Official Publication of the Jasper DeutscherVerein |
May 2007
March Meeting In Review
The monthly meeting of the Deutcher Verein was held Thursday, March 15, 2007, at 6:30 p.m. in the VFW.
President Virgil Gress called the meeting to order. A special guest at the meeting was Kelsey Bohnenkemper and her mother, Nancy, from Ferdinand. Kelsey is planning a trip to Europe next year to begin a year’s studies at a place to still be determined. She has composed a cookbook to help fund this trip. Anyone interested in helping Kelsey can call her at 367-0922 to purchase one of her cookbooks. The cost is $10.
The club members welcomed Dr. & Mrs. Glen Schepers and Christian Zins as new members to the club.
President Gress also reminded club members that it’s time to sign up for a shift in the Deutcher Verein booths for the Strassenfest. Please call Doug and Karen Schulte to get your time scheduled.
President Gress also spoke to the club members of the upcoming visit to St. Mary of The Woods. Sr. Betty Koressel from Precious Blood Parish is coordinating this trip with Jackie’s Travels and it is tentatively set for May 5 th. Check the Newsletter for more information.
Dan Gutgsell then reported for the Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc. organization. The following is a slate of nominees for next year’s Sister Cities if Jasper officers:
Dan Gutgsell, President
Dan Wehr, Vice-President
Patti Goepfrich, Secretary
Dave Kieffner, Treasurer
These nominees received unanimous approval of the club members present.
Dan Gutgsell then presented the slate of nominees for next year’s Sister Cities of Jasper Board of Directors:
Bob Dilger, Nancy Eckerle, Jim Gutgsell, Alan Hanselman, Stan Jochum, and Matt Hilger.
These nominees also received unanimous approval of the club members present. Dan also stated Sister Cities of Jasper is a non-profit organization which raises funds for the Jasper High School German Exchange Program, who has a group traveling to Germany this June. Sister Cities of Jasper receives its support via donations, membership dues and Deutcher Verein donations.
Dan also reported that Mayor Bill Schmitt called Burgermeister Gutgsell as his term in office was expiring to wish him well. Burgermeister Gutgsell was in office for 24 years and was instrumental in achieving a successful Sister Cities partnership with Jasper. Mayor Schmitt also called newly elected Burgermeister Dieter Hahn to offer his congratulations and support in continuing our relationship.
President Gress then thanked Judy Gress, Judy Bennett and Sharon Dilger for manning the greeter’s table for the meeting. He also thanked Fran Johnson and the VFW staff for the delicious chili, Irish stew and soda bread prepared for the evening’s meal.
The evening’s entertainment was bingo. President Gress thanked Fr. Boeglin for letting the Club use Holy Family’s bingo cards and machine; General Beverage for the donation of the green beer; and, The French Lick Winery, Winzerwald Winery and Kapp Winery for their donations of the gifts for the bingo winners. He also thanked Ruth Wibbels and Judy Gress for securing the rest of the bingo prizes for the evening.
Bingo callers for the evening were Bob Dilger and Dr. Glen Schepers; money collectors were Sharon Dilger, Judy Gress, and Raymie and Rita Eckerle. Gladys Knust and Christian Zins won attendance prizes; Bob Fleck and Anna Mae Hopf won the special gifts.
The next meeting will be Thursday, April 19 th at the VFW. Mountain Harmony band, under the leadership of Dan Hoffman will be the entertainment for the evening . Members with last names A – L are asked to bring desserts and those M – Z are asked to bring snacks or hors de oeuvres. The club will provide drinks.
Ruth Wibbels
Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars
The May meeting is our last gathering until the Strassenfest!!!
May Deutscher Verein Meeting
Date: |
Thursday, May 17, 2007 |
Place: |
VFW in Jasper (note the location change) |
Time: |
6:00 PM |
Social Hour |
6:30 PM |
Brats, Kraut, Snacks, and Desserts |
7:00 PM |
Club Meeting |
7:15 PM
Joe Rohleder will give a presentation on the Barn Raising – a ROJAC Project |
Joe Rohleder will present the program for the May 17 th meeting at the VFW instead of Buehler Park because of the chance of bad weather. The program will be related to the history of log barns and slides will be shown on the take down and reconstruction of the barn by the Jasper Riverwalk. This barn is a part of the ROJAC Project. Individuals who helped in the barn raising will be special guests.
The club will provide the brats, kraut, and refreshments.
Members with last names beginning A – J are asked to bring a dessert and members with last names beginning K – Z are asked to bring an appetizer or snack.
Doug and Karen Schulte will be available to accept sign ups to work a shift at the Deutscher Verein food booth or pastry booth during the Strassenfest in August.
August 2 – August 5
Remember, this is our only fundraising event of the year. Any help you can give in decorating and cleaning the float, putting up decorations and assembling stands on July 31st, or helping downtown in the morning and early afternoon on August 2 nd is appreciated.
Annual Family Picnic
Saturday, September 15 th, at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation Club. A dinner of Goulash with Spaeltzle will be served at 5:00pm. Entertainment will be Mountain Harmony Blue Grass Band. A batch of Bob Sunderman’s homebrew is already maturing in a basement in Jasper!!!
German American Heritage Dinner
Tuesday, October 9 th, at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant
November Meeting
Annual Auction for Student Exchange
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Dan Hoffman has graciously agreed to conduct our annual Auction of donated items with 100% of the proceeds donated to support the Jasper High School German Student Exchange program. Everyone is encouraged to bring an item or two for this Auction. Please be generous! Items donated in previous years have included baked goods, crafts, furniture, homemade wine, German items, and Holiday items. Be creative – the more variety and quantity of items we have in the Auction, the more funds will be raised to support the Exchange Program. Come prepared to have some fun...and to bid! The Auction will be held at the Jasper VFW.
December Deutscher Verein Meeting
The December meeting will be on Thursday, (date to be announced) and will be our Annual Christmas Party. Please note that the Christmas Party will be at the VFW again this year.
January Deutscher Verein Meeting
The January meeting will be on Thursday, January (date to be announced) at the VFW. As has become our custom, this meeting will be our annual beer and wine tasting/judging gathering. Members are encouraged to bring samples of their beer and wine making for the annual competition. Categories will be judged in Grape Wine, Non-Grape / Other Wines, and Beer.
See upcoming newsletters for more details!
Invitation to the 30 th Schneckefescht in Pfaffenweiler
The following are exerts from a letter to Mayor William Schmitt from Buergermeister Dieter Hahn of Pfaffenweiler.
“I and the citizens of Pfaffenweiler invite you to come to our well known Schneckefescht. We will celebrate this festivity August 31 st to September 2 nd. This will be our 30 th Schneckefescht.
We would be very glad if you can come. If it is impossible, I want to ask you to find some people who represent Jasper in its Sister City.
I agree to your opinion that our Partnership has to continue primary in the school exchange. But I think we also have to care for our visits of the other people and the associations. I can also imagine that the fire brigades will make an exchange. “
Anyone planning to attend the Schneckefescht is asked to call Lois Kuntz, mayoral assistant, at 482-4255.
Membership Dues
It’s that time of year again! Please submit your dues for 2007 as soon as possible by completing and sending in the following form at the back of the Newsletter or by attending the May meeting. Rita Egler, Treasurer, will be accepting dues at those meetings.
Single membership is $5.00 per year and a couple membership is $10 per year. What a deal!!! What an opportunity to experience our German heritage on a monthly basis.
Renew your membership now OR give a membership for a family member or someone new to the area. What a welcoming gift!!!!
Cookbook Benefiting Student Study
Stay in Germany
Kelsey Bohnenkemper from Ferdinand has put together a collection of recipes from family members, friends, people in her German Class at Forest Park Junior-Senior High School, and those interested in supporting her venture to raise money for her one year study stay in Germany starting this coming fall. She has had 681 cookbooks printed.
Kelsey has put this cookbook together with a lot of help. She began gathering recipes last July finally finished her project in mid-November. She is selling her book for $9 per each. They're currently for sale at Old National Bank, Tin Lizzie's and Homestead Pizza in Ferdinand, as well as GAB in Jasper. Otherwise you can call Patty Bohnenkemper at 482-7651, Mary Uebelhor at 367-1201 or Kelsey at 367-0922.
Forest Park High School does not have an exchange program, and so Kelsey took it upon herself to raise about $6,000 for her study abroad.
She stated, “I wanted to go to Germany because I'm taking German in school, and my whole family is almost all German, so I want to learn more about my German heritage, etc. It will also help me immensely strengthen my German speaking skills. “
She does not know for sure exactly where her ancestors came from in Germany, but “I did a project on it last year for my German class, and I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in northern Germany.”
Her plans are in the making together with EF Foundation for Foreign Study (www.effoundation.org) She does not know where she will be placed in Germany, but all will fall into place around May. She had to fill out and application and taking an interview with the representative for our area Cheryl Hartley.
This is a very unique young lady doing something not a lot of Americans ever do; take a whole year off to study abroad, learn about other cultures and countries and experience it hands on. If you have ideas where else she could place these books for sale, please contact her.
We will be selling her cookbook in the Souvenir Stand at the Strassenfest.
The mission of our Jasper Deutscher Verein is to promote our German Heritage and this young lady deserves our support.
Information from Sister Cities International
Dear Sister Cities Members:
I am pleased to announce the American Cultural Exchange Services (ACES) – Sister Cities International Youth Exchange Partnership. ACES will partner with Sister Cities International to allow Sister Cities International’s members to bring an international student to the United States on a J1 visa to attend high school and live with a host family.
We were able to retain the $2500 program fee for the 2007-2008 school year.
Sister Cities International discussed a possible partnership with four different exchange organizations. While the other organizations offered some advantages, their size made it harder for them to work with our model of exchanges into their system. The other organizations program fees ranged from $3100 - $9000. As we went through the process, we came to realize that ACES’ small size allows them to easily incorporate our community-run exchange programs. ACES’ small size and flexibility also allowed them to maintain a price we found acceptable.
We are able to obtain this discounted price because of the tremendous amount of volunteer work that you, our members, do to select & care for the students while they are here.
The ACES – Sister Cities International Youth Exchange Partnership will be similar in most ways to the AYUSA format. The key difference will be to put sister cities members directly in touch with ACES with questions, reporting requirements, & concerns. We hope to avoid the slow response time and confusion that seemed to result when Sister Cities International acted as a “middleman” between AYUSA and our members.
Quick Details
- To Participate, a community must:
- Be Sister Cities International members in good standing (up-to-date on dues payment)
- Identify an individual who will serve as a local coordinator (in the U.S.)
- Identify and individual who will serve as an overseas coordinator (in the member’s sister city)
Application Information
- Due May 1 st
- Payment Due May 1 st
- More information to follow
Price – 2007-2008
Program Fee: $2500 (paid to Sister Cities International)
Health & Accident Insurance: $560 (paid to Sister Cities International)
SEVIS Fee: $100 (paid to the Embassy / Consulate in the student’s home country)
Airfare + n/a (purchased by the student)
Total $3160
Stipend to local coordinator $525 (contingent upon meeting the requirement for submitting paperwork)
Price – 2008-2009 projected
Program Fee & Health & Accident Insurance $3350 (paid to Sister Cities International)
SEVIS Fee: $100 (paid to the Embassy / Consulate in the student’s home country)
Airfare + n/a (purchased by the student)
Total $3450
Thank you for your patience during this long process.
Bethany Rehling, Youth Coordinator
Sister Cities International
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 850
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 347-8630 x8252
fax: (202) 393-6524
Search for Family Members
Mary Alice Parks will join Kathy Mott as a volunteer in the genealogy room at the Jasper Public Library. Parks, who is a member of the Dubois County Daughters of the American Revolution and has experience in genealogical research, will be available to assist anyone researching his or her family history. Mary Alice will be in the genealogy room at the library the second Saturday of each month from 1 to 4 pm. Kathy will be available in the genealogy room at the library on the first and third Saturday of each month from 1 to 4 p.m. and the first and third Tuesday of each month from 1 to 4 p.m. She will assist anyone searching a family history. Mott has completed her own family genealogy, as well as done work for friends. She works as an administrator for message boards and mailing lists for Ancestry.com and also as a transcriber for rootsweb.com.
For more information, contact the library at 482-2712 or e-mail Kathy Mott at drmott@psci.net.
Rendezvous at Vincennes
The German Group at Vincennes will have a sausage booth at the Rendezvous on the French Commons in Vincennes on May 26 and May 27. Dewig Meats will make a Frenchwurst for the festival as well as bratwurst and whole hog sausage for the booth. Proceeds benefit the Catholic Education Foundation.
Also, mark your calendar for August 10 and August 11 for the annual Germanfest at Highland Woods Park in Vincennes. Entertainment will be provided by the Jay Fox Bavarian Showtime Band.
Deutscher Verein Website Update
For the first three months of 2007, the Deutscher Verein website received an average of 34,500 hits a month. The world is becoming acquainted with the Deutscher Verein and Dubois County. Check it out!!!
German Heritage Day Program and German Heritage Award
The 9 th annual German American Day Program will be held on Tuesday, October 9 th, at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant. Social hour begins at 6:00 pm with the Program beginning at 6:30 pm. The ninth annual German Heritage Award will be presented.
Past recipients of the German Heritage Award are Mary Jo Meuser, Claude and Martina Eckert, Dave Buehler, Linus and Sally Lechner, Joe and Irene C. Eckerle, Danny and Linda Wehr, Leo and Lora Lou Eckerle, and the late Lowell and Joan Glendening.
More details of the German American Day Dinner and Program will be available after the Strassenfest.
The following Article and Picture appeared in Pfaffenweiler’s

Ausgabe 16 - Jahrgang 37 - Freitag, den 20. April 2007
Matthias Hilger zu Besuch im Rathaus
Matthias Hilger, einer der Motoren der Partnerschaft
mit Jasper, weilte zu Besuch in Pfaffenweiler und
nutzte die Gelegenheit, mit Bürgermeister Dieter
Hahn über die Zukunft der Beziehungen zwischen
Jasper und Pfaffenweiler zu sprechen.
Angeregt unterhielten sich die beiden über die Geschichte der Partnerschaft und über die
Perspektiven. Perspektiven hat diese vor allem dann, wenn gerade auch junge Menschen über den Schüleraustausch aber auch über sonstige Aufenthalte in Jasper in Kontakt mit der dortigen Bevölkerung treten. Hierbei ist sowohl Matthias Hilger aber auch unser
Rathaus gerne Ansprechpartner.
Summer, 2007 Newsletter (Prior to Strassenfest)
Information for the PRE-Strassenfest newsletter will be due to Patti Goepfrich at pmgoep@fullnet.com on Friday, July 6 th, at 5:00pm. Any information for the Strassenfest including worker schedule for the Food Booth and Pastry Booth can be submitted. Also, any Strassenfest set up and take down time information and committee/event chairmanship information can be submitted. Any information on what will be sold in the food and pastry booths can also be submitted.
Thank you for your consideration in submitting information.
Sister Cities of Jasper 2006 Annual Activity Report
1. The St. Joseph Church Choir gave a presentation about their visit to Pfaffenweiler in 2005 to the German Club Membership March 16 th, 2006 during the monthly Deutscher Verein Meeting.
2. The search for an intern accounting position for Patricia Keller from Pfaffenweiler in Jasper was unsuccessful early in the year as well as at the end of the year again.
3. Annual Board of Directors Meeting held Wednesday March 29 th, 2006 at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant.
4. Annual Membership Meeting took place during the monthly German Club Meeting April 20 th, at the French Lick Winery. Danny Wehr gave report and all Directors and Members of the Board were elected as nominated by the Board.
5. Sister Cities International celebrated its 50 th anniversary in July of 2006. During the celebrations many volunteers making this organization such a huge success over the past 50 years will be honored by being recognized verbally and in the anniversary publication. Sister Cities of Jasper nominated past City Council at Large Vic Knies and Buergermeister Fritz Gutgsell to the Local Government Leadership Circle. (two nominations permitted per organization). Dave Buehler, Martina Eckert, Matthias Hilger, Mary Jo Meuser, Ruth Reichmann and Dan Wehr, were nominated to the Circle of Distinguished Volunteers. (Six nominations were permitted per organization).
6. Father John Boeglin and Dave and Janet Kluemper visited Pfaffenweiler during their Schneckenfest early September.
7. Al Schuler and Tom Eversman from Jasper visited friends and relatives in Switzerland and also stopped in Pfaffenweiler.
8. Tom Kiefer from Jasper visited Pfaffenweiler late in September to attend an anniversary birthday party for his relative Gustav Kiefer. The same weekend the elections for the new Buergermeister took place, and Tom was the first one from Jasper to congratulate Dieter Hahn on his election win.
9. The Exchange students from the Faust Gymnasium Staufen arrived in Jasper on 9/26 including three students from Pfaffenweiler. They stayed three weeks.
10. Dieter Amann from Pfaffenweiler visits friends in Jasper.
11. Bob Grewe, President of the Dubois County Area Development Corporation visits Pfaffenweiler on 11/14-15.
12. Pfaffenweiler’s Buergermeister Fritz Gutgsell was given a retirement party on 11/17 with Jasper Partnership Commission Board Member Stan Jochum present. He presented greeting cards from the people of Jasper, a gift certificate for vacation with his family and a DVD with greetings from Mayor Bill Schmitt and the Jasper German Club (produced by Lois Kuntz, Patti Goepfrich, and Hoosier Video)
13. On 11/20 Mayor Bill Schmitt called Buergermeister Fritz Gutgsell on his last day in office.
14. On 11/21 Mayor Bill Schmitt called the new Buergermeister Dieter Hahn to welcome him in his new position. Future visions were discussed.
15. The Herald discontinued sending the combined weekly editions to Pfaffenweiler in September. The City of Jasper has taken on this responsibility. This has been going on now for 10 years.
16. Werner Kiefer from Pfaffenweiler visits his relatives in Jasper in early December.
17. Pfaffenweiler’s e-mail version of the Gemeindeblatt (weekly newspaper) continues to be successfully sent to Jasper and friends around the world every week.
18. The ‘Pfaffenweiler Column’ contributed bi-weekly by Franz and Matthias Hilger continues to have a huge following in The Herald. This finished the 10 th year.
19. The annual fundraiser for the Exchange program by Sister Cities of Jasper has been initiated in November and is on target to be successful again. Included in the funds received is a Grant from the Dubois County Community Foundation which increased to $1,000.
Tradition of Beer
Originating in ancient Egypt, beer is almost as old as civilization itself. In medieval times, monks brewed beer
For a nourishing drink, which was permitted while fasting. Considered a valuable source of nutrition, beer played an important role in daily lives and workers were often paid with jugs of beer. The brewing of beer is considered by many to be the oldest manufacturing art practiced by man.
Up Coming Events and Fundraisers for the JHS German Exchange Program
Students of the Jasper High School German Club participating in the German Student Exchange Program will be selling hamburgers on May 5 th and May 19 th at Buehler’s Buy-Low.
Remember to patronize this event as the students raise money for their next trip to Germany in early June. Your support is appreciated!!!
Thanks to Buehler’s Buy-Low for their continued support of the JHS German Student Exchange Program.
Potential New Club Members
If someone knows of a potential new club member and would like information about the Deutscher Verein forwarded, please contact Ruth Wibbels at 482-5403.
Deutscher Verein or German Theme Clothing
If any club member has a DeutsherVerein vest, dirndl dress, shirt or lederhosen that they would like to sell or give away, please contact Patti Goepfrich (482-4821 or pmgoep@fullnet.com) and she will put the appropriate information in the newsletter. We can use the newsletter as our own “barter box”.
Remember, Strassenfest is right around the corner!!!! What a great way to show our heritage, let’s dress in our best German attire!!!
Lapel Pins with the Jasper/Pfaffenweiler Logos
Lapel pins with the Jasper/Pfaffenweiler logs are available for sale at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce Office and at the Dubois County Museum Gift Shop. Cost is $3.00 each.
Postcards of the Train Depot and Dubois County Courthouse are available at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce.
Wooden Coasters – Great Gift Idea!!!
Sister Cities of Jasper is selling sets of beautiful, solid wooden coasters.
The four designs are the Jasper Train Depot, Eckert Mill, St. Joseph Church and the City Hall. The coasters can be purchased individually for $5 each. They are also offered as a set of the four designs resting in a wooden base for $25 per set.
They can be purchased at the Jasper City Hall, the Jasper Chamber of Commerce, and Dubois County Museum Gift Shop as well as at the Schnitzelbank Gift Shop and Stein’s Sign-N-Gifts.
The profits will benefit the Jasper High School German Exchange Program. These are a nice gift for anyone and can be a gift for family and friends in Germany or outside of the area.
Jasper Post Cards
Postcards of the Train Depot and Dubois County Courthouse are available at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce.
We are still missing MANY beer bottles from our picnic and auction.
Please return them to Bob Sunderman or Matthias Hilger as soon as possible. These belong to the German Club and we need them again for the next batch of homebrew being made for the German Club picnic 2007 in September.
You were allowed to take some beer home after the picnic and the auction under a verbal agreement, that you will return the empty bottles. Please respect our agreement. Thank you for your action and consideration in this matter.
The following is a series of articles that appeared in The Dubois County Daily Herald in 1957. These articles also appear on the DeutscherVerein website. Enjoy!!!!
Erinnerst Du Dich?
From The Dubois County Daily Herald
Monday, July 1, 1957
Relic Museum , Book-Document Gallery Open
Two of the features of the Pioneer German Days celebration which all festival visitors will want to be sure to take in are the relic museum and the book and document galleries.
The relic museum has been the work of the Navy Club, Ship No. 90, and is located in the community room of the Dubois County State Bank.
The book and document gallery, compiled by the Madeleva Literary Club, is located in the show windows of the Ben Franklin store on the Public Square. As this edition went to press, the response to the appeal for the books and documents was so great that steps were being taken to acquire the use of the community room of the German American Bank to supplement the Ben Franklin location for the material.
Officials of the Navy Club reported, too, that appeals for suitable relics have brought response and that the collection displayed contains many interesting items.
Amount the unusual displays, the navy Club has is a set of pioneer cooper’s tools, a handmade bedspread more than 100 years old, and many others.
The literary group has been fortunate in acquiring for display such important works as original and photo static copies of records from Pfaffenweiler and Wagshurst, Germany, relating to families who immigrated to this area.
From The Dubois County Daily Herald
Monday, July 1, 1957
German Movie Slated Tuesday At The Astra
Helping to establish the German Atmosphere in Jasper during the Pioneer German Days celebration will be a German movie to be shown Tuesday afternoon and evening at the Astra Theatre.
“The Grapes Are Ripe” is based on a play of the German Repertory Theatre “Der Froehliche Weinberg”, a favorite comedy for more than 30 years. A matinee for two o’clock and an evening performance at 7:30 is scheduled Tuesday.
Screened along the Rhine, where the grapes for the famous wine are grown, the picture is typically German in every aspect, picturesque settings, good-natured light-hearted story, amiable acting, mass merry-making, multiple romance, contrived ending of happiness for all and the broad German humor.
The music is a cheerful folksy band and there is an abundance of dialogue (in German, of course) with English titles to explain the action. The story is directed by Erich Engel in accepted musical comedy style. Willy Schmidt-Gentner provided the score which is not traditional – such as “Du Du Liebst Mir Im Herzen” sung and danced in waltz tempo.
The movie will be of particular interest to those of German ancestry since the forefathers in this area came from the region of Germany in which (this is all that was printed).
Hawaiian Toast
Serving Size: 4
4 slices white bread
4 slices ham
4 slices pineapple
4 slices Edam Cheese
Butter or Margarine
Lettuce and Tomato slices
Toast bread and spread lightly with butter or margarine on both sides. Place toast on a cookie sheet. Place ham on toast, cover with pineapple and top with cheese. Broil until cheese melts. Garnish with lettuce and tomato slices and serve.
Cheese Bread
Serves 4
4 slices white bread (toasted)
8 oz. cheddar cheese (shredded)
½ cup whipping cream
1 teaspoon paprika
Beat whipping cream until soft peaks form and fold in cheese and paprika. Place bread slices on a cookie sheet and spread mixture evenly over bread. Bake in a preheated oven at 400 degrees for 8 – 10 minutes until golden brown.
Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit, der Gemut-lich-keit, Ein Prosit
Ein Prosit, der Gemut-lich-keit, Eins Zwei, Drei…G’suffa
A toast, A toast, To happy times, A toast, A toast, To happy times, One, two three… drink up
Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment
A gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment of the Dubois County Community Foundation is a wonderful way to remember that special someone. A gift in honor of someone or in memory of someone may be given. The Dubois County Community Foundation will send a letter of acknowledgment to the individual being honored or to the family of someone being remembered. Send your gift along with the appropriate information to the Dubois County Community Foundation, P. O. Box 269, Jasper, IN 47547-0269. Envelopes are also available at the greeting table at each club meeting.
Enclosed is my gift of $___________. Please direct my gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment.
Name: _______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
City/State/Zip: _________________________________
I want my gift to be in memory of/in honor of:
Please acknowledge gift:
Name: _______________________________________
Membership Dues
It's that time of year again! Please submit your dues for 2007 as soon as possible by completing and sending in the following form. Thanks!
SEND TO: Jasper Deutscher Verein, ATTN: Rita Egler, P.O. Box 15, Jasper, IN 47546
Name(s): ___________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP: ______________________________________________________
Home Phone ( ) ______ - ___________ E-mail: ___________________
[circle one]
Single Membership ($5.00) or Couple Membership ($10.00)
[circle one]
New Membership or Membership Renewal
Please indicate the year which dues are to be applied: ________________________
Sister Cities of Jasper
Jasper Partnership Commission
Jasper Deutscher Verein
"Honoring those who promote our German Heritage"
The annual German Heritage Award is presented to an individual or group who has contributed generously his/her or their time, talents or resources to maintaining, improving or building upon our German roots in Dubois County. Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission created the award in 1999. The Jasper Deutscher Verein is sponsoring the award.
This recognition is open to all individuals, not just residents of the City of Jasper, who give what they can in order to make a difference.
Because the efforts of these individuals are sometimes known only to a few, a nomination will recognize the work of those who generously support our German Heritage.
A committee, consisting of the Presidents of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, Sister Cities of Jasper, and the Jasper Partnership Commission, will judge all nominations. The Presidents will present the German Heritage Award during the German American Day Dinner celebration on October 9th at the Schnitzelbank.
How you can nominate:
The nominee must be an individual or group, nominated by any individual or group. Please submit the official form below (copy is accepted), along with the following:
- A letter of up to one page listing your reasons for the nomination.
- A biography, up to two pages, listing the service or efforts of the nominee.
- Mail or deliver your nomination to: Jasper Deutscher Verein
German Heritage Award
P.O. Box 15
Jasper, IN 47547-0015
Sister Cities of Jasper
Jasper Partnership Commission
Jasper Deutscher Verein
"Honoring those who promote our German Heritage"
The annual German Heritage Award is presented to an individual or group who has contributed generously his/her or their time, talents or resources to maintaining, improving or building upon our German roots in Dubois County. Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission created the award in 1999. The Jasper Deutscher Verein is sponsoring the award.
This recognition is open to all individuals, not just residents of the City of Jasper, who give what they can in order to make a difference.
Because the efforts of these individuals are sometimes known only to a few, a nomination will recognize the work of those who generously support our German Heritage.
A committee, consisting of the Presidents of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, Sister Cities of Jasper, and the Jasper Partnership Commission, will judge all nominations. The Presidents will present the German Heritage Award during the German American Day Dinner celebration on October 6th at the Schnitzelbank.
How you can nominate:
The nominee must be an individual or group, nominated by any individual or group. Please submit the official form (copy is accepted), along with the following:
- A letter of up to one page listing your reasons for the nomination.
- A biography, up to two pages, listing the service or efforts of the nominee.
- Mail or deliver your nomination to: Jasper Deutscher Verein
German Heritage Award
P.O. Box 15
Jasper, IN 47547-0015
Person Nominated |
Person Submitting Form |
Nominee's Name:______________________ |
Nominator's Name:__________________ |
Home Address:________________________ |
Home Address:_____________________ |
City:______________State:_____ZIP:______ |
City:_____________State:____ZIP:_____ |
Nominee's service is: voluntary / paid (circle one) |
(Remember, nominations need to be postmarked to the address listed above by September 2, 2008)
(Remember, nominations need to be postmarked to the address listed above by September 1, 2007)
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.