Dubois County Daily Herald Fr. Kundek Recognized As An Early Leader The pioneer leader whose historical contribution to the community’s development will be especially commemorated during this year’s Pioneer German Days is Father Joseph Kundek, Croatian missionary priest who was one of the founders of a chain of German-speaking communities in southern Indiana. The beginning of an annual Pioneer German Days Celebration coincides with the 100 th anniversary of the death of Father Kundek, making it doubly fitting. Elsewhere in this special edition of the Daily Herald are accounts of the accomplishments of this priest as a civic leader and a religions leader during Jasper’s pioneer days. From The Dubois County Daily Herald Special Events Each Day During Week-Long Fete Pioneer German Days officially open at 5:30 this evening in Jasper, heralding six days of celebration filled with special events and festival atmosphere. According to Arthur C. Nordhoff, general chairman for the first annual affair, at least twenty special events are scheduled throughout the week in addition to the festival market stands which will operate on the Public Square through-out the six-day event. Today was “Preparation Day” as booths and stands were erected and displays readied. Although the festival itself was to open about noon today, the opening ceremony, including a short welcome by Mayor Lorey and other dignitaries, is set for 5:30 P. M. Chairman Nordhoff explained today that the celebration has two purposes: to keep alive the high traditions of German-speaking people in America and to commemorate those German pioneers who transplanted their heritage here and made it a part of the American way of life. Each day of the fete, which will continue through Saturday, will feature special events of a variety to attract the interest of everyone. In most instances, the events will tie in either with the pioneer or the German theme, or both. Such activities as a musical festival, kiddie carnival, German movie, German eating specialties, sports events, a relic museum and document gallery are only a few of the features. Since a national holiday, Independence Day, falls within the week, a giant parade is to be held on Thursday, July Fourth. At least thirty units, including bands, floats, military units and special attractions, are expected to be part of the line of march. A more detailed Calendar of Events will be found elsewhere on this page. From The Dubois County Daily Herald Business Areas Are In Festive Dress What is probably the most elaborate mass decoration project attempted in Jasper has left the community decked out in festive array from “head to toe” in the business areas. Professional decorators were called in by the Jasper Business and Professional Association, whose task it was to see to proper display. The Old Glory Flag and Display Co. of Brazil, did the store front and street decorations and many business firms have added their own individual touch within their display windows. Holstein Bacon Soup Ingredients:
Cut meat from the hambone into small pieces and soak with the bacon in water overnight. Add plenty of cold water and boil on medium heat for 3 – 4 hours. Skim foam off frequently; the liquid must remain clear. Strain from the broth, add chopped vegetables, and boil for another 20 minutes. Add dried prunes and dumplings and simmer for 10 minutes. Add vinegar and sugar to taste. Serve with boiled potatoes and the cut-up meat. (taken from www.derdeutschemichel-online.de) Frohe Ostern Blumen, Blueten, bunte Eier, Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment A gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment of the Dubois County Community Foundation is a wonderful way to remember that special someone. A gift in honor of someone or in memory of someone may be given. The Dubois County Community Foundation will send a letter of acknowledgment to the individual being honored or to the family of someone being remembered. Send your gift along with the appropriate information to the Dubois County Community Foundation, P. O. Box 269, Jasper, IN 47547-0269. Envelopes are also available at the greeting table at each club meeting. Enclosed is my gift of $___________. Please direct my gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment. Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________ I want my gift to be in memory of/in honor of: _____________________________________________
Please acknowledge gift: Name: _______________________________________ Address:______________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________ Annual Dues may be paid at the March and April meetings of the DeutscherVerein!!!! Membership Dues It's that time of year again! Please submit your dues for 2007 as soon as possible by completing and sending in the following form. Thanks!
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.