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October 2007 Message from our President, Virgil Gress Another great year at the Strassenfest. The weather was hot Thursday and Friday and Saturday we had rain. But we all hung in there and made this one of the best Strassenfest ever. I want to thank Dan Wehr for the great job and the time he put into making this a very profitable year. Without his leadership, things would not go as smooth as they did. I also want to thank the following; Deutscher Platz Decoration- Tom & Phil Schmidt. Logistics (Haul stand and Equipment to Fest) - Mike Hochgesang & Rafe Ackerman. Food Stand Setup- Leo Eckerle. Pastry & Souvenir Stand Setup- Jim Corn. Biergarten Tent Decoration- Dan & Kathy Gutgsell. I want to thank the chair persons for each night: Food Stand Pastries Souvenirs Float Sheephead Tourney Log Sawing Contest These are the folks that come early and stay late to keep everything running smoothly. I also want to thank all the workers that worked in the heat and the rain because without you we could not make this happen. Also want to thank the Ackermans (Rafe, Phyllis, and Mike) for pulling the float in the parade. The German Club Students were telling me how great a time they had riding the float and how nice the driver was. The Strassenfest is a big job and it certainly goes much easier when we have a large crew. The Club officers truly do appreciate all the volunteer work that does go into the making of a successful fest. We hope each and every one of you were able to attend out annual picnic, which is our reward to you for all your efforts. Matt Hilger, picnic chairman, has lined up super food and entertainment. Thanks again for a great Strassenfest and all the work you put into it. Oktober Fest and Deutsch Country Days & Wine Country, Missouri October 20-21, 2007 Sign up now for a great Bus trip to the Lexenhaus Farm where German pioneer folkways and skills are performed as they did years ago. On the way home there will be 16 wineries that we will be sampling their wine and enjoying there hospitably. You don’ want to miss out on this great trip. So get your name in, there are about 10 spots open. Thanks For A Great Picnic Congratulations to Matthias Hilger and his Committee for another successful Family Picnic. Committee members included Wolfgang Erhardt, Bob Fleck, Patti Goepfrich, Virgil and Judy Gress, Harry and Gabi Guensche, Dan and Kathy Gutgsell, Jim and Louise Gutgsell, and Jan Hulsman. Sharon Dilger, Martina Eckert, and Judy Gress were at the Greeting Table. A big thank you to Bob and Janice Sunderman for their efforts on the beer!!! Please remember to return any empty beer bottles to Bob Sunderman or Matthias Hilger. Upcoming Events of the Deutscher Verein German American Heritage Dinner Tuesday, October 9 th, at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant November Meeting Dan Hoffman has graciously agreed to conduct our annual Auction of donated items with 100% of the proceeds donated to support the Jasper High School German Student Exchange program. Everyone is encouraged to bring an item or two for this Auction. Please be generous! Items donated in previous years have included baked goods, crafts, furniture, homemade wine, German items, and Holiday items. Be creative – the more variety and quantity of items we have in the Auction, the more funds will be raised to support the Exchange Program. Come prepared to have some fun...and to bid! The Auction will be held at the Jasper VFW. December Deutscher Verein Meeting The December meeting will be on Thursday, December 6, 2007 and will be our Annual Christmas Party. The Christmas Party will be at the VFW. Fran Johnson will be creating a great meal for us again this year. Make plans to bring in the Christmas Season. January Deutscher Verein Meeting The January meeting will be on Thursday, January 17, 2007, at the VFW. As has become our custom, this meeting will be our annual beer and wine tasting/judging gathering. Members are encouraged to bring samples of their beer and wine making for the annual competition. Categories will be judged in Grape Wine, Non-Grape / Other Wines, and Beer. Let’s have a great turnout and let us know which beer or wine you feel is the best See upcoming newsletters for more details! German Heritage Day Program and Annual German Heritage Award The Jasper Deutscher Verein, Jasper Partnership Commission, and Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc. will celebrate German-American Day on Tuesday, October 9 th, with a dinner at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant. The dinner and program will honor the contributions made by German immigrants to the life and culture of the United States. The program will begin with opening remarks by Virgil Gress, president of the Deutscher Verein. Matthias Hilger, president of the Jasper Partnership Commission, will present the German-American Heritage Award. The award will be presented to an individual or group who has contributed generously his/her or their time, talents or resources to maintaining, improving or building upon the German roots in Dubois County. The recognition is open to all individuals. Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission created the award in 1999. The Jasper Deutscher Verein is sponsoring the award. Past recipients are Mary Jo Meuser, Claude and Martina Eckert, Dave Buehler, Linus and Sally Lechner, Joe and Irene C. Eckerle, Dan and Linda Wehr, Leo and Lora Lou Eckerle, and the late Lowell and Joan Glendening. Kristen Ruhe, Executive Director of the Dubois County Visitors Center & Tourism Commission, will be guest speaker. She will give a presentation on tourism in Dubois County and its ties to German heritage. Dan Gutgsell, president of Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc. will have closing comments. An essay contest open to all seniors in the four county school corporations is being held in conjunction with German-American Day on Tuesday, October 9th. There are three essay topics. The students may pick one of the three topics. They are “What does German heritage mean to me?”, “What can we, as the younger generation, do to help maintain and preserve our German heritage?”, and “Note local or family German names as they relate to the towns or villages that immigrants came from, the meaning of the family names, relationship to geographic location, occupation, etc.”. A winner from each school corporation will be named from the essays submitted, and the four winners will attend the German-American Day Dinner and read their winning essays at the German-American Day Dinner. Each winner will be awarded a $250 scholarship. The German American Bank is the financial sponsor of the contest. The public is invited to attend the dinner and program. The social hour begins at 6p.m. with the program and German-style buffet at 6:30p.m. The cost is $10 a person for the buffet with a cash bar. Reservations are needed and can be made by calling Patti Goepfrich at 482-4821 by October 2 nd. A sign up sheet for the dinner will be available at the Family Picnic.
October 1 to 6 is celebrated in communities and German classes throughout the nation. It is an important week in German-American history: On October 1, 1608 the first Germans arrived in Jamestown, VA. On October 3, 1991 we remember the Day of German Unity, and on October 6, we commemorate the arrival, in 1683, of the First German group on the ship " Concord." Under the leadership of Franz Daniel Pastorius they
founded the first German town in America, Germantown, PA. We suggest that you mark April 17-20, 2008 on your calendar and join us in Williamsburg for this great event. We will keep you informed about From Indiana German Heritage Society Newsletter, Fall, 2007 News from Norb Krapf Norb Krapf and Monika Herzig will perform from their forthcoming jazz and poetry CD, Imagine – Indiana in Music and Words at the following venues: Sun., Oct. 21, 2:00-3:00 p.m., The Artsgarden, Circle Center Mall, Washington St., Indy, Jazz and Poetry with Norbert Krapf and Monika Herzig Thurs., Oct. 25, The Waldron, Bloomington, evening performance, Jazz and Poetry, Norbert Krapf and Monika Herzig, as part of a poetry event. Friday, Oct. 26, 7:00-9:00 p.m., Earth House Coffee Shop, (Central United Methodist Church, New York and East Streets, Indy), Jazz and Poetry with Norbert Krapf and Monika Herzig Fri., Nov. 30, 7:00-9:00 p.m., Earth House Coffee Shop, CD release party for Norbert Krapf and Monika Herzig’s Imagine - Indiana in Music and Words Sun., Dec. 9, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Dubois County Museum, Jasper, IN, Norbert Krapf and Monika Herzig perform from Imagine – Indiana in Music and Words Address Changes for Newsletters If a member has an address change, please notify Rita Egler at P. O. Box 15, Jasper, IN 47547-0015 or call her at 634-9068. Any help you can give in maintaining postage costs is greatly appreciated!!!! Potential New Club Members If someone knows of a potential new club member and would like information about the Deutscher Verein forwarded, please contact Ruth Wibbels at 482-5403 or Rita Egler at 634-9068. German Attire Needed..... The Strassenfest Queen Pageant committee is trying to compile a list of names for the pageant winners to call when they need to borrow clothes for Strassenfest weekend. The clothing needed is for the queen and her runners up, Little Miss and Little Mister. There is talk of a new level called Jr. Miss for next year so that would involve the Middle School ages. Your generosity in allowing your outfits to be borrowed would be greatly appreciated. It would make it so much easier for the committee and candidates to have a list of names and sizes instead of using the "jungle network" each year. The committee is also asking that if anyone is finished with their outfits, they will take them as donations and they do have a place to store them. If you would like to help out the committee, please call Becky Hickman, 482 - 2540.
Erinnerst Du Dich? From The Dubois County Daily Herald Geh Rous Die Shed! Many of the old citizens of Dubois county thought they were talking good German when in reality they were using an ingenious mixture of German and English. When my grandfather, Blaise Hettich, my parents, Christian and Maria Rumbach and two elder brothers arrived in Jasper from Baden, Germany, they were cordially received by grandpa’s brother, Mathias Hettich and his good wife, Aunt Paula (Eckerle) Hettich, a native of Jasper. Wanting to be helpful in every way, Aunt Paula, referring to one of the big sea-chests in which they brought their clothes to America, said to my father: “Geh, Christian, geh rous die SHED; hohl den HATCHET, und OPEN die BOX. Rehm rous die SUITS and HANG sie on die FENCE in the BACKYARD und gib ihnen am gute AIRING. By selle TIME is BREAKFAST READY.” Dad was in a quandary what he was expected to do, for each of the capitalized words above were English and meant nothing to him. But he had his first lesson in English, and as the objects were pointed out to him, he understood and made them a part of his own vocabulary. German Potato Cheese Soup Servings: 12 Ingredients: 4 cups water Directions: In a large stock pot, combine water, chicken broth, chicken soup base, black pepper, carrots, diced potatoes, and onion. Bring to a boil, and then reduce heat. Simmer 15 minutes or until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. Add celery and red bell pepper, and simmer for 5 minutes. Gradually add mayonnaise to hot soup, whisking until smooth. Reduce heat to medium low. Gradually stir in processed cheese, sharp Cheddar cheese, and Swiss cheese; continue stirring until cheese melts, about 5 minutes. Mix in potato flakes. Remove from heat, and let sit for 15 minutes before serving. (From www.derdeutschemichel-online.de) Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit, der Gemut-lich-keit, Ein Prosit Ein Prosit, der Gemut-lich-keit, Eins Zwei, Drei…G’suffa A toast, A toast, To happy times, A toast, A toast, To happy times, One, two three… drink up Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) A donor-advised endowment to benefit generations in ensuring that our German heritage is preserved and enriched in Jasper and Dubois County. Claude and Martina Eckert A designated endowment to provide support to Sister Cities of Jasper, Inc. to support the Jasper/Pfaffenweiler relationship. A gift to the Jasper Deutscher Verein (German Club) German Heritage Endowment or to the Claude and Martina Eckert Sister Cities Endowment is a wonderful way to remember that special someone. A gift in honor of someone or in memory of someone may be given. The Dubois County Community Foundation will send a letter of acknowledgment to the individual being honored or to the family of someone being remembered. Send your gift along with the appropriate information to the Dubois County Community Foundation, P. O. Box 269, Jasper, IN 47547-0269. Envelopes are also available at the greeting table at each club meeting.
Enclosed is my gift of $___________. Please direct my gift to the __________________________________ Endowment (Please specify appropriate Endowment). Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________ I want my gift to be in memory of/in honor of: _____________________________________________
Please acknowledge gift: Name: _______________________________________ Address:______________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________ If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact Matthias Hilger or Patti Goepfrich.