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November 2005 Leo and Lora Lou Eckerle – 2005 German Heritage Award Winners Leo and Lora Lou Eckerle are the recipients of the 2005 German Heritage Award. The award is given annually by the Jasper Deutscher Verein, Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc. and the Jasper Partnership Commission to a couple or individual who has contributed in an outstanding way to preserving, maintaining, and building upon the community’s German heritage. Presenting the award, Jasper Partnership Commission President, Matthias Hilger said “they are a true example of people doing things behind the scenes and getting very little recognition. This is a great example of work ethics and what our community was founded on. They are loyal and faithful members of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, a backbone of our club”. “No matter what the job or how detailed any project, they are always around with a helping hand. No matter if the project is butchering, setup, or keeping the food stand at the Strassenfest running smoothly, they are there from the start to the finish, with hard work and humility”. He cited their being the backbone of the infrastructure of the Jasper Deutscher Verein’s Strassenfest activities. Previous recipients of the award are Mary Jo Meuser, Claude and Martina Eckert, Dave Buehler, Linus and Sally Lechner, Joe and Irene C. Eckerle, and Danny and Linda Wehr. German-American Day Celebrated The Jasper Deutscher Verein, Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc., and The Jasper Partnership Commission sponsored a German-American Day Program on Thursday, October 6 th at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant in Jasper. Over 95 individuals celebrated the occasion. Bob Dilger, president of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, welcomed all present and gave a brief history of the reason for the German-American Day. He introduced Mayor William J. Schmitt, who read the proclamation recognizing October 6 th as German American Day in Jasper. Jim Gutgsell, president of Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc., introduced the essay winners of the German Heritage in Dubois County essay contest which was held in conjunction with German-American Day. This contest was open to all seniors in the four Dubois County high schools. There were five essay topics. The students chose one of the five topics. They were “What does German heritage mean to me?”, “What can we, as the younger generation, do to help maintain and preserve our German heritage?”, “Note local or family German names as they relate to the towns or villages that immigrants came from, the meaning of the family names, relationship to geographic location, occupation, etc.”, “What was life like in our German ancestral homes in the mid 1800’s and what prompted people from those villages to immigrate to America?”, and “Write from the perspective of a traveler in the 1800’s leaving Germany and traveling to the United States. What did you leave in Germany, describe the journey, and what did you find in the United States?” Over 75 entries were received. The winner from Forest Park Junior Senior High School was Steffi Mehringer and her parents are Tony and Karen Mehringer. Katie Schuck was the winner from Jasper High School and her parents are Jerry and Germaine Schuck. The winner from Northeast Dubois High School was Nicole Schepers. Nicole is the daughter of Lavone Mangin. Jenna Bartley was the winner from Southridge High School. Jenna is the daughter of James and Mary Ann Bartley. Each student presented their essay as part of the program of the evening. Their teachers were also recognized. Mr. Gutgsell also introduced Julie Newton. Mrs. Newton, German language teacher at Jasper High School presented a program on the German language classes at JHS and the JHS student exchange program with Staufen and Poessneck, Germany. She shared with those present her philosophy on teaching the German language. She teaches the language using a variety of means including the Internet, partner activities, games, reading, movies, and culture projects. She focuses on a balance between fun and academics. She encouraged all present to get involved with their children and grandchildren in keeping the German heritage alive by traveling together or studying family genealogy. She asked everyone to continue to support the JHS German Exchange Program. She was then presented with a token of appreciation. Matthias Hilger, president of The Jasper Partnership Commission, presented the 7 th annual German Heritage Award. This award is presented to an individual or group who has contributed generously of their time, talents, or resources in maintaining, improving, or building upon the German roots in Dubois County. Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission created the award in 1999. The Jasper Deutscher Verein sponsored the award. This recognition is open to all people not just residents of the City of Jasper, who give what they can in order to make a difference. A nomination will recognize the work of those who generously support the German heritage. A committee, consisting of the presidents of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc., and the Jasper Partnership Commission, judges the nominations and selects the winner. Mr. Hilger noted that there were a record number of nominations this year of many deserving people. The 2005 German Heritage Award was presented to Leo and Lora Lou Eckerle. Hilger noted the many areas that Mr. and Mrs. Eckerle have been active in supporting the Jasper Deutscher Verein. They have been the backbone of the infrastructure of the Jasper Deutscher Verein’s Strassenfest activities. Members of Mr. and Mrs. Eckerle’s family also attended to help them celebrate the evening. Ken Sendelweck, President/CEO of German American Bank, then commented on the leadership skills and German Heritage in the essays presented by the students. On behalf of the German American Bank, he and Mrs. Rhonda Hopf, Executive Assistant, then presented each essay winner with a $250 scholarship and certificate. Mr. Dilger then thanked the German American Bank for their financial assistance of the essay contest and for the help in organizing the contest. He also thanked Dan Gutgsell, Lois Kuntz, and Patti Goepfrich for their help in organizing the evening’s activities and thanked all for attending the dinner and supporting the German Heritage. Scott Ortiz and John and Julie Gutgsell presided at the welcoming table. The remainder of the evening was spent socializing. Annual Deutscher Verein Fall Family Picnic
The Jasper Deutscher Verein held their annual family picnic Saturday, September 17th at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation. Matt Hilger and his committee did a great job once again. The celebration was begun by Father John Breidenbach with a Mass for the membership before the meal. Approximately 160 members then sampled a variety of German sausages provided by the Club and the many delicious desserts brought by the members. Bob Sunderman’s specialty was also enjoyed. A brief business meeting and awards followed. In appreciation for the hard work by the Strassenfest booth chairpersons, Pres. Bob Dilger presented gift certificates to the following: Ed & Sarah Zoglman for overall Booth Chairmanship, Don & Eileen Scherle for Dessert Stand Chair, John & Julie Gutgsell for Souvenir Stand Chair, and Patti Goepfrich for Publicity & Planning for the Sister Cities celebrations. Attendance prizes were won by: Charles Knust, Elaine Astrike, Kathy Wanninger, Lawrence Metz, Gary Egler, Levada Knebel, Janice Sunderman, Ross Fleck, Aaron Rasche and Mike McGuffey. Special prizes were won by: Norb Kreilein and Bob Verkamp. President Dilger also recognized members with birthdays and anniversaries. A slide show of pictures taken during the recent visit of our guests from Pfaffenweiler was also shown. The Doppel Adler Musikanten entertained for the remainder of the evening. Norbert Krapf’s book Beneath The Cherry Sapling was available and will be again at next month’s meeting. The next meeting will be October 6th at the Schnitzelbank beginning at 6:00 p.m. Call Patti Goepfrich 482-4821 by September 30th for reservations. Julie Newton will give a presentation at that meeting regarding her approach to teaching and the importance of our German heritage. The 7 th annual German Heritage Award will also be presented to someone in our community in recognition of their work in promoting and preserving our local German Heritage through their actions in giving of themselves to our community. The November meeting will be at the VFW on November 17th with the annual auction for the JHS Student Exchange program. Dan Hoffman has graciously agreed to volunteer his services once again. The membership is encouraged to be generous in providing items for the Auction and in bidding during the Auction. Ruth Wibbels, Secretary Upcoming Event – Mark Your Calendars! November Deutscher Verein Meeting -- Annual Auction for JHS Student Exchange
Members with last names beginning A-J are asked to bring a dessert … and members with last names beginning with K-Z are asked to bring an appetizer or snack. The club will provide beer and soft drinks. The meeting will include a presentation of the Holy Family Grade School German Language program. Jeanne Heltzel, Principal at Holy Family Grade School, along with Charmaine Oxford, Foreign Language Teacher, will introduce Club members to the Foreign Language program being taught at Holy Family Grade School. Please welcome them and be prepared to ask questions to learn about this fine program currently offered in one of our local parochial schools. Dan Hoffman has graciously agreed to conduct our annual Auction of donated items with 100% of the proceeds donated to support the Jasper High School German Student Exchange program. Julie Newton, German teacher at JHS will be on hand with several of her students to help in the Auction process. Everyone is encouraged to bring an item or two for this Auction. Please be generous! Items donated in previous years have included baked goods, crafts, furniture, homemade wine, German items, and Holiday items. Be creative – the more variety and quantity of items we have in the Auction, the more funds will be raised to support the Exchange Program. Come prepared to have some fun...and to bid! December Deutscher Verein Meeting The December meeting will be on Thursday, December 15 th and will be our Annual Christmas Party. Please note that the Christmas Party will be at the VFW again this year. The menu will include fried chicken, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, rolls, and butter. Cost will be $8 per person. Call Ruth Wibbels at 482-5403 or Bob Dilger at 482-9149 before December 8th to make your reservations for the Christmas Party. Reservations can also be made during the November meeting at the Sign-In table or via email to Ruth at wibbels@fullnet.com or Bob at dilger@fullnet.com. Performing Arts students from Jasper High School under the direction of Tina Luebbehusen and Stephanie Burns will be on hand for an uplifting performance. See the December newsletter for more details! January Deutscher Verein Meeting The January meeting will be on Thursday, January 19th at the VFW. As has become our custom, this meeting will be our annual beer and wine tasting/judging gathering. Members are encouraged to bring samples of their beer and wine making for the annual competition. Categories will be judged in Grape Wine, Non-Grape / Other Wines, and Beer. See upcoming newsletters for more details! On The Road Again with Fr. John Boeglin Fr. John is heading for a day trip to Covington, KY on Monday, November 28th for the Annual Christmas Tour. Cost is $87 per person. Itinerary is as follows:
There will be 55 seats available. Call Holy Family Rectory for reservations at 482-3076. Wanted - Bottles!!!!! Bob Sunderman is requesting that anyone who has bottles from the Partnership Dinner or Family Picnic to bring them to the November meeting at the VFW or to his home at 3274 Bittersweet Drive. Anyone who brings the bottles to his home will be treated to one of his beverages!!!! Bob can be reached at 482-3211. Please return any bottles so that Bob can begin the process of making beverages for next year’s picnic!!!! Beneath the Cherry Sapling Legends from Franconia Edited and Translated by Norbert Krapf This book is in both German and English. Copies of this interesting book are available for sale at Club Meetings at the greeting table or by contacting Patti Goepfrich at 482-4821 or pmgoep@fullnet.com. Cost is $12. This would be a great gift for that “hard to buy for” person on your Christmas gift list!!!! JHS German Club Fund Raiser The JHS German Club are selling Advent Calendars. Please contact any German Club member or Julie Newton by phone at 482-6050 or email at jnewton@gjcs.k12.in.us if you are interested. JHS German Club Students at Christkindlmarkt The JHS Exchange Program will host a booth at the Ferdinand Christkindlmarkt again this year. The group will be offering an assortment of desserts including cookies and strudel, along with coffee. Please stop by for dessert while visiting the Markt. The booth will be located in the Community Center. The Markt is November 19 and 20. Indiana German Heritage Society For information on what is happening around the state concerning German heritage, contact the IGHS at 317-464-9004 or www.ighs.org. Potential New Club Members If someone knows of a potential new club member and would like information about the Deutscher Verein forwarded, please contact Ruth Wibbels at 482-5403. Winning Essays of the German Heritage Essay Contest Steffi Mehringer What Can the Younger Generation do to Help Maintain and Preserve our German Heritage? German heritage is an important part of life in Dubois County. How strongly we fell about keeping in touch with our German ancestry is evident in almost every facet of our lives. There are so many ways that the people of this area proliferates their Germany legacy. Many spend countless hours exploring their genealogy to trace their ancestors back to their origins in Germany. A number of towns in our county and surrounding areas host German-themes festivals, such as the Strassenfest, Herbstfest, Schweitzerfest, and Heimatfest. Seeing the authentic dress of old-time Germany, dancing to the music, and partaking of German cuisine really strengthens this bond. As part of the younger crowd at these celebrations, I feel those are the times to really gain insight into the German culture. In addition to the festivals, there are special days set aside around the Christmas holidays that provide more links to our German heredity. Jasper celebrates the season with O’Tannenbaum Days and Ferdinand hails this special time with Christkindlmarkt. People of our generation have many opportunities to get involved in these events. The last two years I participated in a performance at Christkindlmarkt called the Glockenspiel dance. The presentation consists of dancers in German costume simulating the mechanic actions of figures in a German clock while singing Christmas carols in Deutsche. I have also taken part in O-Tannenbaum days a number of years by providing entertainment – both singing and playing trumpet. Jasper has a German club that keeps the culture alive by getting together and speaking to one another in Deutscher. This club has also developed a Sister City program by partnering with Pfaffenweiler, Germany, where many of our area families originated. Celestine has a similar association with the town of Wagshurst. Everywhere we go, everywhere we look, we are reminded of our German lineage. There are a number of buildings in the Jasper area that look as if they were lifted from a town in Germany and transplanted here. The architecture of Dubois County Tire and Jasper Lumber are prime examples. I would guess there are very few people in the area who have never had the experience of dining at the Schnitzelbank and singing their signature song. All of these things are great sources for people our age to be aware of and learn more about. Specifically, what can our generation do to preserve our German heritage? We simply need to get involved in the activities described above and absorb as much German culture as possible. Many kids my age have become more familiar with the language by taking the German courses offered in school. Another great opportunity we have to learn more about the language is to listen to those who grew up speaking it. The German our local people talk is the actual dialect of the area in southern Germany from which our ancestors hailed. German was the first language for my grandparents and many of my aunts and uncles. I try to tap into their knowledge as much as I can by learning more about everyday expressions and sayings. My grandpa also taught me a card game that originated in Germany, called Schafkopf. There are two things that I have experienced that have given me an even better understanding of German traditions. Several years ago, our family participated in the exchange program and had a German girl live with us for ten months. It was an experience I will remember and cherish for the rest of my life. We learned so much about their language, their customs, and way of life during this time. Our exchange student encouraged my questions and was happy to address my curiosity about German ways of life. She was very impressed at the extent we go to celebrate German customs and was amazed at all the German flags in our towns during the special events. Last year another German exchange student attended our school and I became very close friends with him. I was fortunate to be invited to stay with his family over the summer. Visiting the country gave me the opportunity to reinforce the already strong ties. By spending nearly a month with the Schmueckers rather than go over as part of a tourist group, I experienced first-hand what life is like their country. I spent much of my time in their home town – a small village outside Berlin. I got to witness and take part in things that they don on a daily basis, which gave me a whole new perspective of the German lifestyle. I was able to see where the parents work, what they eat, their weekend activities, and I attended a German school. I even accepted an invitation to talk to their English class and tell them about American culture and life in Dubois County. This trip was an excellent way for me to learn more about my heritage, and I encourage all of my peers to visit the country if they get a chance. I would like to plan another trip to spend more time exploring the southern part of the country. It is important for our generation to do our part in keeping our German heritage alive. We should continue to be involved in activities to promote the awareness of our ancestry. This will assure that future generations will carry on our traditions and feel the same pride of being German American as we do today! Katie Schuck What German Heritage Means to Me The colors are black, red, and yellow. For some, these three colors put together mean nothing. But those colors put together on the German flag are one that I hold close to my heart. My German heritage means everything in the world to me. My German heritage was first introduced to me when I was a young child, when I would spend time with my grandfather, Thomas Scherle. I would go to his house almost everyday, and quite frequently he would speak German. I remember having lessons on counting to ten in German, and I still knew the names of the numbers when I started learning more of the language in high school. I started to learn more about what it means to have a German heritage when my grandparents, Tom and Emma Scherle, hosted some of our relatives from Germany during Strassenfest time. Stefan and Agatha Kiefer, both of whom are now deceased, brought their family from Pfaffenweiler, to Jasper. I was still fairly young at the time, but I started to realize that there was a deep relationship between the people of Jasper and its sister city Pfaffenweiler. During the Germans’ stay in Jasper, I recall sitting in my grandparents’ living room and listening to Stefan, Agatha, and their family talk with my grandfather. My grandfather was the only one who spoke fluent German, so all of us non-German speakers would ask, “What did they say?” and my grandpa would translate for us. Those were the times when I took to heart that the people of Jasper had strong ties with the people of Germany. The last occasion I can remember of the German people coming to visit family was when the mayor of Pfaffenweiler, Fritz Gutgsell, came. He came into our home and acted as though he was part of our family. Now that I recall this I think, “Wow! For the mayor of Pfaffenweiler to come to Jasper, he must really care about keeping the German heritage and tradition alive.” My grandparents kept their German heritage alive by taking many trips to Germany, particulary to Pfaffenweiler. They stayed with the Kiefer family and did much touring of the city and the country. Botu of my cousins kept their heritage alive by taking German at Jasper High School and partaking in the exchange program. They both had German exchange student stay at their house, and I remember getting the chance to talk with my cousins’ partners and hearing them speak German. Then I wanted to do something to enhance my own German heritage. So, when I entered Jasper High School, I decided to keep my heritage alive by taking German as my foreign language. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Since I started learning the language, my heritage has started to mean so much more to me. I have learned much about the German culture, including what types of foods the people eat, what their customs are, and how their way of life is. Now I can see how the traditions we have in Jasper relate to those of the German people; there are major resemblances. I am now in my fourth year of German at Jasper High School, and I have the capability of carrying out a conversation in the language. Knowing that I can now communicate in the same language that I once heard my Grandfather speak gives me great pride. My German knowledge has definitely been taken to the next level, which means my German heritage means more to me now then ever before. My German heritage is something I am very proud of. I think I am at a time in my life when I value my ancestry more than ever. I am glad to have a family that has taught me about my heritage, but I am especially happy to have a family that has kept the German heritage alive. Nicole Schepers German Heritage German heritage is a big part of many Dubois County citizens’ lives. For this reason and more, it is important to carry on these customs to keep German heritage a priority in our lives for generations to come. To preserve and maintain our German heritage, we, the younger generation, should carry our families’ traditions on to the next generations, learn more about our heritage, and take part in local German festivals. Passing the tradition on to the next generation is one crucial step to take in preserving our German heritage. In my family, it is a tradition for the whole family to get together on each major holiday, go to my grandma’s house, and eat all kinds of food. Everyone chips in a little, making a feast of good home cooking. Another tradition that has been passed down in my family is having a hard work ethic. It is important to me and to my family, to work hard to achieve our goals, big and small. Also, quilting is an important tradition in my family. My grandmother was taught by her mother how to quilt. She quilts in her spare time and has promised to teach me someday. There are many ways we can learn about our German heritage. We should spend time with our great-grandparents, grandparents, and even our parents to learn things about our ancestors and heritage. When my grandpa was still alive, almost every time after he took his first bit of good he would say, “Geschmaecke gut,” which means “Taste’s good,” in German. He would always use German phrases and words, hoping I would retain and learn some of the language that was so important to him. I do remember a few of them, and someday hope to learn the language, so I can teach my grandchildren and touch their lives as he did mine. Sometimes while visiting my grandma, we will be in the kitchen after eating, washing dishes, when suddenly, she will find the urge to polka. So, she takes my hand, and we dance and laugh for a few minutes. Without realizing it, I have learned about my heritage just by sharing a fun moment with my grandmother. One simple way to maintain our German heritage would be attending and taking part in local German festivals, such as the Strassenfest. The Strassenfest is held in Jasper, making it easy to access from anywhere in the county. Overall, the atmosphere of the Strassenfest is a great one to learn about German heritage. Among other activities, there is a polka bank that plays, with a dance floor in front, where people polka to the lively music. In addition to the traditional music, there is tasty authentic German food to eat. There are many different activities that make up the Strassenfest in which the younger generation can become involved. As one can see, German heritage is an important part of our lives as Dubois County citizens. It is essential for us, the younger generation, should to conserve our families traditions on to the next generation, learn more about our heritage, and take part in local German festivals. Jenna Bartley What can we, as the younger generation, do to help maintain and preserve our German heritage? Cell phones, internet, mp3 players, and satellite TV. My generation has been exposed to technology like this all our lives. They are all things that we are very familiar with and could tell you plenty of information. But, ask someone my age about their German heritage, if any, and I think they would stumble through giving you a good explanation of their history. That’s why I believe that as the younger generation today we must maintain and preserve our German heritage as much as possible for the generations of tomorrow. Living in Dubois County, I have always been aware that we have a very strong background of German in our community. My family is of German decent just like many others in our area. Growing up I learned history, culture, traditions, and occasionally a little of the language through both my parents, but more so from my grandparents. I remember my Grandpa always calling me a “schnicklefritz” or shaking his finger at me while saying “Shande” if I did something mischievous. Being around family that enforced German heritage when I was younger inspired me to want to learn more of the language and about the culture. That’s partially why I decided to take German classes throughout high school I feel that it is important to introduce children at an early age to something so that they spark an interest in it. Learning about my German heritage when I was younger kept me interested and inspired to learn more as I grew older. Every year at Southridge, the advanced German class prepares and presents and event entitled “Kinderspiel” for the first graders at Huntingburg Elementary School. They introduce basics of the German language and culture through a skit of a classic German fairytale to the students. I feel that Kinderspiel is a fantastic way in which my generation is working hard to continue to spark an interest in the younger generation so that they will continue to be interested and want to learn more about our German heritage. There are plenty of other ways in our community that my generation is working hard to promote the education and preservation of our German heritage. Each day at Southridge High School six classes of students meet to learn the Germanic language. There is also a German Club at Southridge that participates in activities such as going to the Schnitzelbank each year. Just the effort put out by these students shows that they just aren’t taking the class, but they really do want to learn something about our history and ancestors’ way of life. This past summer, thirty-six students from those classes traveled to Germany along with out teacher to visit the country and get a hands-on look at where our roots really come from. I was fortunate enough to be one of those students. This most definitely was a trip of a lifetime. Not only did I get to spend two weeks in Europe with some of my closest friends, but I also learned so much. Everything that was ever taught to me in my German classes suddenly clicked. It was such a unique feeling to be able to listen to the language natively spoke right in front of me and see all the historic figures and places we had studied. Going on the trip gave me a great sense of pride to know that my background was of German descent and that my ancestors came from such a wonderful and powerful land. I feel that by experiencing these things first hand, by learning the language and culture within the classroom and along with staying involved in clubs and activities is another great effort that my generation is making to maintain the unique amount of German heritage our community withholds. Area towns host festivals each year such as the Strassenfest or Herbsfest that remind us of our German heritage. As our communities continue to grow, so do these events. I feel that it is vital to their success that everyone who is able to participate and help out with these fests. People my age can assist in them by volunteering their time and also by taking part in the events that are sponsored and offered to us. As we grow older, some of us may move away, but I feel that for those of us who choose to stay in the community, we must continue these traditions and improve them by doing wheat we can to keep the festivals going. They promote our German and bring out communities closer together. That’s why it is so important that we enjoy and take part in them now, but plan and keep them going in the future. Without our ancestors, we would not be here toady. Our lives in the aspect of language, culture, and tradition would be completely different from what we know. Our German heritage is a give and wonderful part of all our lives. I feel that it is so important for my generation to be educated on our traditions as well as to open doors of opportunity to the younger generations to keep and preserve our ancestry as we know it. My generation is doing great things to help maintain our heritage. I am sure that for generations to come, people will appreciate all that we have done, are doing, and will achieve in the preservation of this wonderful aspect of our German history. Erinnerst Du Dich? From The Dubois County Daily Herald The Other Side of Germany by A. T. Rumbach First impressions, however, are often mistaken ones. That time had not stood still even in this quaint German village, we were soon to learn upon entering our pro tempore home. We entered through the shop, well-stocked with bread, rolls and pastries, and an assortment of canned goods and staple groceries and sweets. We were escorted thence to our room above the shop. It was as neatly and comfortably furnished as the one we occupied in the Carlton-Tivoli in Lucerne, or any other hotel on our tour – twin beds, box spring mattresses, fluffy featherbeds, nice night tables with electric lamps and comfortable chairs. A bathroom with flowing hot and cold water was adjacent. The large cozy living quarters boasted a radio which was giving out dinner-music provided by a good orchestra in Stuttgart as we sat down to a substantial meal. The bake oven in the bakery which we inspected after the evening repast, is thoroughly modern. One can see from this that the way of life in Germany and America are not too much at variance. When one considers that the “old countries” have seven or eight centuries of living and traditions behind them, it is easier to see, perhaps, they are slower in adopting new customs and abandoning old and familiar habits. In fact, in many things such as hydro-electric power development, prevention of soil erosion and methods of conservation and many other scientific and technical departments, they are ahead of us. During our stay, we made numerous pictures, indoor as well as out, with a fine German camera. I would not for one moment want to be guilty of discourtesy of making our hosts feel that we lay claim to any sense of superiority. That, probably, is the all-prevailing sin of us Americans, abroad as well as at home. Because our country has made phenomenal strides in some fields and is the wealthiest in the world, we often conclude that this superiority is all-inclusive. No intelligent person would make such a claim. We have so many things of which we can justly be proud, and they have so many things which we must admire, that there is no sense in boasting or exaggerated claims. The old adage prescribing a rule of conduct with one’s neighbors applies here perfectly: There’s so much bad in the best of us, There’s so much good in the worst of us, That it behooves none of us. To speak ill of the rest of us. There was a strong tendency in America especially during World War I to condemn and diparage everybody and everything in and pertaining to Germany. Even the study of the German language and literature was banned in our schools. German opera and music was banned. Some went so far as to omit German foods from their menus, and German customs in general were taboo. This tendency was much less prevalent during World War II. In spite of this, many of the soldiers of both wars who were over there bearing the brunt of the war and later were in Germany in the army of occupation – men who had the opportunity to observe the industry, thrift and real character of the German people – returned with the conviction that Germany of all the countries of Europe, is more worthy of assistance, because its people, even after the calamity of two world wars, were doing their utmost to help themselves . (Found in The Dubois County Daily Herald and written by A. T. Rumbach.) Strengthening the Immune System Each second of our life our bodies are attacked by a whole army of bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances. Nature gave us an immune system that prevents them from taking over our bodies and causing a series of illnesses. It acts like a protective shield to ward them off. And it needs regular does of minerals and vitamins to be strong enough to successfully fight off these bacteria and viruses. The immune system also benefits if we are psychologically well-balances. And this is where beer comes in. We know that beer contains many minerals and vitamins and that it has a positive effect on the psyche. Although it has not been scientifically proven yet how exactly beer effects the immune system, it can be assumed that these “cheerful characteristics” can positively influence our immune system. (taken from Cooking and Healing with Beer – Secrets from Germany’s Famous Andechs Monastery) Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment Recent Gifts to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment Fred and Pat Hollinden in memory of Rosa Pieper Gary and Rita Egler in memory of Antoinette Wuchner Ardella Kordes in memory of Antoinette Wuchner Jim and Rita Corn in memory of Madeline Keusch Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Streicher in memory of Loretta Marks A gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment of the Dubois County Community Foundation is a wonderful way to remember that special someone. A gift in honor of someone or in memory of someone may be given. The Dubois County Community Foundation will send a letter of acknowledgment to the individual being honored or to the family of someone being remembered. Send your gift along with the appropriate information to the Dubois County Community Foundation, P. O. Box 269, Jasper, IN 47547-0269. Envelopes are also available at the greeting table at each club meeting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enclosed is my gift of $___________. Please direct my gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment. Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________ I want my gift to be in memory of/in honor of: _____________________________________________ Please acknowledge gift: Name: _______________________________________ Address:______________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.