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April 2006 Frohe Ostern Blumen, Blueten, bunte Eier, Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars! April DeutscherVerein Meeting
The program will feature a trip to visit the newly-opened location of the French Lick Winery. Plans have been made to offer bus transportation at a cost of $10 per person for the Round Trip. The bus will be located in the Parking Lot near Staples and will depart on Thursday, April 20 th at 5:30 PM. The club will provide canned drinks to those riding the bus. The Winery will be conducting tours of their facilities including an expanded Gift Shop. The Vintage Café at the Winery will also be serving an Italian buffet (spaghetti, pizza, ziti) at an additional cost of $10 per person. Anyone wishing to purchase wine will be given the opportunity to purchase at the group discount rate offered. Reservations are needed for this meeting due to the need to arrange transportation and to adequately prepare for the meal. Please contact Ruth Wibbels at 482-5403 or via email at wibbels@fullnet.com no later than April 12 th for reservations. May DeutscherVerein Meeting
We will begin by meeting with Richard Pearson at the Train Depot for a brief tour. The Depot is a replica of the Southern Railway Station first built in 1909. The railcar located adjacent to the Depot is a Business Car built in 1913 and used by President Harry Truman in 1947 during the famous "Whistle Stop Campaign" during the Presidential campaign with Thomas Dewey. The railcar is particularly interesting in that the Honduras mahogany interior features a kitchen, dining room, lounge, bathroom, secretary, and two bedrooms. Should be a most interesting tour! After the tour at the Train Depot, we will reconvene at the Dave Buehler Plaza for a "Picnic in the Park". We will conduct a brief Club meeting followed by brats (prepared by Virgil Gress and his crew), snacks, and desserts. We ask all members to bring either a snack or dessert to share with the membership. The club will provide the brats and canned drinks. Don't forget to sign up to work a shift at the Deutscher Verein booth during Strassenfest this summer! Annual Fall Picnic Date: Saturday, September 16 th, at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation Matt Hilger and his group are busy making plans for another great picnic! Mark your calendars now for the date and location! Wanted!!!! We are looking for Food Booth Chairpersons for the 2006 Strassenfest. We are looking for two couples or persons to work with Ed and Sarah Zoglman so that they can turn over the reigns as Food Booth Chairpersons. If any person or couple is interested, please contact Ed and Sarah at 482-2886. Sign up for work shifts at the Food Booth and Pastry Stand will take place at the May meeting or you may contact Ed and Sarah at 482-2886 to schedule your work shift. The Food Booth at the Strassenfest is the only fundraiser for the DeutscherVerein. Any help and support of this venture is appreciated. DeutscherVerein Web Site On the DeutscherVerein Web Site, we have a tab titled Guest Book. We are receiving many good and interesting comments in our Guest Book. Each entry is responded to by either Mathias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich. They are also using their resources in Pfaffenweiler and Reute to help with the responses. The following are examples of comments that we have received and have been responded to. 03/15/2006 – I am a member of the St. Charles County German Heritage Club. Our club started in 1973, and currently has 75 members. We are planning to start a website this year, and I really like your club’s site. Do you contract with a company to manager your website, or does someone withing your club handle it? Viele gru?e, Lori McGinley Saint Charles, MO 03/12/2006 – This is a really nice site. I don’t live in Jasper, but it is interesting to see what goes on at your club. We have some German clubs in Cincinnati, but I don’t know if their websites are as good. Clem Sunderman Cincinnati, OH 02/23/2006 – Hello, My name is Martina Wacker. I’m from Germany. I am living in Ohlsbach. It’s 60km from Freiburg. I think you know Freiburg. My grandfather lived near Freiburg, in a small village called Reute. He is the reason why I’m very interested for your town Jasper. My grandfather lived and worked at Eckert’s Mill at 19.century for about 9 years. His name was Karl Sutter. I hope someone can give me some information. Perhaps his entry would be registered. I will visit your website and perhaps one day I can spend my holydays in the town where my grandfather lived some years. All the best wishes. Martina Wacker Ohlsbach, Germany 01/19/2006 – Thank you so much for the helpful website. It’s easy navigability and update information helped me very much in finding out more information about the German society in Jasper, IN. As photojournalist, nothing irritates me more than out of date websites and I was very impressed to find that a town the size of Jasper has niche organization that constantly updates their information for the world to see. It benefits not only potential tourists but students, young and old on the life of German descendants in todays society. Thank you again. Nathan Morgan Bowling Green, KY 01/09/2006 – Decendants are from Pfaffenweiler, Germany. We are interested in learning all we can about our family from Germany. Would appreciate any help anyone can give. David Schuble Boonville, IN 12/26/2005 – Dear Friends in Jasper, I wish you a nice holiday season and a Happy New Year 2006! 2005 was a great year, with celebrating the partnership and the Strassenfest with you in Jasper and meeting all the friends. Thank you very much again and best regards. Karin Horst Pfaffenweiler, Germany 11/30/2005 – I’m a descendant of Charles Hilger of Louisville, KY. His brother Andrew lived in Columbus, IN between 1850-1900. I noted that there is a Mr. Hilger who is a member of this group and wonder if we share a common ancestor. Please email me if this is the case. Thank you. Linda Sigrist Sebring, FL 08/10/2005 – Dear German Club, as a former resident of Jasper, IN, I have fond memories of growing up on Vine Street. It’s great to see the strong German traditions continue. I look forward to traveling to Pfaffenweiler someday. Rob Pitman Apalachin, NY For 2006, we are averaging over 20,000 hits a month to the Web Site. Check out www.jaspergermanclub.org. DeutscherVerein or German Theme Clothing If any club member has a DeutsherVerein vest, dirndl dress, shirt or lederhosen that they would like to sell or give away, please contact Patti Goepfrich (482-4821 or pmgoep@fullnet.com) and she will put the appropriate information in the newsletter. We can use the newsletter as our own “barter box”. We are grateful to a club member who recently sold a vest to another club member and donated the proceeds back to the DeutscherVerein. Up Coming Fundraisers for JHS German Exchange Students Students of Jasper High School participating in the German Student Exchange Program will be selling BR Bucks April 24th through May 14th. BR Associates will be donating a percentage of the sales back to the JHS German Student Exchange Program. These Bucks are good at BR Associates dining outlets and sell for $1 each. They can be purchased by contacting Sharon Kunkel at 482-1971 or Matthias Hilger at 634-9812. They will also be sold at the May meeting of the DeutscherVerein. The students and parents will also be having Hamburger Sales on the following dates: Saturday, May 12, at Holiday Foods – 11am – 1pm Saturday, June 10, at Buehler’s Buy-Low – 11am – 1pm Saturday, July 15, at Buehler’s Buy-Low – 11 am – 1 pm Remember to patronize these events as the students raise money for the next trip to Germany in 2007!!! Your support is appreciated!!! Thanks to BR Associates, Holiday Foods, and Buehler’s Buy-Low for their support of the JHS German Student Exchange Program. Beneath the Cherry Sapling Legends from Franconia Edited and Translated by Norbert Krapf This book is in both German and English. Copies of this interesting book are available for sale at Club Meetings at the greeting table or by contacting Patti Goepfrich at 482-4821 or pmgoep@fullnet.com. Cost is $12. INVISIBLE PRESENCE Last I heard, copies of my collaboration with Darryl Jones, Invisible Presence: A Walk through Indiana in Photographs and Poems, will arrive from the printer at Indiana University Press on May 24. Amazon.com is listing it at a 37% discount, and the book will be available from The Indianapolis Museum of Art, Out Word Bound Books, and The History Market, Indiana Historical Society, in Indianapolis; The Book Loft in Nashville, IN; the Dubois County Museum, Flower Stall Hearth & Home, and Words of Wisdom in my hometown, Jasper, IN; and the chains. Next month I’ll send out a list of readings scheduled for various sites in and around Indy, Nashville, and Jasper. Right now I can tell those of you who live in the Jasper area that I'll be reading from this new hardcover coffee-table book of collaborations at the Dubois County Museum on Tuesday, June 13, at 6:30 p.m. Yeah, this is the very first reading! Come on over, hear some poetry, see some beautiful Indiana Polaroid photographs that look like Impressionist paintings or watercolors, and meet my German friend Helmut Haberkamm, the Franconian dialect poet and playwright who has translated many of my poems into standard German. The next night at 7:30 in the Athenaeum, right here in my downtown Indy neighborhood, Helmut will Dialect Literature in Southern Germany Today." In both Jasper and Indianapolis, Helmut is willing to lift a mug of beer and drink to the beauty of southern Indiana, which he asked me to show him on his first trip to the Hoosier state. He visited me and my family several times in the New York area, and now it is time to baptize him as a Hoosier German! I will also be in Jasper for the Strassenfest and will do a reading at the DCM as well as signings at Flower Stall Hearth & Home and the new Words of Wisdom. Check the Strassenfest booklet and website for details, which I'll send around in the summer. I hope you all had a good St. Patrick’s Day and are ready for spring to pop! To everything green, Norb Indiana German Heritage Society Annual Meeting and Symposium - 2008 In Spring of 2008, the Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Indiana German Heritage Society will be held in Jasper. Patti Goepfrich is Jasper’s representative to the State Council of the Indiana German Heritage Society and will coordinate the planning committee of the 2008 Annual Meeting and Symposium. Please let Patti know if you have any ideas or suggestions for this Meeting and Symposium. Potential New Club Members If someone knows of a potential new club member and would like information about the Deutscher Verein forwarded, please contact Ruth Wibbels at 482-5403. Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit, der Gemut-lich-keit, Ein Prosit, A toast, A toast, To happy times, A toast, A toast, To happy times, One, two, three…drink up Erinnerst Du Dich? From The Dubois County Daily Herald HARK THE HERALD Receptions, Formal and Informal by A. T. Rumbach I shall not attempt to give a day by day account of our rather protracted stay in Reute. To do so would be repetitious and somewhat monotonous. However, I shall touch upon the outstanding incidents and shall try to give a word picture of the numerous very scenic and interesting excursions we made from this base, including almost daily trips into the Schwarzwald and a three-day trip into nearby Switzerland and Liechtenstein. But first I must tell you about the formal reception accorded us by the citizens of Reute. On Saturday night ( October 2, 1954), while assembled in the family circle, we were informally serenaded over the telephone from the tavern “Zum Roessle” (The Little Horse) by the lone village musician with an accordion, who “lent to the sound of the music the beauty of his voice”. After several selections over the “far-speaker instrument”, he asked for permission to appear in person; so Mr. Stoeckle accompanied by his accordion and by neighbor Herren came in, played all the old time selections that came to his mind, singing them loudly and vigorously. It was on Sunday evening ( October 3, 1954) that the big event occurred. Feeling that we had time to rest up after our “long journey from America”, the village band and Maenner-chor (men’s choir) accompanied by the buergermeister and several hundred citizens, assembled in front of the Hettich Beckerei and summoned us from the house. As we stepped out, the band played a lively march and followed up with several other selections. Then the mayor delivered his address of welcome to “den vier Herren von America” who had honored the village with a visit. I was delegated by the gang to respond, and “unaccustomed as I am to public speaking”, especially in the German language, I made the point short but emphatic, that we were “tickled to death” by the reception. (Let’s see, now, how would one say that one is “tickled to death” in German? Ich bin zu death geticleled?) Under the direction of the “verein’s” leader from Freiburg, the Maenner-chor sang some really beautiful numbers, after which they adjourned “Zum Hirschen”, while the band went on. Eventually, the majority landed in “der Sonne” where the band furnished the music for a free dance. The drinks for the band and “chor” and the dance were at our expense and cost us about $3.50 or $4 each. The Badner Zeitung, printed at Emmendingen, reported next day that “a good time was had by all”. To us it was a unique and unforgettable experience. A few days later, on one of our trips through the Schwarzwald, we passed through Bolschweil, the ancestral home of the Gramelspachers, where we were most graciously received and especially Onkel Virgil and Onkel Clarence (in absentia) were given many a “hoch” for the help they had given the family in the difficult post-war days. It was an early morning visit (about 10 o’clock) and only Oma Gramelspacher, her son, Franz, the village postmaster, and his wife and two children and sister, Mrs. Hilda Schweitzen, whom we decided to call Mary Alice because of her resemblance to the daughter of Claude Gramelspacher, were at home. Again we were treated to Zwetsgen kuchen, pastetten and white wine, before we proceeded on our way. And since only a few of the clan were present, arrangements were made to have Onkel Virgil spend the week-end with them. We learned from Virgil upon his return that there was a great feast in Bolschweil with relatives from Freiburg, and other points in the Breisgau in attendance. Not far from Bolschweil we came across a saw mill and veneer mill operated by a Gramelspacher, but as far as we could determine, they were not related to the branch of the family that had migrated to American over a century ago (1837). The Bolschweil folks came to Reute on the last Sunday of our stay in Reute to take part in the farewell ceremonies. From The Dubois County Daily Herald Saturday, December 18, 1954 HARK THE HERALD It is about time for us to gad about a bit, to see what we can see in and around Reute. No conveyance large enough to accommodate the gang being available for the first day after our arrival, we decided to make the home territory first, on foot. This was one of those rare sunshiny, mild days of early October, just right for a hike. Our first stop was at the old Rumbach home, called the Gems (Antelope) probably the oldest home in Reute, and very picturesque, with its spreading pear tree stretching its arms over the east wall. This was the house in which Fred was born and where he spent the first six months of his life. Virgil lined us up in front of the house to record the visit with his movie camera. Across the narrow street stands the former bicycle work shop of Stephen, deceased husband of Oma Rumbach and father of Klara, Marie, and Agnes. The bicycle business was sold to Herr Birkle, the present mayor of Reute, after Stephan’s death in 1949, and the building is now occupied as a store – ladies’ and gents’ furnishings – by Marie. Yes, we had refreshments and an extra large “kugel-hupf” (a cake baked in an angel-food pan with the hollow center) and coffee. We then took off across the large, flat meadow, the green of the grass shining under the bright October sun, the “Glotter” or Muehlebach (mill stream), a rather narrow but rapidly-flowing and crystal-clear stream, winding itself through the meadow. The stream originates among the high peaks of the Glotter-tal, the highest of which, the Kandel-berg, is plainly visible on the horizon. The Glotter-tal is a resort area in the Schwarzwald, with the quaint old tavern “Zum Goldenen Engel” as a showplace. We visited it some days later upon returning from a long trip to pilgrimage spots in Hoch-Schwarzwald, and enjoyed its specialty of fried “forellen” (mountain-brook trout) taken fresh daily from the Flotter as it tumbles down the mountainside, within a stone’s throw from the tavern. We followed the wide footpath across the meadow from the “Gems” in Over-Reute to Unter-Reute, a distance of about one kilometer. Our objective was the Old Church dating back over 500 years, which was in use by the Reute parish as a place of worship until about fifty years ago when the new church was built in Over-Reute. The old church, with its high tower, is preserved as an historic monument and is still used as a chapel in which benediction services are occasionally held. On top of the tower is a wagon wheel placed there as an invitation to the storks to build their nest. The return of the storks from wherever storks go to spend the winter is a festive event each spring. Half-way up on the face of the tower is the large old clock still in operation. Tradition says that the church is built on the ruins of an old pagan temple. We paused briefly at the village bakery as Klara stopped to pay her respects to “competitors”; the bakery has been operated for many years by the Kraner family, one of whom migrated to America, came to Jasper and became the wife of Andrew Houf (Hopf) and mother of a large family. Her children, most of them living in Jasper, are all highly respected citizens. Half-way between Ober and Unter Reute is the parish cemetery called the “Friedhof”, or Court of Peace, where we visited Stephan’s grave. It is a rather small plot of ground, slightly elevated above the surrounding acres, and is enclosed by a brick and stone wall. All graves are very well kept; the mounds are covered with blooming plants and some have artificial wreaths. The names on the tombstones reflect the fact that many Dubois county families originated in Reute. A few that came to mind are Beck, Birk, Birkle, Fehrenbach, Hettich, Rich, Rumbach Schlegel, Sutter. It was late in the afternoon when we re-entered the streets of Over-Reute. Everybody seemed to be busy cleaning up their premises as a final chore of the week, so that all would look neat on Sunday. As we passed their houses, they would pause a moment to say “Gruess Gott”, and some who have relatives in America asked about conditions there. “How do the people in these German villages live?” That is a question we are often asked. Well, everyone knows these people to be very industrious. Most of them own a few acres of land which they farm intensively…that is, they grow at least two crops on them annually. Much of the work in the fields is done by the women, assisted by the men in their spare time. Most men have a trade or business which they operate when their services are needed by fellow citizens. We have already mentioned the bakery and bicycle business. Then there are carpenters, blacksmiths, locksmiths, tinsmiths, basket makers, weavers, butchers, taverns and other occupations. There is a cigar factory which employs mostly girls and buys the tobacco grown by local farmers. Many of the men and youths and young women work at their trade in nearby cities, traveling on bicycles and motorcycles. The principal crops are wheat, (grown mostly for green fodder), turnips, sugar beets, cabbage, tomatoes, cauliflower, endive and head lettuce. There are many fruit trees – apples, pears, prunes and cherries. There are few rich people among them but they are all very hospitable and charitable, being always ready to share their food and clothes with more unfortunate ones, such as the numerous escapees who have left their homes in Russian-controlled East Germany and other Communistic countries to seek freedom and make a living in the western zone. Recipes for Sauerkraut That Has Been Served at German Club Picnics Kraut #1 For 4 Persons Ingredients:
Preparation: Cut onions in thin rings; 2 tablespoons of butter in frying pan; fry onions until glassy; add Sauerkraut and ham; cook for ten minutes, add crème fraiche and lemon juice, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and thyme Kraut #2 For 6 Persons Ingredients:
Preparation: Peal apples, core and quarter, then thinly slice; add Kraut, apples, berries, bay leaves, wine, and water in non-metallic kettle; get to boil over moderate heat, simmer 1.5 hours, stir occasionally and cover; uncover and let heat reduce liquid, add pepper and cream; toss well; taste and add salt and sugar if needed. Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment A gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment of the Dubois County Community Foundation is a wonderful way to remember that special someone. A gift in honor of someone or in memory of someone may be given. The Dubois County Community Foundation will send a letter of acknowledgment to the individual being honored or to the family of someone being remembered. Send your gift along with the appropriate information to the Dubois County Community Foundation, P. O. Box 269, Jasper, IN 47547-0269. Envelopes are also available at the greeting table at each club meeting. Enclosed is my gift of $___________. Please direct my gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment. Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________ I want my gift to be in memory of/in honor of: _____________________________________________
Please acknowledge gift: Name: _______________________________________ Address:______________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________
Membership Dues It's that time of year again! Please submit your dues for 2006 as soon as possible by completing and sending in the following form. Thanks!
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.