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May 2009
JASPER DEUTSCHERVEREIN March Meeting The Jasper Deutscher Verein met March 19, 2009 at the VFW where 85 members were present. The club welcomed two new members. They are Cliff and Pam Howard. President Al Bennett welcomed attending members and thanked the welcoming committee consisting of Rita Egler, Margie Jeffries, Judy Gress, Sharon Dilger, Barb Schmitt, and Linda Wehr, who was also taking sign-ups for the Strassenfest food booths work schedule. After the meal of hot dogs, French fires and baked beans prepared by Fran and her crew, appetizers and desserts provided by the members, a brief meeting was held. President Bennett announced that 18 visitors from Pfaffenweiler will be attending this year's Strassenfest. Matt Hilger was congratulated for being selected as the 2009 Strassenfest Grand Marshall . Secretary Barb Schmitt read the minutes of the February meeting. Treasurer Rita Egler gave the financial report. Both were approved by all. Vice-President Birnie Jeffries provided information on April's meeting. Green Thumb Landscaping will give the presentation on Spring Planting, new plants that are available, and "going green". Al then introduced Matt Hilger, President of the Jasper Partnership Commission. Matt provided information regarding our upcoming guests from Pfaffenweiler. He discussed some of the events where are being planned, plus various public relations activities. Matt and the Partnership Commission are in the planning stages of our trip to Pfaffenweiler next year to celebrate the 25 th Anniversary of the Sister Cities. More information will be forthcoming. Birnie Jeffries and the Recycled Teenagers gave a great performance at our Sock Hop themed evening. Winners of the contests were: Brenda Buehler, who showed off her "hoola hoop" skills; Aaron Rasche who won the Elvis Impersonator contest, only slightly upstaged by little Xavier; Lora Lou Eckerle and Xavier Rasche who were the Best Dressed Couple. A big things also goes to Phil Buecher and Dave Kluemper who were more than entertaining! Thanks to everyone who participated. It was lots of laughs! Attendance prizes were won by Pam Howard and Art Kapp. The evening's "Special Prizes" went to Art Kapp and Sharon Dilger. The next meeting will be held on April 16. Social hour will be at 6:00p.m. , at the VFW. At 6:30 we will have appetizers and desserts provided by the members. A - L brings a dessert, M - Z bring appetizers. The club will provide chips and drinks. 7pm - meeting 7:30pm - program provided by Green Thumb Submitted by Barb Schmitt, Secretary JASPER DEUTSCHERVEREIN April Meeting The Jasper Deutscher Verein met April 16, 2009 at the VFW where 76 members were present. The club welcomed 4 new members. They are Fred Routson, Jeremy and Natalie Combs, and Kara Bodle. President Al Bennett welcomed attending members and thanked the welcoming committee consisting of Rita Egler, Judy Bennett, Margie Jeffries, Linda Wehr, who was also taking sign-ups for the Strassenfest food booths work schedule, and Erin White, German teacher at Jasper High. After the ample appetizers and desserts brought by the membership, a brief meeting was held. President Bennett called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Judy Bennett read the minutes of the March meeting in place of Secretary Barb Schmitt who could not attend. Treasurer Rita Egler read the treasurer report. President Bennett announced that there are 19 students from Germany staying with various local families from April 14 - 27. Their two accompanying teachers are Antje Hopfe-Mueller who is staying with Bill and Marlene Seger and Karola Festag who is staying with Dave and Sandy Wehr. Bennett gave a report on the Strassenfest:
Everyone was encouraged to wear as much of the German costuming and clothing as possible. Barbara Mohr from Ferdinand is making the vests for the women. Virginia Schepers of Celestine is making the vests for the men. Rita Egler has a website address for buttons and other miscellaneous items. Linda Wehr has a website for dirndls, lederhosen and other clothing. Patti Goepfrich has small American and German flag sets for $8.00. Patti Goepfrich gave a very entertaining report about her recent trip to Pfaffenweiler. She told us about some of the changes that have taken place since Buergermeister Dieter Hahn has been elected, one of which is a new day care center. She also had lunch with Fritz and Brigitte Gutgsell who continue to be active in the community and now have many grandchildren. Birnie and Margie Jeffries and their daughter Natalie Combs treated us to some wonderful tips and information on spring planting, some new plants that are available and the new "green" chemicals. Green Thumb Landscaping provided the door prize which was a large basket filled with outside plants and won by Bonnie Wininger. The Special Prizes were won by Linus Lechner and Linda Wehr. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 21 at the Riverwalk unless inclement weather dictates that it be held at the VFW. Social hour starts at 6pm with appetizers and desserts provided by the members at 6:30pm . Members with last names beginning with A - N (note the change) are asked to bring appetizers; those with last names beginning with O - Z (note the change) are asked to bring desserts. The club will provide bratwursts, sauerkraut, chips and drinks for a nominal fee of $5.00. 7pm - meeting 7:30pm - program will be a mixture of entertainment and information. The Ray Majors band trio will play throughout dinner. Nathan Humbert, a 3 rd year West Point cadet, son of Gene and Donna Humbert will give a Power Point program on life at West Point and how his German heritage and the support of the German Club has influenced his life at West Point.. He has earned the academy's German Proficiency Badge. Finally, we will walk from the Gazebo over to the Mill for recognition by ROJAC for our funding of the water wheel and plaza. Submitted by Barb Schmitt, Secretary Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendars May Deutscher Verein Meeting Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009 Place: Riverwalk Plaza (VFW in case of inclement weather) Time: 6:00PM Social Hour 6:30PM Members with last names beginning with A - N (note the change) are asked to bring appetizers; those with last names beginning with O - Z (note the change) are asked to bring desserts. The club will provide bratwursts, sauerkraut, chips and drinks for a nominal fee of $5.00. 7:00pm Club Meeting 7:30pm Program. Our program will be a mixture of entertainment and information. The Ray Majors band trio will play throughout dinner. Nathan Humbert, a 3 rd year West Point cadet, son of Gene and Donna Humbert will give a Power Point program on life at West Point and how his German heritage and the support of the German Club has influenced his life at West Point.. He has earned the academy's German Proficiency Badge. Finally, we will walk from the Gazebo over to the Mill for recognition by ROJAC for our funding of the water wheel and plaza. The plaza's name will be revealed. In addition, the train cars will be open for viewing. Since the meeting will be outside, weather permitting, members are asked to bring a lawn chair. If the weather looks inclement on that day, please listen to the radio for updates. This will be our last meeting before Strassenfest. We encourage everyone, who hasn't already signed up to work a shift at either of the food booths to please do so. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please call Judy Bennett at 482 - 4275 or Linda Wehr at 482 - 4432 to request a shift time. . Strassenfest - July 30th - August 2nd Family Picnic at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation Club - Saturday, September 19th German Heritage Dinner at the Schnitzelbank - Tuesday, October 6th A Thought from your Vice President As Al Bennett settles into his role of President, and I, as Vice President, it's assuring to me that we are going to make a difference. I want the German Club to be a place where my family can go and get a spiritual uplifting. I want to leave our membership meetings feeling good about you and myself, that we all are working together to promote German Heritage and since happy socializing. The Jeffries Klan came here from Scotland and I have Irish blood in me as well. My German mother was a Stahl so you could truly say that I am a mixed breed. I really like that! President Bennett and I are on the same page concerning the effort to make our meetings more enjoyable and creating a true environment for audience participation. All I ask of you, is work with me and Al to make this happen. We will lead if you will just follow Vice President Birnie Jeffries Looking for Host Families Pfaffenweiler Area Students at JHS We are expecting more students from the Pfaffenweiler area to join our youth at the Jasper High School in the fall. Josephine Schweitzer from Pfaffenweiler is scheduled to come for three weeks, and two 17 year old girls from the Staufen Gymnasium, Anna-Lisa Weber and Jana Ortlieb, are schedule for the whole school year. We are looking for host families for them. Anyone who wants to be a host family or knows someone who might be interested, please call Matthias Hilger at 661-0624. Currently we have Sebastian Loeffler from the Staufen Gymnasium staying with Rosalie Ruell for the whole 2008/09 school year, Annika Marschall from Pfaffenweiler staying with Louise and Jim Gutgsell for the total two semesters, and in January Sara Guenter from the Staufen Gymnasium (her father is the Pfaffenweiler's town doctor) joined us for the second semester, and she is being hosted by Sandy and Mark Fierst. A very big Thank You goes to these host families and their commitment. (Information provided by Matthias Hilger) Deutscher Verein Float for the Strassenfest Parade The float has been reserved for the Pfaffenweiler visitors for the parade. Mike Ackerman will pull the Float with the Ackerman Oil Tractor. Any interested club members are invited to help clean the float at the warehouse near the Riverwalk on Tuesday, July 21 st at 6 PM . Please call Raymie Eckerle, Float Chairman, at 482-2774 if you have any questions or want to volunteer your services. 18 Visitors from Pfaffenweiler will be visiting Jasper for the Strassenfest On his first official visit to Jasper, Buergermeister Dieter Hahn will lead a delegation from Pfaffenweiler to the Jasper Strassenfest this year. The group of 18 will arrive in Jasper around 8:00pm on July 29 th . They are Buergermeister Dieter Hahn and his 17 year old son Julian, Franz and Baerbel Hilger, Eddie Weeger, Heinrich and Gisela Hueppe, Bernd and Ingeborg Gehler, Amalie Schmid, Ingeborg (Schuble) Kiefer, Doris (Kiefer) and Janez Sori, Cornelia Muller-Hauss and Emil Ehrat, Markus Boesch, Michael Eckert, and Angelika Schenkel (Kiefer). They will be involved in many official parts of the Strassenfest and with ROJAC activities like the Opening Ceremony and Parade of the Strassenfest, Jasper Mill activities by ROJAC and an official Partnership Meeting at the City Hall. An official community evening inviting everyone to meet the group is scheduled for Thursday, August 6th, at the Dubois County Museum . There will be a tour of the Museum at 6:00pm and dinner at 7:00pm . The guests will be treated to an "All-American" meal. The meal will cost $10 per person with a cash bar. Everyone is invited to attend to give our guests a great sendoff. Their departure event will be on Friday, August 7th at 1:00 pm at St. Joseph 's North Parking Lot. They will leave from there at 1:45 for the airport. A few host families are still needed and anyone interested in helping out, please contact Matthias Hilger at 661-0624. This visit will help refine next year's 25 th Sister City anniversary celebration in Pfaffenweiler. Plans for this future event are being put together as well and further announcement are expected in the near future with dates, program and travel details. The Jasper Partnership Commission is scheduled to present more details over the next several months, especially. on the WITZ Gary Lee Show on June 15th and July 15th at 7am. Buergermeister Dieter Hahn and his son, Julian JHS German Exchange Students On May 27 th , 11 students from the Jasper High School and their chaperones Erin White and Sandy Wehr will depart from Evansville to Berlin, Germany, travel to Poessneck to visit their counterparts there, then move on to Munich and Neuschwanstein to spend the last 1.5 weeks at the Staufen Gymnasium. They are expected to return to Jasper on 6/24. Thank you to everyone who helped support the program by purchasing BR Bucks, getting lunch at their Hamburger Sales and dinner at the Chili Suppers. A special Thank You to the Deutscher Verein, Sister Cities of Jasper, and the Dubois County Community Foundation. JASPER GERMAN CLUB PICNIC 2009 On Saturday September 19 th , 2009 we will have our annual German Club Picnic at the Jasper Outdoor Recreation to celebrate our families and the Deutscher Verein as well as saying thank you to the many people who put a lot of work into our social club throughout the year. Doors will open at 4pm with Mass being held at 4:30pm (this time is not for certain yet). Dinner will be served at 5:30pm . This year we are going wild with our menu. A few member hunters agreed to supply us with mainly rabbit and deer meat and we will prepare in various ways. We are working closely with Wolfgang Ehrhardt to see what recipes he can come up with for us. More details to be announced in the next newsletter. A few different fresh brews are being made by the Jasper Suds Club Beer. They are brewing a total of 30 gallons of beer, providing us with 10 gallons of Wheat beer, 10 gallons Koelsch, 5 gallons Porter and 5 gallons Oktoberfest. They are planning to use some of the hops that were harvested from Father John's house in at least one of these beers! We had various discussions about a keg or bottles, but are leaning towards bottling it all again. That way, folks can just take bottles to the tables with them and we don't have to worry about foamy kegs. Bring your own Beer Steins. It tastes so much better versus out of a plastic cup. Everyone is invited to the picnic. We will have Rita Egler and Danny Wehr give a report on this year's Strassenfest. Wear your outfits and show your German pride. Special Invitation goes to the Strassenfest Committee, all Jasper High School German Exchange Students and their parents, the Jasper Suds Club and any of your friends. We will have sign up sheets for the German Heritage Dinner to be held on Tuesday, October 6 th , at the Schnitzelbank. We will have many of the souvenirs from our Strassenfest Souvenir Booth for sale on hand as well. This will be the last year Matthias Hilger will be organizing the picnic after ten years as being Picnic Chairman. We are looking for Matthias's replacement. Many details are already in place and Matthias is open to still be on the team down the road to help. Sara-Kristin Guenter Sara-Kristin is from the community of Staufen , Germany and is 15 years old. When in Germany , she attends the Faust Gymnasium in Staufen. She is presently attending Jasper High School and is a junior. She arrived the end of December, 2008 and is planning to leave Jasper the beginning of July. She is participating in Spring Soccer (D.C. United). She enjoys meeting friends when she is not studying. She believes school is more difficult in Germany and JHS is more organized. She states that the relationship between the students and teachers is better in Jasper than in Germany and that the school systems are completely different. The enrollment of Faust Gymnasium is about the same as JHS. Sara-Kristin participated in the three week student exchange and wanted to return to Jasper for a longer period because she enjoyed her first visit to Jasper and JHS. She would like to return and attend college here in the States. Sara-Kristin is hosted by Mark and Sandy Fierst. Sebastian Loeffler with his host, Drew Belk Sebastian Loeffler is age 15 and arrived in Jasper on August 6, 2008 and will be leaving Jasper on May 26, 2009 . Sebastian's home community is Heitersheim , Germany and attends Faust Gymnasium in Staufen. While attending Jasper High School , he is a junior. He has participated in soccer and is considering spring track. His favorite activity on weekends is being with friends. He states that the class topics, amount of homework, and way of grading are pretty much the same in Germany and at JHS. At JHS, the class schedule is the same each day and in Germany , the class schedule is different each day and at JHS, there is warm food for lunch! He came to Jasper because of the exchange program. He wanted to learn English and learn more about American culture, Jasper, and how we live in the United States . He is having a great time with Drew Belk!!! Remember to Sign Up For a Shift in either the Food Booth or Pastry Stand During the Strassenfest We encourage everyone, who hasn't already signed up to work a shift at either of the food booths to please do so. Please call Judy Bennett at 482 - 4275 or Linda Wehr at 482 - 4432 to request a shift time. Annika Marschall Annika is 17 years old and is a junior at Jasper High School . Her home community in Germany is Pfaffenweiler. Before coming to Jasper, she attended St. Ursula Gymnasium in Freiburg . While at JHS, she is a member of the Marching Band and Advance Concert Bank and plays clarinet, and a member of the JHS Swim Team. She arrived in Jasper on July 22, 2008 and will leave on May 27, 2009 . She enjoys being with friends and her host siblings, Matthew and Olivia Gutgsell and considers them as her family. She states that there is a huge difference between school in Jasper and in Germany . In Germany, the students remain in the classroom and the teachers rotate, except for science. She says that the relationship between students and teachers is much better here than in Germany . Annika came to Jasper because of the awesome relationship between Jasper and Pfaffenweiler. She is proud to be one of the many individuals to help maintain the relationship. She also wanted to improve her English and experience American culture and life in Jasper. She is anxious to see her family in Germany but is not looking forward to leaving her host family, Louise, Jim, Matthew, and Olivia Gutgsell. She feels they are a real family after only seven months!! News from Norb Krapf Indiana Poet Laureate Norb will read from his new Sweet Sister Moon , celebrations of women, at the Dubois County Museum on Friday, July 31, at 6:30pm and sign books and will be back at the Museum the next day to sign books 10-12 and 1-3. Norb commissioned Ferdinand native Ashley Verkamp to create the cover art, which is gorgeous. The following are the three blurbs from women writers that will be on the back cover. Sweet Sister Moon: Poems WordTech Editions August, 2009 In a deftly orchestrated collection of mixed voices, down-home sensual, jazzy, elegant and spare, Norbert Krapf blesses the women in his life: mother, wife, daughter, old flames, singers, sisters, familial and social. A touching meditation on the brief presence of an unborn sister explores the mystery of creation. Krapf is mindful of feminine curves in the body of the land, Daphne, and goddesses of nature. Poets are summoned: Walt Whitman and his fictive daughters, Emily Dickinson, whose baked bread leaves us with its fresh aura. So, too, does the poet's tribute to painter Andrew Wyeth in the stately "Helga Songs." On the other side of the country, a Diné woman (Navajo) glows in an ambitious sequence celebrating native rites. Turned to more playful cadences, jazz greats pull out their stops; Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, Ma Rainey and Cassandra Wilson singing "a mean country heartbreak." Folk song echoes reverberate in this book composed in the American grain and offering a loving world that marks a new range in this well-praised poet's career. Colette Inez , author of Clemency and The Secret of M. Dulong Sweet Sister Moon , a courageous exploration of women's lives, does what only great poetry can do. It gifts the reader with new sight, transforming the ordinary into something exquisite, precious, worthy of honor. This book is a timely contribution to the struggle to heal a culture that has marginalized women's experiences. Demetria Martinez , author of Mother Tongue and Confessions of a Berlitz-Tape Chicana . In these poems, Indiana poet laureate Norbert Krapf celebrates the universal feminine in the particular: in the stunningly observed paintings of Helga by Andrew Wyeth and in his own love for wife and daughter, for music and friends, and for the rolling hills of the Midwestern landscape. Susan Neville , author of Sailing the Inland Sea and Indiana Winter German Heritage Day Program and German Heritage Award The 11th annual German American Day Program will be held on Tuesday, October 6th, at the Schnitzelbank Restaurant. Social hour begins at 6:00 pm with the Program beginning at 6:30 pm . The eleventh annual German Heritage Award will be presented. Past recipients of the German Heritage Award are Mary Jo Meuser, Claude and Martina Eckert, Dave Buehler, Linus and Sally Lechner, Joe and Irene C. Eckerle, Danny and Linda Wehr, Leo and Lora Lou Eckerle, the late Lowell and Joan Glendening, Dave and Janet Kluemper, and Rafe and Phyllis Ackerman. The Nomination Form for the 2009 German Heritage Award is printed on the back of this newsletter. Please nominate someone whom you believe has given what they can in order to make a difference. The German American Bank will again sponsor an essay contest open to all seniors in the four county high schools. More details of the German American Day Dinner and Program will be available after the Strassenfest. Remember to Sign Up For a Shift in either the Food Booth or Pastry Stand During the Strassenfest We encourage everyone, who hasn't already signed up to work a shift at either of the food booths to please do so. Please call Judy Bennett at 482 - 4275 or Linda Wehr at 482 - 4432 to request a shift time. Sister Cities of Jasper "Honoring those who promote our German Heritage" The annual German Heritage Award is presented to an individual or group who has contributed generously his/her or their time, talents or resources to maintaining, improving or building upon our German roots in Dubois County. Sister Cities of Jasper and the Jasper Partnership Commission created the award in 1999. The Jasper Deutscher Verein is sponsoring the award. This recognition is open to all individuals, not just residents of the City of Jasper , who give what they can in order to make a difference. Because the efforts of these individuals are sometimes known only to a few, a nomination will recognize the work of those who generously support our German Heritage. A committee, consisting of the Presidents of the Jasper Deutscher Verein, Sister Cities of Jasper, and the Jasper Partnership Commission, will judge all nominations. The Presidents will present the German Heritage Award during the German American Day Dinner celebration on October 6th at the Schnitzelbank. How you can nominate: The nominee must be an individual or group, nominated by any individual or group. Please submit the official form (copy is accepted), along with the following: A letter of up to one page listing your reasons for the nomination. A biography, up to two pages, listing the service or efforts of the nominee. Mail or deliver your nomination to: Jasper Deutscher Verein German Heritage Award Nomination for the 2009 German Heritage Award Nominee's Name: _________________________________________ Home Address: _________________________________________ City: _______________________State:_____________ ZIP:________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Occupation: _________________________________________ Nominator's Name: _________________________________________ Home Address: _________________________________________ City: _______________________________State:_____ ZIP:__________ Relationship to nominee: _________________________________________ Nominee's service is: voluntary / paid (circle one) (Remember, nominations need to be postmarked to German Heritage Award, P. O. Box 15 , Jasper , IN 47547-0015 , by September 2, 2009 ) Address Changes for Newsletters If a member has an address change, please notify Rita Egler at P. O. Box 15 , Jasper , IN 47547-0015 or call her at 634-9068. Any help you can give in maintaining postage costs is greatly appreciated!!!! Potential New Club Members If someone knows of a potential new club member and would like information about the Deutscher Verein forwarded, please contact Rita Egler at 634-9068. Membership Dues It's that time of year again! Please submit your dues for 2009 as soon as possible by completing and sending in the following form at the back of the Newsletter. We will be wrapping up our 2009 Membership Roster on May 31, 2009. If your dues are not received by then, your name will be deleted from the newsletter mailing list. Single membership is $5.00 per year and a couple membership is $10 per year. What a deal!!! What an opportunity to experience our German heritage on a monthly basis. Renew your membership now OR give a membership for a family member or someone new to the area. What a welcoming gift!!!! Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit, der Gemut-lich-keit, Ein Prosit Ein Prosit, der Gemut-lich-keit, Eins Zwei, Drei.G'suffa A toast, A toast, To happy times, A toast, A toast, To happy times, One, two three. drink up