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Thank you to Dan and Linda Wehr, Al and Judy Bennett, Dave and Nancy Prechtel, Dave and Brenda Buehler, Mike Jahn, Don and Eileen Scherle, Joe and Kathy Wanninger, Dave and Rita Blessinger, Matthias and Kathy Hilger, Mike and Ann Ackerman, Raymie and Rita Eckerle, Leo and Lora Lou Eckerle, Fred Roeder, Werner Sawmill Crew, Mike Hochgesang, Rafe Ackerman, Jim Corn, and Dan and Kathy Gutgsell and their committee members for the hard work prior to, during, and after the Strassenfest. And, also in the rain!! Much preparation goes into the planning, setting up, and take down of the area occupied by the Deutscher Verein during the Strassenfest. Thanks to all who worked their work shift(s) in the main food booth, the pastry stand, and the souvenir booth. Thanks also to the grandchildren, nephews, and friends of club members who help with the Strassenfest. Proceeds from these booths are the only source of revenue for the Deutscher Verein. Despite the rain and challenging time schedules, members of the Deutscher Verein stepped forward and gave their time and talents to make the booths successful. Winners of Strassenfest Events Log Sawing Contest Women's Division: Men's Division: Sheephead Tourney First: Joe Sander Parade The Deutscher Verein Float with the visitors from Pfaffenweiler riding received the Strassenfest Award for participation in the Strassenfest Parade!!! The Plaque was presented to Mayor Dieter Hahn at the Farewell Dinner.
Letter from Mayor William J. Schmitt
German Club Members: I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for the hospitality that was given to our 19 guests from Pfaffenweiler during their stay in Jasper. They appreciated the meals from the German Club's Strassenfest food booth and were overwhelmed by the warmth, generosity and kindness from everyone they met. Mayor Dieter Hahn made the trip to Jasper to experience the partnership. I think that he was overwhelmed and pleasantly surprised. Our two communities have worked hard to keep the Sister City Partnership strong and we hope it will continue for many years to come. Next year marks the 25 th Anniversary of our unique connection to this small town in southern German and, at the invitation of Mayor Hahn and his citizens, we will celebrate this special occasion in Pfaffenweiler in mid June. The Jasper Partnership Commission has started making plans for the trip and will forward the information to you as soon as it is available. We hope you will consider being a part of this journey in 2010. If you are interested in taking the trip you can add your name to the list by calling Lois at my office (482-4255). Mayor William J. Schmitt
Upcoming Events November Meeting The Auction will be held at the Jasper VFW . December Deutscher Verein Meeting The December meeting will be on Thursday, December 17 th and will be our Annual Christmas Party-Dinner. The Christmas Party-Dinner will be at the VFW. The Celebration Singers will be heralding in the holiday season with us. See upcoming newsletters for more details! News from the JHS German Exchange Program We would just like to say thank you, from the participants of the Jasper High School German Exchange program, for your support over the past two years. Each and every one of us had a wonderful trip as we learned the German language and culture first hand. It was an experience we will never forget. JASPER GERMAN CLUB PICNIC 2009 On Saturday September 19 th , 2009 we will have our annual German Club Picnic at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation to celebrate our families and the Deutscher Verein as well as saying thank you to the many people who put a lot of work into our social club throughout the year. Doors will open at 4pm with Mass being held at around 4:30pm by Father Brenner. Dinner will be served at 5:30pm . This year we are going wild with our menu. A few member hunters agreed to supply us with rabbit and deer meat and we will prepare in various ways. Spaetzle and Red Cabbage will be served along. Everybody, please bring a refreshing salad or desert along to accompany our main dish. A few different fresh brews have been prepared by the Dubois County Suds Club Beer. They have brewed a total of 30 gallons of beer, providing us with 10 gallons of Wheat beer, 10 gallons Koelsch, 5 gallons Porter and 5 gallons Oktoberfest. Please bring your own Beer Steins. It tastes so much better versus out of a plastic cup. During the evening Rita Egler and Danny Wehr will give a report on this year's Strassenfest and we are looking forward you all getting out your dance shoes after dinner for some Polkas and Waltzes. Wear your outfits and show your German pride. Special Invitation goes to the Strassenfest Committee, all Jasper High School German Exchange Students and their parents, the Jasper Suds Club and any of your friends. We will have sign in sheet at the Welcome Table for the attendance prizes and a reservation sheet for the German American day Celebration on 10/6 at the Schnitzelbank. We are all looking forward to see you at the Annual Deutscher Verein Picnic. Matthias Hilger
A Thought from your Vice President WOW - My first Strassenfest as an officer has left me grateful for accepting that position. One thing that people understand, even if they cannot verbally communicate, is love. It was so obvious that the affection, respect, and love was a two way street in dealing with our friends from Germany . My only regret is that my opportunity to be with more of them was limited. I would have done the same as the host families - took them under their wings and surrounded them with their friends. One thing for sure, the Beer Garden is no place to have a meaningful conversation or any conversation at all. If you cannot hear even yourself, what's the point? Surely there are more of you reading this that agrees with me to have the Beer Garden bands turn down the volume a little. The committee can and should make this happen. Let's not kid ourselves - it was fun, but not pleasant to be with a friend in the Beer Garden . Even the Captain Krunch kids on the West Stage saw it appropriate to crank it up so loud that talking on Yaggi's patio deck was a challenge. Someone has to be in control of something that turns a lot of people off. Vice President Birnie Jeffries Thank You Hoosier Business Machines Thank you to Hoosier Business Machines for displaying items relating to Pfaffenweiler , Germany and our Sister City Partnership. The guests from Germany were very pleased with the exhibit and were impressed on the importance that is placed on the Partnership. Wanted: Host Family Looking for host family for Lois Steinle from Ehrenkirchen, neighbor town of Pfaffenweiler . He goes to school in Staufen is 15 years old and will spend at the JHS the second semester of this new school year. Call Matthias Hilger at 661-0624. Update on our Newest Visitors!!!! Our two young ladies from the Staufen Faust Gymnasium arrived in Jasper on Wednesday 8/6 and were picked up at the Louisville airport by their host families. Jana Ortlieb is staying with Dr. Terry and Betty Brown and Anna-Lisa Weber is being hosted by Michelle and Mark Bramlett. Thank you to both host families for their commitment to host these two seventeen year old High School students for the 2009-2010 school year. We are certain we will see them around town for the next ten months and invite them to the many activities of the German Club. Sina Ehrhardt Sina Ehrhardt arrived in Jasper on June 30 th at the age of 16. She celebrated her 17 th birthday in Jasper on July 15 th !! Her hometown in Germany is Ehrenstetten, near Pfaffenweiler. She is attending Jasper High School as a Junior. In Germany , she attends Faust-Gymnasium in Staufen. While at JHS, she participates in soccer. On the weekends she enjoys being with friends and sleeping in. She has noticed some differences between her home school and JHS. In Germany , students have different periods every day, they don't have a dress code, and school ends at 12:15pm , 1:05pm , or 3:30pm . One period is 45 minutes long. Students don't eat lunch at school every day. Only if they are at school until 3:30pm . They have two 15 minutes breaks and the lunch break is 50 minutes long and the students are allowed to eat outside of school, not in school. School in Staufen and in Jasper begins at 8:00am . Sina wanted to improve her English, get to know new people, and experience school with different rules and activities and she chose Jasper High School . She was here last year as an exchange student in the Exchange Program and her older sister, Aileen, attended JHS for one year. Her host family is Kathy, Matthias, Amanda, and Alex Hilger. Matthias was a classmate of Aileen and Sina's Mother. Sina's wish is that everyone from Jasper come to Germany sometime!!!
German American Day Program and The Jasper Deutscher Verein, Jasper Partnership Commission, and Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc. will celebrate German-American Day on Tuesday, October 6th, with a dinner at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant. The dinner and program will honor the contributions made by German immigrants to the life and culture of the United States . The program will begin with opening remarks by Al Bennett, president of the Deutscher Verein. Mayor William J. Schmitt will proclaim October 6 th as German-American Day. Matthias Hilger, president of the Jasper Partnership Commission, will present the German-American Heritage Award. The award will be presented to an individual or group who has contributed generously his/her or their time, talents or resources to maintaining, improving or building upon the German roots in Dubois County. The recognition is open to all individuals. Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission created the award in 1999. The Jasper Deutscher Verein is sponsoring the award. Past recipients are Mary Jo Meuser, Claude and Martina Eckert, Dave Buehler, Linus and Sally Lechner, Joe and Irene C. Eckerle, Dan and Linda Wehr, Leo and Lora Lou Eckerle, the late Lowell and Joan Glendening, Dave and Janet Kluemper, and Rafe and Phyllis Ackerman. Maureen Braun will be our guest speaker. Maureen is owner of Finishing Touches, home accessories & gift store in downtown Jasper for over 30 years. She is a ROJAC board member on the membership committee. She received the Jasper Chamber of Commerce Community Excellence Award in 2006. Maureen will give an overview of ROJAC, Redevelop Old Jasper Action Coalition, which include the Jasper City Mill, Train Rides to French Lick, and additions to the Schaeffer Barn. She will explain how ROJAC boosts tourism and economic development, as Jasper's economic stimulus plan. She will provide information on what ROJAC can do for you!! Dan Gutgsell, president of Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc. will have closing comments. The public is invited to attend the dinner and program. The social hour begins at 6p.m. with the program and German-style buffet at 6:30p.m. The cost is $10 a person for the buffet with a cash bar. Reservations are needed and can be made by calling Patti Goepfrich at 482-4821 by September 28. Lois Kuntz also provides support in planning the program. An essay contest open to all seniors in the four county school corporations is being held in conjunction with German-American Day on Monday, October 6th. There are three essay topics. The students may pick one of the three topics. They are "What does German heritage mean to me?", "What can we, as the younger generation, do to help maintain and preserve our German heritage?", and "Note local or family German names as they relate to the towns or villages that immigrants came from, the meaning of the family names, relationship to geographic location, occupation, etc.". A winner from each school corporation will be named from the essays submitted, and the four winners will attend the German-American Day Dinner and read their winning essays at the German-American Day Dinner. Each winner will be awarded a $250 scholarship. The German American Bank is the financial sponsor of the contest. Additional information is available to the students at their high schools, or additional information can be obtained by calling 482-4821. Entries must be postmarked by September 10 th . Thank You to the Partnership Commission Thank you to Mayor William Schmitt and all members of the Partnership Commission for their efforts in coordinating the visit of the 19 visitors from Pfaffenweiler. Your efforts are appreciated Deutscher Verein Awards
The Deutscher Verein presented the annual $1,000 scholarship to Amanda Hilger, daughter of Matthias and Kathy Hilger. Amanda will continue her German studies this fall at the University of Southern Indiana . Amanda was very much involved in the JHS German Club, serving as V.P. her junior year and as President in her senior year. She was very heavily involved in the German exchange program and has been to Germany on many occasions, since her father is a native of Pfaffenweiler. Deutscher Verein President Al Bennett presenting Amanda Hilger with her Scholarship Certificate
Presentations by Mayor Dieter Hahn Mayor Dieter Hahn gave presentations when the visitors from Pfaffenweiler arrived at the Train Depot on July 29 th , during the opening ceremonies at the Strassenfest on July 30 th , and at the Jasper City Mill on August 1 st . The following is the presentation from July 29 th .
Rede zur Ankunft der Gästegruppe Pfaffenweilers in Jasper Dear Honorable Mayor Bill Schmitt, And esteemed guests, It is a great feeling for my family and me to step onto American soil for the first time and even greater to do this here in our Sister City of Jasper. Since 1984 the people of our two communities are visiting and meeting each other, and what started out as a partnership adventure is now deeply enrooted within the people of both communities. But it is not only within the two towns, but in the hearts of the people. Certainly there are exchanges of gifts, letters and telephone calls, but the greatest gift of all are the personal visits between the people. Only in the hearts of the people can this partnership exist and continue to develop. And that is why I'm personally thrilled, that along with me and my family, quite a few citizens of Pfaffenweiler are joining us, here, today, on this journey. The age of our group extends from 16 to 82 years and it demonstrates that this partnership lives in all our generations Since stepping in the office as Buergermeister almost three years ago, I have heard uncountable stories about the partnership and welcomed quite a few guests from Jasper in Pfaffenweiler. Today I'm very happy to make my first visit to you and to meet Jasper. I am looking forward to be able to celebrate our 25th anniversary of our partnership next year in Pfaffenweiler. I went through the documents of our partnership and realized that I'm very similar with my activities as my predecessor Fritz Gutgsell, who started his visit to the 20th anniversary on July 29th, 2005 . It is my sincere wish to be as a reliable partner to you as Fritz Gutgsell was and still is today. We are all looking forward to spending the next few days with all of you. We want to thank you in advance for your hospitality and will do everything we can to maintain and strengthen our friendship. Martina and Hubert Wacker Jasper will be getting visitors at the end of September. Martina and Hubert Wacker will be visiting Jasper September 21 st through September 25 th . They reside in Ohlsbach , Germany and are excited to visit Jasper and the surrounding area. Martina's Grandfather, Karl Sutter lived in Jasper for six years - 1894 - 1900 and worked in the Eckert Mill. Potential New Club Members If someone knows of a potential new club member and would like information about the Deutscher Verein forwarded, please contact Rita Egler at 634-9068. Address Changes for Newsletters If a member has an address change, please notify Rita Egler at P. O. Box 15 , Jasper , IN 47547-0015 or call her at 634-9068.
Jasper Deutscher Verein Familienpicknick Jaegerfest